Wish He Was Here

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You were sitting in the carriage with your friends. It had been a few days on the road and a few days since the attack on Corona.

As you watched the trees go by through the window, you remembered watching your best friend be hauled away and into a carriage to be sent to prison.

You sighed and rested your chin in the palm of your hand. You missed Varian, with all your heart. But you couldn't be with him, not until you returned home. And that was a long way from now.

When you were distracted, you didn't notice Eugene walk over and sit down next to you.

"Hey kiddo, what's on your mind?"

You snapped out of it and looked over at him. "Huh? Oh, hey Eugene. I was just looking out the window, nothing's on my mind." You gave Eugene a small smile and he rose an eyebrow.

"You look really bummed out, are you sure there's nothing wrong?" He asked.

You slightly looked down and said nothing, not sure what excuse you could use.

"Thinking about 'him', aren't you?"

Tears filled your eyes and you hung your head, slowly nodding as a tear rolled down your cheek.

Eugene placed a hand on your shoulder and said, "I know you miss him, we'll do anything we can to help him. Rapunzel is very sorry you have to be away from him."

You shook your head and looked at Eugene. "It's not her not fault, she did her best. I'm not blaming her for any of this. But, she could have helped him even after the storm. I wish I could have helped him myself, I understand she didn't want me going out into the storm, but she allowed Varian to be thrown out of the castle and into the snow."

"Rapunzel deeply regrets letting the guards throw him out like that. Maybe you should talk with her about this, you two haven't talked since the day we left."

You wiped your tears and nodded. "I-I should, thank you Eugene."

Eugene smiled at you and replied, "No problem. Next stop is coming up shortly." He then patted your head and went to join Rapunzel and Cassandra at the front of the carriage. (The little seat thing in front of the carriage where people sit and control the horses. If they call it something, please tell me XD)


A few minutes later the carriage came to a stop at a village full of leaf people called Lorbs.

They let you and your friends stay in a small house for the day. After you all settled in, you decided to sit on the beach for a while.

You mustered up the courage to talk to Rapunzel, so you got up and went into the house. But Rapunzel wasn't there, so you went looking for her.

"Rapunzel?" As you were looking, you rounded a corner and finally found Rapunzel, she had just put something in her satchel.

"Oh! Hey (Y/N), I didn't see you there!" She said with a big smile on her face.

She seemed happier than she was before, a few minutes ago she claimed she was homesick.

"Hi, Rapunzel. I just wanted to talk to about something." You walked over to Rapunzel with your head down.

"What is it? Is there something wrong?"

You took a deep breath and looked up at her. "It's about Varian. I just miss him and- I know you think it's your fault for what he did but, it's not. I'm just happy you're trying to help him and... I don't know, I just wish he was here."

Rapunzel gave you a sad smile and put a hand on your shoulder. "I want to help Varian as much as I can, I want to make it up to him. You said you wished he was here right? Well, I might have something that can grant that wish."

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