Parent Hood (Special Story #1)

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"Varian! Where's Amelia?!"

"I thought you had her!"

"I have Damian! Oh God, where could she be?!"

Here you were, scrambling around your small cottage. What were you doing exactly? You were trying to find your 3-year-old little girl, Amelia.

"Did you check the closet?!"

"Three times Varian! She wasn't in there! Did you check the backyard?!"

"Four times!"

You groaned. In your arms was your 2-year-old son, Damian. He was crying very loudly as you poorly handled him as you frantically searched your entire home.

"Did you check the bathroom (Y/N)?!"

"I told you already, we locked the door before she went missing remember?!"

You finally set Damian on the couch and you tried to calm him down by making silly faces at him. That only made his screaming and crying worse.

Varian then came in and started pacing the room, mumbling to himself in a panic.

"Varian calm down, she couldn't have gone far. Ow! Damian don't pull my hair!" Damian had managed to grab your hair and you were trying to pry it out of his tiny baby hands. At least he was laughing now.

"What if she got into the knives?! Oh God, I need to check!" Varian then ran into the kitchen and you could hear pots and pans falling and hitting the ground. "Ah! I-I'll pick those up later!"

You sighed and shook your head and Damian whined that you pulled your hair out of his grip.

Then there was a knock on the door. "I'll get it!" Varian then scrambled over to the door, almost tripping over a pan.

Varian opened the door and standing outside was Cassandra, holding a sleeping Amelia in her arms.

"Lose something?" She chuckled, carefully handing Amelia to Varian.

"Oh my God, thank you, Cassie! Where did you find her? We've been looking everywhere for her!"

"Apparently, she managed to walk all the way to Corona. I was guarding the front entrance and she came right up to me. You should pay more attention to her." Cassandra waved goodbye and then left.

Varian sighed and closed the door. He then walked into the living room where he saw you sitting on the couch and tickling Damian.

"Guess who decided to show up." He chuckled nervously and sat down beside you.

"Where was she?!" You said while looking at your daughter.

"Well, let's just say she found Cassandra." Varian rubbed the back of his neck and shrugged.

Your jaw dropped and you shook your head. "She went all the way to Corona?! We are such bad parents!" You groaned and slouched back in your seat.

Your son giggled and pointed a finger at you. "Mommy tired!"

"Damian, it's not nice to point at people." Varian chuckled, patting Damian on the head.

"Sowwy daddy!" Damian giggled.

You sighed and sat up, looking at your daughter once again. "I can't believe we let that happen.."

"Like my dad said, it is a learning experience. Remember when he gave us tips for when Damian went to my old home?"

"Yeah but we still don't understand this 'parenting' thing and we have two children!" You groaned again and looked down at the ground.

Varian placed his hand on your shoulder and said, "Hey, we got this. It will just take us time. I'm sure we'll get the hang of it."

You looked back up at Varian and he gave you a reassuring smile which made you feel a little better.

Yeah, maybe you would get the hang of it. You just kind of hoped you would get the hang of it today.

"Besides, we're a team! We'll never do this without each other!" Varian said. He then kissed your cheek and you smiled at Varian.

"Ewww! Cooties!" Damian shouted as he squirmed in your arms.

You and Varian laughed and you showered your son in kisses, teasing him and laughing some more.

Later that day, you and Varian put Amelia and Damian down to rest. Then the two of you decided to sit on the front lawn and watch the clouds roll by.

"See (Y/N)? We got this!" Varian laughed and you elbowed him in the shoulder.

You two would do your best to raise your kids right. Even if it meant getting sleepless nights and working overtime in order to pay for food and water.

Parent Hood didn't seem to be that easy at first. But as long as you and Varian had each other, you were sure you would do it right.


Short, I know! This idea was made by AutumnSparkle2468. Thank you for giving me this idea for one of the Special Stories! I appreciate it so much! I used one of my old friends' name for this, Amelia I miss youuu and I know you're not reading this! XD
Thanks for reading! :3

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