Good Luck Out There

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Modern AU! You and Varian are senior's and this will be the last year you'll be able to hang out with him before having to go to college. Thing is, you've wanted to confess your feelings to Varian all year but never had the courage to. Hope you enjoy! :D


Ever since elementary school, you and Varian have been best friends. All throughout middle school and high school you developed a crush for Varian, you just never had the courage to tell him.

Now you were seniors, your last year in high school. Your last year before college. You knew Varian was going to sign up to go to a college for science, or alchemy to be exact. But you, you didn't know what college you wanted to go to.

Your parents told you to figure it out before the end of the year. Sometimes you would tell yourself to sign up for the same college Varian was going to sign up for but science wasn't your best subject.

You had to find something that you liked, not someone else. You decided to go to a college for becoming a vet, you always loved animals and studying to help them was always something you wanted to do.


Today was the last day of school, your graduation day. Your school, Corona High, decided to host a field day for all of the grades to have fun on the last day. (My school actually did this so I thought it would be cool :3)

But before you could have fun, you had to change into your graduation gown. It was red for the girls and blue for the boys. All of the seniors would walk down the halls of all the grades.

You were changing in the girls locker room with your friends Rapunzel and Cassandra. Rapunzel kept giggling at how shiny the outfits were and how free she felt when she twirled around.

Cassandra didn't really like it, she kept blowing the tassel that was attached to her hat out of her face and sometimes would threaten to cut it off.

You however were focused on something else. You kept telling yourself that this was it, the last day of high school.

"You haven't even told Varian how you felt, now you'll barely even get to see him!" You paced around the room, not noticing that Cassandra and Rapunzel were watching you with worried looks on their faces.

"Hey (N/N), you alright?" Cassandra finally said. You snapped out of it and looked at her.

"Oh, yeah I'm perfectly fine Cass. Just nervous that's all!" You laughed nervously and rubbed the back of your neck.

"Its fine to be nervous (Y/N)! You have your whole life ahead of you and you have to figure out what to do by yourself." Rapunzel said and she twirled around again.

"Y-Yeah, but I already know what I want to do Raps." You half lied, you knew you wanted to go to college but you didn't know what to do without Varian.

He was your best friend, your crush, your whole world. You cared about him so much and now you guys were gonna be separated from each other.

"We should gather up with the rest of the seniors, it's almost time for us to walk down the halls." Cassandra took Rapunzel's hand and dragged her out of the room, she was distracted by her tassel.

You sighed and looked down. "Its now or never (Y/N). You're going to tell Varian how you feel whether you like it or not!" You said to yourself. You then rushed out of the room to catch up with your friends


You walked next to Varian while waving at all the lower grades that were standing against the wall outside their classrooms. They all clapped and some even cheered.

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