Chapter 21

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Error's  Point of View:

Blueberry's tail wrapped around them protectively and quickly as he let out an aggressive hiss. I turned around and saw Murder standing behind us. I got up quickly and pulled out one of the blades that I would keep with me. Flower had one of his as well along with Vermillion in his left arm and Murder grinned as he saw Vermillion. "So, this is my child?" Murder smiled evilly and looked over at Blueberry. "He's grown so much like you since I last saw him" Murder walked closer and I pointed my sword closer to him. Flower backed up and ran towards Blueberry. He passed Vermillion to him and Blueberry held onto him tightly. "He stopped being your child when you raped me!!!" Blueberry hissed out and his tail wrapped around Lavender and Fuchsia more. Vermillion opened his eyes and let out a quiet cry when he looked at Murder. "Even he hates YOU!!!" Blueberry sneered at Murder. "You hurt me with your words, my love, ~" I felt my eye twitch and I slashed at him with my sword. He dodged by turning to the left. He kicked me and I fell over a few feet away from where I was originally.I wiped away the blood from my mouth and I heard rushed footsteps. I looked to my right and I saw something black fly over me and onto Murder's face. "Fucking fuck! What is this stuff!" Murder yelled as he tried to remove it from his eyes. "It's ink... literally!" I heard a familiar voice shout in a happy voice. I saw Ink standing nearby with Ink in one hand and his paintbrush in the other. "ThiS iS thE FirsT TimE I'Ve BeeN HAppY to See YOu" I joked as I stood up. Ink gave me an annoyed expression and threw more ink at Murder. "Argh!" Murder screamed as it hit him directly in his left eye. "And I know that hurts because I've done it myself... multiple times!!!" Ink laughed. "WelL, LooKs LikE wE'lL FinaLlY BE TAkiNg MurDer DOWN!" I laughed slightly and wiped away more blood from my mouth. "WhY aM I BlEeDinG sO mUcH?" I thought frustrated."You shits..." Murder looked around blindly as Flower, Ink and I approached him from different angles. Murder turned around violently trying to locate us and then he teleported blindly. He ended up next to Blueberry with his face in the water. The ink washed away but it ended up with Blueberry slapping him with his fin. It was a loud and quite obviously painful slap. I ended up wincing at the sound and as I looked at him half of his face was red and he had a piece of seaweed draped over the top of his head. I heard Ink burst out laughing and I turned around to see him rolling around on the ground from laughing. "Murder you just messed up big time! Haha! You never, never, never piss off an Ocean Monster while they're protecting their children." Ink managed to stop laughing to get out his sentence. Blueberry growled at him and flicked water at him. "So my child's part Ocean Monster? Heh This will be interesting~" Murder smiled wickedly at him. "As I said before he's nothing like you AND HE'LL NEVER BE LIKE YOU!" Blueberry hissed as he pushed our children behind him and placed Vermillion in their hands. He let out another hiss.I watched in horror as Blueberry pulled Murder down underwater in the deeper part. I saw a couple bubbles come up and then nothing... nothing happened. I was half surprised that he actually did that and half horrified that he actually did that. I shook my head and ran into the water more and knelt down to our... maybe now my kids. I now that he can breathe underwater but he's underwater... with Murder.Blueberry's Point Of View:I pushed Murder underwater and I glared at him, his eyes wide in shock. I'm sick and tired of him being disrespectful and after what he did to me I think that he deserves this. I had him under the water and I wrapped my tail around him and he closed his eyes slowly. I actually thought that he had lost consciousness and that I unwrapped my tail around him. His eyes shot open and he then swam up to get a breath of air. He took a big gulp of air and I then pulled him back under the water. He turned around and looked at me with a death glare. I didn't falter and I shot him back a glare. Murder pulled out a knife and I felt my eyes widen and I tried to slap it out of his hand. I failed and ended up with him grabbing my tail. I thrashed around and he cut a bit of my fin. I saw some blood and I punched him in the ribs. He let go and held one of his left ribs. I looked around and saw what was probably Error and our kids. I felt something sharp in my upper tail and I saw his knife stabbed into one of my gills. It started to bleed and I felt my 'lungs' start to burn.I swam up and took a deep breath. I managed to swim away and I got closer to the beach. I turned around and I didn't see him come back up. I felt a small smirk on my face and I swam back up to Error and the kids. "BluEbeRrY Are YoU CraZY!!!" Error shouted. "Probably" I responded and he pulled me into a hug. He noticed blood and he grimaced in disgust. He pulled out the knife and held his hands on my gill. My face started to blush and I tried to swim away from him. "You- you won't get a-away with this!" Murder shouted as he climbed out of the water and onto the beach. I made a sound mixed with a whimper and a hiss. I flicked my fin and held it up between Murder and us. "Heh let's see how you can deal with this!" Murder stood up and ran over to us Error tried to fight him back and he was winning at first but then Murder kicked him in the knees. Error fell down into the water and I saw Ink and Flower running towards us. Murder stuck a syringe with a black liquid in it into my tail. "Sleep tight my love~" Murder caressed my cheek and gave my forehead a kiss. I felt myself get sleepy and I passed out. I heard him whisper "I love you~" and my children screaming before I passed out.

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