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Happy 4th of July guys! Thank you all for being here and reading my story! I hope you all spend some time with your family and friends today :3

Sorry for not updating the story yesterday! I was tired and I had a hard time trying to finish Cassandra's Little Sister Part 2 (writers block DX). I should be back to updating twice a day again, although I have a TON of unfinished stories and they keep piling up T^T


"Hey, has anyone seen Varian?" You asked as you walked into the main hall where all your friends had been waiting.

"Not since this morning, he did say something about a machine or something." Eugene shrugged then taking a bite of his apple.

Huh, that's strange. Varian never told you about this, "machine" when you saw him about 2 hours ago.

"Well, wherever he is he better hurry up. The suns going down and we need to get ready for the festival." Cassandra huffed and crossed her arms.

Oh right! The 4th of July Festival was today, how could you forget?

"Should I go look for him?"

"I'm sure he's fine-"

Cassandra was interrupted by the doors bursting open.

"Everyone! If you could all please follow me outside!" Varian said while trying to catch his breath.

"There you are Varian! I've been looking everywhere for you!" You walked over to Varian and he grabbed your arm.

"You're gonna love this guys, trust me!" Varian then dragged you out of the room.

Everyone looked at each other and shrugged their shoulders before following you and Varian outside.


"Alright everyone, we're here! Now, just close your eyes and I'll be right back!" Varian had let go of your arm and then ran off into the bushes.

He had led you all to a small field not too far from Corona, the sun was still about to fully set.

"What is this all about?" Lance asked, he then sat down on the cool grass and looked around.

"I have no idea but I'm so excited!" Rapunzel squealed and jumped up and down.

"You guys better be closing your eyes!" Varian called from somewhere in the bushes.

Everyone else including you sat down on the grass and closed their eyes. Eugene had to cover Rapunzel's eyes to make sure she didn't peek.

You all could hear rustling and metal squeaking, leaving you even more curious than you were before.

Varian huffed and then said, "Alright everyone, you can open your eyes now!"

You and your group of friends slowly opened their eyes. In front of you was a machine with a lever attached to it and a few buttons here and there.

"What is it?" You asked, sitting up more and trying to get a better look at this new metal machine.

"You'll see!" Varian chuckled, he then pressed a few buttons and took a deep breath before grabbing the lever.

He hesitated a little, looking a bit nervous. He then pulled the lever and rushed over to your side, sitting down next you.

All of a sudden, something shot up out of the machine, sending something into the air.

Once high enough, that something exploded into a bunch of light. The light then flickered and disappeared.

Everyone sat there in amazement and shock, staring up at the starry sky.

"What- what was that?" You asked, now looking at Varian's machine.

Varian laughed and stood up, walking back to his machine. "I call that, a firework. The bright sparkles in fireworks come from burning small bits of metal, such as iron or steel filings. The fuse sets off a charge, which ignites the gunpowder. This propels the firework into the sky. Once the firework is in the sky, the gunpowder within the firework ignites."

"Do it again!!" Rapunzel said, clapping her hands.

"Yeah! Show us that again kid!" Eugene chuckled.

Cassandra crossed her arms and smiled. "This will be worth missing the festival."

Varian smiled and pressed a few buttons again. "This should make them go off until the machine runs out of power." He then pulled the lever and sat down next to you again.

Everyone watched the fireworks shoot up into the sky and blast color across the atmosphere.

You hugged Varian's arm and rested your head on his shoulder. In return, he laid his head on yours. You both watched the beautiful firework show.

You then kissed Varian's cheek and smiled at him, he smiled back at you.

"Happy 4th of July Varian." You said.

"Happy 4th of July milady." He replied.

"AWW LOOK AT THEM, THEY'RE ADORABLE!!" Rapunzel yelled, then squealing with excitement.

Both your faces turned red and the two of you looked at the ground in embarrassment.

"Blondie you ruined their moment!" Eugene said, pouting and crossing his arms.

Rapunzel giggled and hugged Eugene from the side. "Sorry! It was just too cute to ignore!"


After the machine ran out of power, you helped Varian roll it back to his house. You then caught up with the group and headed back to Corona to spend the rest of the night at the festival.

This was your first 4th of July with Varian, and it was the best one you've ever had.

You couldn't wait to spend more with him.


This one was short, I know! But I still hope you enjoyed it! Happy 4th of July guys and thanks for reading! :3

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