Chapter 14

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~Time Skip Brought To You By Errorberry Babies And An Author With Shitty Writing Skills!~

Blueberry's Point Of View:

I was laying on my back on the bed reading a book calmly. I really enjoy reading this book and I've read it twice in this past two weeks waiting for the day when the babies come. Error was laying next to me playing with my cape and being incredibly fascinated by the curved and soft edges. I stopped reading my book and placed it down on the stand next to the bed. I laid closer to Error and he took this as a chance to hug me. We laid close together with his arm around the back of my neck and the other fiddling with my fingers. "YoUR FinGerS Are TiNY" He played around with them inspecting all over them. "Thanks?" I laughed. "Well, your fingers are huge!" I joked. He let out a small laugh and continued to look at them.We laid like this for a while before I let out a cry of pain and sat up quickly. "WHat's WRoNG DiD I HuRT YoU?!" Error was panicking and my hands hugged my stomach instinctively and I started to cry and the sudden waves of pain. "I think the babies are coming!" I wailed in both pain and excitement. He jumped off the bed and told me to stay still and ran off. I laid back down in pain and I felt cramps in my legs. I heard the door slam open and I saw the door wasn't slammed open by Error but instead Ink. They ran up to me closing the door behind them. Ink was on my right closest to me and Error on my right. He climbed on the side of the bed and held my hand. I gripped it tightly and let out a squeal as I felt something wet touch and drip down my legs. Error told Ink to turn around and he did so as Error pulled off my pants. Ink turned back around and made me lay back down as I tried to sit up. Laying down hurt a lot more than sitting for some reason. Error held my hand and my grip would get tighter and the loosen back up as waves of pain washed over me. "Error who is the most trusted person out of our two crews other than me or you that Blueberry trusts?!" Error began o think for a bit, I wasn't able to respond due to my cries and screams of pain. "PrObabLY FloWeR" Error concluded. "Can you find him and tell him what's going on... he'll know what I want him to do." Error nodded and ran off. I reached out my hand to try and stop him but he didn't. Ink held my hand instead. "It's okay he'll be back before you know it! Okay now I'll need you to push on three, one... two... three!" I pushed and then stopped panting. He instructed me to push a few more times until he told me to stop. The baby was crying quietly and he curled in on its self "That's the first one out!" He smiled at me and I saw Error run-in with Flower following behind with a bucket of water, a sponge, and two towels. "Error you hold Blueberry's hand and Flower wash this child!" Ink must've been stressing and under a lot of pressure because he started to lightly sweat. "Now just do what you did with the first one, okay?" I nodded and pushed several times and the other child was brought into the world. It began to cry loudly and began to flail it's tiny limbs everywhere. "Woah! Careful Flower this one's a crazy one!" Ink laughed and handed the baby to Flower.Flower passed the other baby to Error. "He LoOkS LiKE yoU" Error cooed. The first baby was a girl with bright big purple eyes, she had light blue streaks down her face like Error, Her hand was tiny like mine according to Error. Her bones were white except her left arm that faded from white to black. She was so small and had frail and fragile bones. Flower passed the other child to me and gave me a warm smile. The second baby was a boy with one small eye and another big one both a deep crimson with a fading magenta in them. His big eye had a white pupil in it. He was bigger than the first one and he was a louder and much more active one than her. He had black bones like Error with his right arm fading into white. "This one looks like you! I can tell he's going to be just as stubborn and picky as you!" I joked. Error faked hurt and let out a small laugh. Flower guided Ink out of the room and left, closing the door behind the pair of them."Well... that was a pain!" I giggled and Error hugged the child in his arms."No KiDdInG! I cAn'T FeEL MY haNDs AT AlL" I gave him a playful nudge with my elbow."You're not the one that had to push them out" I saw Error pull a face acknowledging my argument. I looked down at the little bundle of joy in my arms and felt myself begin to cry tears of joy. I can't believe that this would ever happen to me and it makes me glad that I met Error. If it wasn't for him then I wouldn't be sitting here with two adorable babies and an amazing lover. They would let out little mewls and sounds that made no sense. "Mweh" I heard the one in my arms mutter. I felt pride glow inside of me "Awww~ You inherited your mummy's laugh!!!" He beamed at me with his different sized, crimson eyes. He reached his arms out to me and I lowered my face near him. He put his hand on my cheek and began to gurgle and giggle. Error laughed and then the twins linked their mismatching hands and began to pat each other on the face.I heard a scratching at the window and I looked up to look out it. I didn't see anything and what confused me the most was that there were no trees near the window. I felt eyes staring at the back of my skull and I shivered. "SomEthiNg WrOnG?" Error asked as he noticed my discomfort."No... everything's perfect" I smiled lightly and held the adorable bundle in my arms.


The time is approaching. In a few weeks, Blueberry will be mine and mine alone. I let out a quiet, evil laugh and looked through the window at Blueberry. I scratched at the window to frighten him and he looked up to try and locate the sound of scratching. He looked back down and must've felt my presence because he started to tremble in fear. I heard them say something but I couldn't quite make out what it was. I heard some movement and I saw Geno, Dream, and Reaper walk past. "I better get out of here before somebody sees me," I thought bitterly. I glanced back at the window and saw Blueberry staring at me in the eyes with fear. "See you soon my dear~" I sang loud enough for him to hear me and I smirked when he let out a shriek. Error turned to look at me but I was gone before he could locate me. "Soon you shall belong to me AND ONLY ME!" I screamed at the world on top of their house. I teleported away from the scene with a dark expression.

My Intentions

I stalk you through the night...

Your eyes are so bright~I want you for my own!

I need to hear you moan!

I feel myself starting to overexcite~I watch you while you sleep...

How beautiful you are when you weep~

My intentions are sinful

My intentions should now be as clear as crystal!

Can you hear me when I creep?

Why won't you be mine?

Because of you, I'm stuck on borderline...

Don't you dare deny me!

I won't set you free!

If you don't stop denying me of your love, I'll break your fucking spine!

You shall be my love~

You're more innocent than any dove

My intentions are to taint you

My lovely Blue~

Even when tainted you forgive, how innocent of you my love~

~Kitsune Lunar

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