Chapter 1

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Blueberry's Point Of View:

I was sitting around on a rock waiting for Alphys to turn up.
She had told me to meet her here every day for Royal Guard training. I was excited that it was hard to sit still but I managed to do it.
I felt a smile growing on my face as I saw Alphys in the distance. Royals Guards check boundaries, make sure peace is upheld with the other ocean Monsters and they also fight Land Walkers. Land Walkers are basically Monsters but they live above water, they can't breathe underwater and there also sadistic.
Alphys calls them sadistic but she refuses to tell me what that means. She told that they're really cruel and they hurt Ocean Monsters.
The Land Walkers hunt Ocean Monsters for entertainment. Once they're caught Alphys said that they're caught they get kept as 'pets' or their eaten. It scared me to think that there are Monsters that eat other Monsters.
"Blueberry! Come on we need to go do a perimeter check!" I heard Alphys shout at me. I quickly swam up to her and asked excitedly "Do you think we'll find a Monster from land?!"
I saw her look nervous "Maybe...", I was confused.
Why wouldn't she want to find one? We train to fight them so we can maybe live in peace with them one day.
"Anyways let's go!" She shouted and we swam off with two other Royal Guards. I'm not technically a member yet but she says it's good training to know our boundary. We made a treaty with other ocean Monsters and we all agreed to not cross each other's boundaries.
"Alright, we're almost there!" Alphys announced to all of us.We went around all of the boundaries and nothing seemed out of place.
We met up with other Monsters and discussed what we had seen on our borders.
The Monsters named 'sharks' by the land walkers had told us about a ship that had been seen leaving the dock about 5.5kms away. Though that was two days ago and it could be anywhere now. We thanked them and one of the Royal Guards were told to go and report it to Queen Toriel.
I'm excited to capture one of them but I'm not going to lie I'm a little nervous.
"Alright everybody keeps your eyes open for any sign of that boat!" Alphys shouted back at us, we nodded in understanding.
Everything was quiet and we saw the light in the water disappear and it started to get darker. I stopped and looked up to see a large wooden boat above us.
"Everyone quickly swim back to the kingdom!" Alphys screeched,
we started to quickly swim away when I felt something get stuck around my tail. I turned around and saw a fishing wire stuck around the part above my fins. I tried to quickly untangle the wire but I saw a large net fall on top of me. I let out a scream that caught Alphys' attention. "Blueberry!"
She swam towards me with her sword in hand to try and cut the rope. I felt the net get lifted up and out of the water.
I tried to frantically break the net but it wasn't working. I released a cry of fear when I was lifted out of the water. I saw Alphys underneath me and she was poking her head out of the water, her eyes wide in disbelief and fear.
I started to shake in fear as I was lifted out onto the boat. The net was dropped onto the deck of the boat and I was pulled out of the net roughly by my tail.
I looked up and saw a bunch of Land Walkers. I kept quiet and didn't move in case someone would attack me if I moved or spoke.
"WeLl, WhaT do wE haVE hEre?" I heard a deep, glitching voice asked. I felt myself start to shake and tremble more when I saw a tall, dark skeleton standing above. I sat up and curled my tail around me with my fin behind my back to show I meant no harm.
"Maybe if I show I'm not a threat they'll let me go!" I thought, hope flickering in my soul.
"YoUR a SmaLL oNE bUt yoU'll DefInitEly fetCH a hiGh priCe wiTh eyEs LiKE thoSE" I felt the flicker out hope burn out and I stared at him in disbelief.
I can't be kidnapped this easily, I'm going to be a Royal Guard.
Think Blueberry what would Alphys do?! I thought and thought but only one idea came to my head.
I uncurled my tail and tried to run away... or slide away? I didn't get very far before I felt something pick me up.
I squirmed as I was placed on this skeletons shoulder.
"Captain Error should we start towards their kingdom or head back to the town?" Another skeleton asked the Land Walker Holding me.
"Wait this is Captain Error! I'm so dead!" I screeched in my head. I felt myself begin to cry and I gave up trying to escape his hold. "HmM, I Don'T thInK anY oF thEm wIll Be ComInG nearBY heRe for a While... MigHt aS welL mAke a pRofIt nOW" he responded.
This is it I'm going to be sold and then killed.
"Captain Error we have the barrel filled with water as you requested it to be" Error nodded at the crewmember and then walked away with me on his shoulder. "NoboDy DisTurB mE oR I'lL maKe yOU walK thE plANk" Error hissed at them. They nodded and got back to whatever it is that they were doing.
I was starting to overheat after being out of water for so long. He dropped me in a barrel filled with water. My tail gets cramped up in here but it's better than nothing.
"aLrIgHT nOw WhaT's yOur nAmE?" He grunted at me as he sat down in a chair in front of me. I didn't respond and hid the lower half of my face in the water and tried to hide my tears.
"NoT gOinG to TalK hUh?" He walked over to me. I felt myself cower and I tried to shrink away. I managed to hide my head under the water but I felt a hand grab my scarf and pulled me up.
I released a whimper as he stared at me with an evil grin. "LeT's SeE hOW lonG iT taKEs bEforE yOu SpeAK uP!" He let go of me and disappeared through the door.
I hid my head back in the water and I felt the tears I tried to hide pour out of my eyes.
I began to feel sleepy and I let myself sleep for who knows how long I'll be allowed to sleep.
The darkness was welcoming and was a much better reality than the one I was currently living. I miss my friends... I miss my brother.
With those final thoughts, I fell asleep.

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