Chapter 15

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Blueberry's Point Of View:

Error and I have named our children: Lavender and Fuchsia. Lavender was our little girl and Fuchsia was our mischevious boy. Lavender had already learned how to walk at the age of two months and Fuchsia has learnt several... curse words from Error when he would hit his foot on a table or something like that. No matter how many times I tell Fuchsia not to say those words, he still continues to say them. Lavender doesn't say much but she does sometimes say 'Mama' or 'Dada' but that's it. I think it's obvious who Mama and Dada are. Occasionally Fuchsia will say something sweet like 'I wove Mama' which make is too adorable and makes me want to tightly hug him and squeal. Well, I do squeal but I don't hug him tightly!Error walked in with Fuchsia clinging to his left leg sobbing loudly and Lavender clinging to his head with a quiet cry. "ThEY Won'T StOP CryInG!" Error picked Fuchsia and Lavender in his arms and then passed them over to me. I looked down at them in my arms and the stared up at me with their big eyes. I flashed them a bright, big smile and the let out little mewls and stopped their crying. "YoU haVE a MagiCaL SmIlE..." Error laughed. I felt my face burn up and I looked at Fuchsia holding my hand and Lavender nibbling and sucking on my gloved thumb. She bit my finger when I tried to pull it out of her mouth. "Ow!" I squealed and hid my tears so that the babies wouldn't cry again. "I GuEss I'M nOt The OnLY oNE ThAt FinDs YoU DeliCiOUS" I slapped Error's leg and gave him a sour look.I was going to make a sassy remark but I heard a loud crash and the babies began to cry again. "What was that?" I whispered and I was starting to get a little worried. "I DoN'T KnOW, I'Ll Go FiND oUt... StOP wORrYiNG" Error sighed and left the room to investigate the source of the crash. I tried to calm the children down and gave them my smile. They kept crying and they let out a loud cry, I rocked them and gave them the biggest smile I could make and they started to fall asleep. Once they were asleep I placed them in their cribs. I turned around and began to walk towards the door. I saw a tall, mysterious Monster standing next to the window. "W-who are you?!" I cried as it approached me."I'm sure you know who I am dear~" A familiar voice whispered seductively to me. It got closer and I saw its face. "M-Murder!" I stuttered and looked at him in fear."Aww~ You remember my name! I knew that you would love~" Murder gave me a very suggestive expression and winked at me. I tried to call for Error but then Murder ran over to me and placed a hand on my mouth. He pushed me into the wall next to the door then gripped both of my wrists in one hand. My eyes dilated as his face leaned down next to my neck. I tried to squirm out of his grip and call for Error. "Call for Error and I'll kill your children!" I froze when those words left his mouth. "Good boy!" He chirped and then licked my neck. I kicked him where his privates would be and I screamed for Error. "YOU FUCKING BITCH!" He roared ad the babies woke up crying. Murder punched me in the stomach and I collapsed to my knees. He smashed my head into the ground and I saw some blood on the ground, as my vision started to get blurry. "You will be mine~" I heard him whisper and then a pair of arms that felt nowhere near as safe as Error's pick me up. I heard the door slam open and I saw Error freeze in fear. He ran towards us in rage and tried to grab me out of Murder's arms. Murder ran toward a window and jumped out. "I told you to keep an eye on him Error! You ignored my warning and now he's mine!" Murder continued running and I couldn't tell what happened afterwards, due to me passing out from both a loss of blood and my head being smashed onto the ground.Murder's Point Of View:I watched as my lovely angel passed out. Error was running after me and I knew I wouldn't be able to escape. I came up with a malicious plan. I threw a lot of attacks at him that stopped him in his tracks long enough for me to escape. I jumped down a ditch and teleported away. As I teleported I heard Error scream, "MurDeR I'M GoING TO KilL YOU! GiVE BlUEbErrY BACK!!!" I let out a laugh and teleported to my hideout.We arrived at my... no, our new home I placed down Blueberry on a bed. I leaned over him and sighed in annoyance as I had to grab medical supplies at his head injury. I left the room and grabbed a wet cloth to clean his head, a bandage to wrap around his head, and medical scissors. I walked back into the room and saw Blueberry still passed out. I cleaned the wound and then wrapped the bandage around his head. The bandage covered his right eye and then cut it and tied it behind his head. I began to stir after a few minutes and I saw his uncovered eye open up. I smiled evilly and looked at him in the eye. "Good morning my love~" I whispered seductively and rubbed his cheek with my hand. He flinched and backed away from me. His back his the headboard of the bed as he tried to escape my touch. "Now, now my love, that wasn't very nice of you!" I gripped his wrists tightly and pulled him close to my ribcage. "Why would you do that?! I love you and you love me too! So don't you dare deny my love!" I gave him a wicked expression. He managed to break out of my grip and ran out of the bedroom. He got to the front door and he tried opening the door but failed miserably. "Do you think that I'm so stupid to leave the door unlocked?" I pushed him into the wall and he looked around through his one could eye and tried to break free. "I don't think you should do that~ Not when I could easily kill Error and your children!" He froze and stared at me disbelieving eyes. "Oh, Don't you believe me? Try me I dare you!""I-I'll do anything just d-don't hurt E-Error or our k-kids!" He begged and began to sob. I rubbed his cheek affectionately. "Oh, anything?" I saw the regret in Blueberry's eyes but he nodded hesitantly.~We Have Smut And Not The Good Type... Rape Type~I smirked evilly and laid him down on the floor roughly with a lot of force. He let out a loud yelp from the pain of hitting the ground. I pulled up off his shirt and he looked up at me in fear. "S-Stop! This i-isn't right!" Blueberry tried to push away from me but I tied his hands above him with his shirt. "You said I could do anything, right?" He looked away in shame and I let out a laugh. I touched and rubbed his ribs trying to get a reaction out of him. He let out whimpers and cries of discomfort and pain. "P-please s-stop" He wailed. I ignored him and pulled off his pants. He let out a loud squeal and kicked me. I tied his legs up and placed them on his shoulder. "Hurry up and form your ecto-body!" I growled in a low voice at him. He shook his head. This annoyed me greatly and I knew one way to MAKE him form an ecto-body. I touched and rubbed one part of his upper rib and it made his Soul appear. He let out a sob "N-No!" He screeched. I let out another laugh and rubbed it roughly. What annoyed me the most was that he wouldn't moan or let out any sound of pleasure. He eventually formed an ecto-body and I let out a lustful laugh and smile. "N-NO! Stop! Stop! Stop!!! Please stop for the love of Asgore stop!" Blueberry sobbed. "Hmmm~ How about... NO!" I slammed into him with no preparation. He let out a loud scream and tried to run away from me. I untied his legs and pulled out of him. I turned him over so he was laying on his stomach. I thrusted back inside of him and he let another cry of pain. I didn't give him any time to get used to me and I noticed that he was beginning to bleed. He kept letting out cries that grew in volume everytime I thrust back inside of him. My pattern that I had set began to grow messy and spontaneous as I got closer to my climax. "Get off of me!!!" He screeched. He must've known what I planned to do. I flipped him back over onto his back and he kicked me in the middle of my face harshly. For a little guy, he does have some strength. "For that, I need to punish you~" I purred softly at him."What could be worse than this!" Blueberry screamed at me. I frowned at him and then got an idea. "I won't let you look at anybody other than me!" He gave me a confused look and was about to question me when I cut him off. My fingers entered his eye socket quickly. He let out a scream as blood poured down his face and onto my fingers. I pulled them out and the once beautiful, baby blue eye he had was gone. I'll leave the other eye for later. Now he's blind and will rely on me one hundred percent. The entire time that this ordeal went down I hadn't stopped thrusting into him. I let out a low moan as my seed filled him. I pulled out of him and he laid on the ground, dead to the world. I pulled up my pants and let out a satisfied sigh.~ Rapey Rape Is Over For Now... Don't Kill Me! Kill Murder He Did It Not Me!~I looked down at him covered in blood, sweat, and other fluids that we won't name. I picked him up and walked over to the bathroom. I watched as he winced not knowing where we were going. I blinded him and now he has no choice but to trust me! I placed him on the floor and turned on the bath tap. It slowly filled with warm water. I walked over to Blueberry and I started to pull off his clothes. I got to his shirt and he flinched and backed away from me. "I-I can d-do it myself" he cried. I shrugged and let him take off his clothes. He was naked and tried to hide his body as he felt my stare. I picked him up and placed him in the bath. I turned off the tap and I took off my own clothes. I got into the bath with him and pulled him so that his spine was pressed against my left ribcage. I pulled off his bandage and threw it off to the side. He looked around in fear, his eye darting around as he tried to identify his location. I let out a soft laugh that made him jump as he saw me. I splashed some water on his head and he winced as the soap touched his wound. I rubbed more soap onto his wound and he tried to get away from my grip. "Hey stop that! I'm cleaning your wound so be grateful!" I snapped at him. He stopped and sat still except for the trembles of his shoulders. "Stop crying my love~ Aren't you happy with me?" I asked and he 'never responded. I was honestly happy that he didn't respond this way he didn't deny my love! I felt a pur building up inside of my throat as I looked at his body. I continued to wash him and myself.I finished cleaning us and he fell asleep during it. I picked him up and got out of the bath. I wrapped a towel around him and another one around my waist. I carried him and placed him on the bed. I dried myself and got myself dressed. I drained the bath and picked up Blueberry's clothing and boots. I placed his clothes in neat piles in on a counter and placed his boots on the floor nearby. I already had clothes ready for him and went through the closet trying to find something comfortable for him. I put a light blue dress that stopped at the middle of his femur. The dress was simple and had a dark blue ribbon tied around the middle and was tied in a big bow with large ribbons. It had short, poofy sleeves and a dark blue collar. He laid on the bed, sleeping. I laid down next to him and I pulled the blanket over the top of us and fell asleep.

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