What is There to Remember?

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In this story the reader will have amnesia. Varian and everyone else is trying to get you to remember what had happened, but it was hard to remember.


You were slowly starting to wake up. Your head throbbed with pain and everything was swirling. You placed your hand on the side of your head and looked around.

You were in a strange bedroom, it looked familiar but you couldn't remember exactly where this was.

"When will she wake up?" You heard a male voice say from the other side of the door. It was muffled but you could make out what he was saying.

"I'm not sure, she hit her head really hard on that rock." A female voice replied. You wanted to get up and open the door but your head hurt so bad.

You groaned and layed your head on the soft pillow below you. You stared up at the ceiling, a sun symbol was painted on it. Again, it looked familiar.

Just then, the door to your room opened. You turned your head slightly but a shock of pain shot through it. You grabbed your head and groaned, the pain was unbearable.

"She's awake Rapunzel." The male voice said again. You saw a young boy walk into the room with a woman.

They both looked so familiar. The boy had black hair with a blue streak running through his bangs, goggles on top of his head, bright blue eyes and freckles.

The woman had long golden hair, green eyes and she wore a purple dress. You heard the boy say her name before. "Rapunzel"... That rang a bell.

The young boy rushed to you and knelt down beside your bed. "How are you feeling (Y/N)?" He asked you, his voice soft and soothing.

You were afraid to talk, you didn't know if it would make the pain in your head worse. "I-I'm alright, just this pain in m-my head. If I may ask, w-who are you?" You managed to say and surprisingly, your head didn't get worse.

The boy stared at you with a shocked expression on his face, you swear you could see tears filling his eyes.

"I-Its me (Y/N)! V-Varian, remember? Your best friend since diapers?" He started stuttering, he looked scared and worried.

Varian, that name did seem familiar. Just like this entire room and Rapunzel's name, but you couldn't remember who they were.

"Both of your names sound familiar, b-but I just don't remember who you are." When you tried to remember them, the shock of pain came back. You yelped in pain and grabbed your head again.

"Oh no, you seem to be in a lot of pain. It's ok, don't try to remember us right now. You need to heal." Rapunzel said, she looked at Varian and placed her hand on his shoulder.

He looked at her and a tear rolled down his cheek. You felt bad, you not remembering him hurt him so much.

"I'm very sorry Varian, you seem like a very nice person. I see that not remembering you causes you sadness. I can't seem to wrap my head around what happened." You said with a sad smile. He looked at you and he placed his gloved hand on yours.

"No, it's ok. Get some rest (Y/N), we'll check on you later." Varian replied as he stood up. He took one last look at you before walking out of your room, Rapunzel following him.

When he looked at you, you could feel the sadness in his eyes. You felt so bad, now you really wanted to remember him. You wanted to remember what happened that caused you to forget who he was.


You had fallen asleep again. During your nap, your head healed up and it stopped throbbing with pain.

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