Cassandra's Little Sister (Part 4!)

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You and Varian had gotten to his home in Old Corona. You've never been here because of how busy you were as a lady-in-waiting.

It was a beautiful village with friendly people, but they would give you and Varian some odd looks as you passed by.

"My labs this way, if you would kindly follow me please?" Varian said with a kind smile.

"Well I kind of have no choice, you're still holding my hand."

Varian's face turned red as he looked down at your intertwined hands which made you giggle.

"I-I'm sorry! I can let go of you want me to." Varian rubbed the back of his neck with his free hand.

"I don't have a problem with it." You gave Varian a reassuring smile and he smiled back.

"Alright well, let's go." He then started walking to his lab with you following of course.

Varian led you down to his lab, you could see papers on the floor, vials filled with chemicals on his desk, and boxes filled with books and scraps of metal.

"Nice place!" You said while placing your hands on your hips and looking around.

Varian picked up a box that was in the way of his desk and set it aside. "I'm surprised you're not trying to clean it up, 'lady-in-waiting'."

He laughed and you elbowed him playfully in the arm. "I only clean for the kingdom. Besides, haven't we done enough cleaning for one day?"

"Yeah, you're right," Varian replied. He then pulled another stool up and gestured for you to sit.

You took the seat and Varian sat down on the other one. He started going through some books filled with his notes.

He showed you some of his unfinished or failed experiments and you helped give some advice with your small knowledge of alchemy.

Soon, you and Varian stopped talking about experiments and just started talking about your lives, what you like to do and other hobbies you enjoyed.

Sometimes Varian would tell you jokes and you would tell some back. You two spent hours talking and learning about each other, a friendship was blossoming.

But something felt missing, but you didn't know what it was.

Your thoughts were interrupted by something jumping into your lap. You flinched and look down to see a raccoon rubbing against your arm.

"Rudiger! You scared (Y/N)! Sorry about that, I can take him off your lap for you."

You shook your head and started to pet the little furry creature. "It's alright, I don't mind him being here."

"Varian, are you down here?" A male voice called out, you heard footsteps get closer and the door to Varian's lab opened.

"Oh, hey dad!" Varian got up from his stool and walked over to his father.

His dad looked familiar. You've seen him in the kingdom a few times now but you never knew his name.

"Dad, this is (Y/N). And (Y/N) this is my dad, Quirin."

You got up from your seat, holding Rudiger with one arm, and walked over. You held out your hand for Quirin to take. "It's nice to meet you, Quirin!"

Quirin took your hand and shook it before replying, "Nice to meet you too. It's great to see that my son has made a new friend."

"Did you need anything dad?" Varian asked. Quirin looked at his son and nodded.

"I just wanted to make sure you were doing alright. You weren't working on any of those experiments were you?"

Varian laughed nervously and shook his head. "No, I-I mean I was showing some of my unfinished ones but I wasn't working on any."

Quirin rose an eyebrow and then sighed in relief. "Alright, just try not to cause any trouble, Varian."

"I will! See you later dad!" Varian waved to Quirin as he walked out of the room.

Varian sighed and walked back to his desk, taking his notebook and closing it.

"Is something wrong Varian?" You asked as you went over to him.

He looked at you and gave you a small smile. "It's like I said earlier, my dad is kind of hard to impress. He doesn't really approve of these experiments I do. One time, I made a machine that was supposed to make it easier to pick crops. Well, it destroyed half the villages crop supply. That one became one of my many failed experiments."

Varian looked down at his desk, you placed a hand on his shoulder. "I'm sure you'll make your dad proud someday. You just need to try harder!"

You gave him a sweet smile when he looked up at you.

"You really think I can?"

"Of course! I believe in you Varian!" You giggled and Varian laughed.

"Thank you (Y/N). You think you can help me out with some of the unfinished experiments?"

You nodded and your face lit up with excitement. But you looked at the clock on the wall and your expression fell. "Sorry but I can't, I have to head back to the castle and see if my dad needs me to do more chores. Maybe tomorrow if I get a break!"

You set Rudiger, who was still in your hands, down on one of the stools and looked at Varian.

"Sure, that works for me! I'll walk with you to the door." Varian took your hand again and you two walked upstairs.

"Well, see you when I can Varian. Try not to get hurt while I'm gone."

You waved goodbye to Varian and he waved back.

"I'll try not too! Bye (Y/N)!" He watched you leave and once you were gone, he shut the front door.

He had to admit, he enjoyed your company. You weren't like your sister, you were very compassionate and understanding. Varian was grateful that you wanted to help him, he was lucky to have a friend like you.

But when he thought of you as a friend, he thought there was something missing. Whatever it was, he hoped he would know what it was.


Sorry that this wasn't very long. I knew where I wanted to go with this chapter but then halfway through writing it, I was like "where am I going with this?" XD
I guess I'm not really thinking, more like doing. If that makes sense X3


When this story hits 1,000 reads, I will make another special story for you guys! I already have an idea in mind and I'm really excited to start writing it!
I'm also hoping to continue my first story but I feel like that will be too much writing for me so ill stick with this until I'm fully ready to continue it.
Thank you guys again so much, I really don't think I'm a good writer but seeing how much you like my stories makes me more confident. I would appreciate some writing tips if you are experienced with writing stories. :)
I can't thank you enough but for now, thanks for reading! :3

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