Chapter 17

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Blueberry's Point Of View:

I laid on the bed, staring at the ceiling with the same blank expression that I've had for two months. I haven't felt anything for the past month. I don't feel anything but the neverending numbness. I rolled over onto my side and let out a quiet sigh. Murder broke my right leg to make sure I couldn't run away from him, or at least not very quickly and he could easily catch me. I could only see through my left eye because of him stabbing me in the right eye every time it healed.I heard a door slam open and I jumped slightly. I heard the bedroom door open and I looked over at it slightly. I saw Murder walk over to me and climb onto the bed. He leaned over my back and gave my cheek a kiss. I felt a shudder travel down my spine and I continued to look forward. I felt him put his hand up my shirt and start to mess around with my ribs. I didn't move or react and he let go of me as a loud knock came from the door. I heard him release a growl and then walk back out of the room. He would normally lock the door but this time he forgot and only closed the door. I felt hope feel me for the first time in months and I tried to get off the bed but noticed my leg. I tried to get up but I collapsed painfully onto my leg on the bed and I let out a cry of pain.I put as much energy I could into healing my leg and managed to make it not broken but crack badly. I limped off the bed and to the door. I opened it slowly and quietly, I saw Murder talking to somebody at the door. I knew the person and they saw me. I made a movement that told him to distract Murder so I could escape. I got to the back door when I heard Murder close the front door. I limped quickly to get out and I managed to leave the building. The wind, however, slammed the door closed behind me. I heard rushed footsteps towards me and I tried to hide but I couldn't find anywhere to hide. I figured that I would either have to go back to him, be taken back by him, try and find the person at the door, or to try and run away. I decided to try idea three and ran around the house almost falling over slightly. I saw that the person wasn't here anymore and I didn't know what to do. I used idea four and ran towards the bush. I tripped over and my leg started to break more. I got back up and continued to run faster as I heard somebody approaching me. I turned around despite being told to never do that and I saw Murder run towards me gaining in speed. I continued to run but I felt a bone in my leg broke and I fell onto the floor. I rolled for a bit and I felt tears drip down my face. I dragged my body on the ground and I tried to get away.

~Warning Rape! Please Don't Kill Me! As I Said Kill Murder!~He pushed me to the ground and he dug my head into some stones on the ground. He pushed me harder onto the ground. I heard him chuckle at me. "Did you really think you could escape me?" I heard him laugh deeply and then he pulled my shirt off. He rubbed my ribs again and I let out cries and kicked at him. He pulled off my pants and grinned evilly at me. "You're just as beautiful as you were last time we did this!" Murder beamed and pulled my legs over his shoulders and tied my arms above me again. I let out a cry and began to sob. He started rubbing my ribs and then summoned my Soul playing around with it. "Ah, your just as beautiful and your cries sound so beautiful and alluring." Murder caressed my cheek and he smiled cheekily at me. "You already have an ecto-body formed~ Somebody's a little dirty today" Murder laughed at me. I was confused, to say the least, I didn't form an ecto-body but I already had one and he didn't make me form one. That could only leave one possible answer...Oh, stars... I'm pregnant with Murder's child... I felt tears pour down my face. "Don't cry, my love! I know you realized what I realized. You're pregnant! Now we can be together forever!" He lined up his member with my entrance."STOP!" I screeched and he thrusted into me painfully. I tried to push him off and he just started to move painfully. I heard something break nearby me. A few minutes passed me and I saw nothing and the stick that broke must've been broken by an animal. I felt a warm fluid hit my face and I knew what just happened and I cringed. Murder pulled up his pants and looked at me with a lustful expression.~Finish Of The Rape... Please Don't Hit Me~I heard two loud screams of rage and I turned my head and saw two figures running towards us. I felt myself begin to smile when I saw Error and my brother Orange. I flipped over onto my stomach and I reached out to them. Orange tackled Murder to the ground and Error helped me get my clothing back on much to my dismay. Ink ran over and started to heal my leg. Error was less than happy with the fluid on my face. He grabbed a cloth that he kept and cleaned my face with it. I flinched when the cloth came into contact with my face. "Have fun with him Error~" Murder purred as he teleported away from the scene. My vision started to get darker and I felt sleepy. I heard a couple of voices telling me to 'stay awake' and 'don't close your eyes.' I ignored them due to the exhaustion that was taking control of my senses. The darkness was numbing but was peaceful and welcoming. I closed my eyes fully and lost all forms of consciousness.

Lavender's Point Of View:

Fuchsia and I were playing around in the 'garden' when I heard some shouting and doors opening and closing loudly. We gave each other a concerned look and then ran back inside. Once we entered we saw Nightmare and Reaper trying to hide something from us along with Father and Uncle. "Father, Uncle what are you doing?" I asked trying to get closer to them."Hey, kids how about we go play with some bubbles?" Flower scooped us up in his arms."FuCk yeah BuBbleS!" Fuchsia screamed and threw his arms in the air."Fuchsia!!! You know Mama wouldn't approve of you saying that if you were here!" I scolded. Fuchsia would often call me 'Mama 2.0' and it would annoy me greatly. I let out an annoyed screech at him and we went on down the hallway. I was playing around with the bubbles with Fuchsia and Flower. When I started to get bored. I told Fuchsia to distract Flower and he nodded. He stole the bubbles and ran away which got Flower chasing after him in a joking manner. I managed to sneak away and walked down a couple of hallways and found a large room. I peered in and I saw Mother sitting on a bed with his head hung low and Father was sitting next to him confused. "Error... I'm pregnant with Murder's child..." I saw the shock on Father's face and how he looked mad. He wasn't mad at Mother however which was relieving. "HE RaPeD yOu hOW maNY tiMeS?" Father growled out through gritted teeth. I saw Fuchsia walk up next to me and flashed me a confused look. "I think it was... twelve times..." Mama confessed."What is rape?" I asked them as I came into their view. I saw the faces Mama and Father pulled at each other."Nothing you two should worry about at this age." Blueberry gave us both a worried and nervous look. I felt bad because now Mama's uncomfortable. Fuchsia and I walked over to Mama and Father. We sat on the edge of Mama's bed and I noticed the bandage on his right leg and eye and one over the left part of his skull. "Mama, what happened to you? Did you get caught in terrible weather and injure yourself?" I asked as I curled on his right side while Fuchsia was curled up on his left. "Yeah... let's go with that" Mama muttered the last part quietly. I could tell that he didn't want to talk about it and gave the three of us a bright smile. I could tell that the smile was forced and fake. I knew Mama well enough to tell when he was lying or faking. Father, however, was a harder story. After a few hours, Mama had to rest and the three of us left the room with Ink supervising him. I felt a burning rage inside me and looked across over at Fuchsia and I could tell he was feeling the same thing. We looked at each other and nodded. "Whoever hurt Mama will be hurt in a manner worse than what Mama was forced to suffer," I muttered under my breath."Nobody hurts our Mama and gets away with it" Fuchsia growled lowly. We shared the same demonic look walking behind our Father. I could tell he's just as mad as we are, maybe even more enraged. This figure is going to learn when you hurt our Mother you don't get away with it. When you hurt Mother you get not only our Father's rage but Mine and Fuchsia's rage! And we're about to give him hell for what he did.

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