Friends with the Villian

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You heard about the attack on Corona. But you weren't there for that, you were visiting family that was outside the castle. When you came back, Rapunzel had gone on her journey to find the moon opal.

The queen told you what had happened and you asked if you could help clean up the mess. She never told you who caused the attack or why they did it.

Shortly after you were done helping the kingdom, there was a breakout.

All of the prisoners in the dungeon managed to escape through a hole in the wall. They blew it open, but how? From then on, you were scared to wander the streets of Corona. Even the village people were scared.

The king ordered higher security around the entire castle. Everywhere you went, you saw guards walking up and down the streets.


One morning you were sitting in your room that the king let you stay in. Your parents were only a few doors down from your room.

You wanted to contact Rapunzel about what had happened. So, you grabbed a piece of paper from your drawer and grabbed a pencil.

You wrote her this:

"Dear Rapunzel,
After you left the kingdom, all of the prisoners escaped. No one really knows how, but now they're roaming the streets of Corona without being detected. Everyone is scared, and security has risen in the castle. We all hope you come home soon to help us out about this situation.
                       Sincerely, (Y/N)"

You asked one of the guards to find a mail bird and have it send your letter to Rapunzel and her friends.

Even if she was busy with trying to find the moon opal, you hoped she would get your message.

After you asked the guard to take your letter, you headed out of the castle to Monti's sweet shop. You wanted to see how Attila was doing with his baking. (Cause Attila moved his shop in with Monti in case you forgot :3)

As you were heading to Monti's, you heard strange footsteps behind you. You turned around but saw no one except for a few people talking with their families.

You waited a second before walking again. This time the footsteps sounded closer. You stopped again and turned around.

You flinched when you saw a young boy, who looked to be around your age, wearing a cloak standing behind you.

"Uh, hi! Sorry for scaring you." He said. "I don't think I've seen you around before."

You felt a little uncomfortable now, he gave off a strange vibe but you wanted to trust him.

"My name is (Y/N), and yeah I was visiting family for the past month that's why I wasn't here." You said and you stuck out your hand. "What's your name?"

He hesitated before taking your hand and shaking it, "Varian, it's nice to meet you (Y/N)."

He gave you a sweet smile and your face warmed up a bit. "H-Hey, wanna go to Monti's and see if Attila made anything new?"

"I mean, I would but-" "Aw come on, Attila's baking is amazing!" You grabbed the boys wrist and dragged him to Monti's sweet shop.

You both stepped inside and you weren't paying attention when Varian pulled the hood of his cloak more to cover his face better.

You smelled freshly cooked pastries and you went up to the counter with Varian following behind you.

"Hey Uncle Monti! Could I have some pastries please?"

Monti smiled at you and said, "(Y/N)! Long time no see! How many would you like?"

"Two please! One for me and one for him." You gestured to Varian and he hid his face in his hood more.

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