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Warning: L O N G STORY


"Ever since the day my best friend was encased in amber, I've been on this journey. It may go on for days, months, or even years. But I won't stop until I find answers."

"I'll be fine on my own guys, really." You were packing up your things, but only a few, in order to make a lightweight satchel.

"What if you get lost? Or worse, killed?! You should have someone go with you. I'll come." Your older brother Eugene said to you.

You sighed and shook your head." No Eugene, you need to stay here and watch over the kingdom."

"You've gotta at least have someone go with you. I vote Cassandra!" Lance said as he gestured towards Cass.

"Look, I know you're all worried about me, but I'll be fine! I'm 18 and I know my stuff thanks to Cass and Eugene." You closed up your satchel and swung it over your shoulder and headed out of your room with everyone following.

Rapunzel ran up to you and tapped your shoulder. "Are you sure you want to go alone?"

"Yes, you guys have to do other things. Like, Cass has to guard the kingdom, Lance has to make new villagers feel at home here, and you and Eugene have to do king and queen stuff." You replied as you kept walking.

"But (Y/N)-"

Finally, you stopped walking and turned to face the brunette. "Look, I understand you guys are worried but like I said, I know my stuff. I shouldn't be gone long, trust me."

Everyone stood there in silence before all of them gave you a defeated sigh. You smiled and placed your hands on your hips.

"Just, be careful, alright?" Eugene said while rubbing the back of his neck.

You smiled and gave him a hug, him returning it. "I will, I promise. And, I'll write to you guys every day!"

Rapunzel's green eyes were welling up with tears. "Group hug!" She then pulled everyone into the hug, crushing you in the process.

After a few minutes of goodbye hugs and lectures from your brother, you finally set off. It was not until a few hours later, you realized you should have brought a horse.

You sighed in frustration and grabbed your canteen, opening it, and taking a small sip of water. "I could try and tame a horse. But I don't have a saddle. Eh, who cares?"

Quickly getting up, you searched the woods for a horse. You saw a few tied to fences but, you didn't want to steal something from someone. Stealing stuff just wasn't your thing anymore.

What felt like forever, you came up to a small field and there in the center, was a beautiful grey and white horse.

You carefully approached the horse, you tried your best not to spook it. You touched its mane, it flinched and slowly lifted their head to look at you.

"Nice horsey, I'm just gonna get on your back. Ok?"

The horse just stared at you with no response. You slowly hoisted yourself on the horse's back, squeezing your eyes shut and waiting for something to happen.

But the horse didn't move. You slowly opened your eyes and the horse just kept looking at you. "Huh, guess she was already tame. I wonder what happened to her owner." You smiled and patted her head, causing her to neigh in response.

"Maybe I should name you. How about... Moondust?" You said, and the horse gave your hand a small nudge. "Ok Moondust, let's continue on this journey."

Varian X Reader ~ONESHOTS~Where stories live. Discover now