Chapter 22

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Error's Point Of View:I watched as Murder injected some liquid that was in a small syringe into Blueberry. He passed out in Murder's arms. I heard Fuchsia and Lavender start to scream and cry. Vermillion, on the other hand, had a straight face and had tears in his eyes. I let out an aggressive scream and ran at him, gripping my sword tightly. I felt a tear fall out of my right eye. I hit him with the hilt of my sword on the top of his head. He fell and dropped Blueberry onto the ground roughly. I kicked him in the ribcage and he fell back into the much deeper water. Murder splashed around and managed to stay afloat on the water through many struggles. Ink and Flower ran up to him and then dragged him out of the water and tied him up. I growled at him and I saw Lavender and Fuchsia hide behind me with Vermillion in Lavender's arms. Lavender passed Vermillion to Fuchsia and then swam up to Blueberry. "Mama? Mama!" Lavender began to cry as she tried to wake Blueberry up. "LaveNdeR He'Ll BE okAY" I walked up to her and then picked Blueberry up under my left arm. "YoU GoT THiS InK?" I asked as I walked past him."Yeah, Flower you want to help?" Ink responded and then looked over at Flower, who was tying Murder up tightly and painfully. "Sure. why not?" Flower shrugged his shoulders.I nodded and began to walk away. I turned around and saw Lavender, Fuchsia, and Vermillion following slowly behind me. "WHat'S WronG?" I asked as they shuffled their feet and walked up to me. Vermillion squirmed in Fuchsia's arms and then let out a cry. "I tHink he waNTs MamA" Fuchsia looked down at Vermillion as he cried more. I took him from Fuchsia as he wailed and held him in my right arm. We continued to walk until we reached the house. I somehow managed to open the door and let Fuchsia and Lavender in first and then followed in after them. Reaper saw us and then ran up to us. "Do you need help Captain?" I shook my head and then continued to walk. Reaper followed and kept offering to help me. "IF YoU wanT TO HeLP ME THeN GeT A TuB OR SomEthiNG AnD FilL iT wItH WatER." He nodded and ran off to do as I ordered. I let out a sigh and looked down at Lavender and Fuchsia, "YoU tWo Go HavE Fun AnD WatCh AftEr VErmiLlIoN!" I handed Vermillion to Lavender and they ran off. "AnD BE CarEfuL!" I shouted back and then turned around. I adjusted Blueberry's position in my arms so that I was carrying him bridal style.Reaper came back "The tub is filled and in your room" I nodded and walked towards my room. I entered the room and placed Blueberry in the tub. He was still asleep and I sat next to the tub with the book I abandoned on the bed. I had my arm laying on the top of the tub. I was reading for maybe an hour or two and then I heard a knock at my door. "ComE In" I shouted and Ink entered the room. He walked over and looked down at Blueberry. "Has he woken up yet?" Ink asked as he sat down next to the tub on the opposite side of me. "nO" I didn't look up from my book as I responded. "I think we should be concerned about that" I looked up and saw him staring concernedly at Blueberry. "WhY? I KNoW soME wEirD DruG WaS InJectED InTO HIm BuT HE aPpEaRS TO Be ALRigHT.""While he may appear to be okay, we don't know what it's actually doing to him. That and we don't know the amount of harm it could be causing." Ink has a point and I closed my book."WHaT DO YOU SugGEsT We Do ThEN?" I asked him and stood up. He stood up and smiled."There's only one way to tell but I don't think that you'll like it." Ink laughed nervously."WHaT Is IT?" I was starting to get impatient. I didn't like knowing that this thing could be harming Blueberry. "Well, I need to get a blood sample and then do a test on it!" In chirped."We'rE SkelEtoNS, We DOn'T hAVe BloOD" I responded."But you don't have a tail now do you? Or know anything about Ocean Monster tails! I, however, do know many things about them!" Ink stated triumphantly. I was thinking about it for a while and then decided it would be for the best. "AlriGhT, YoU Can DO It... JuST MakE iT QuiCK I DOn'T wanT Him to Be IN pAiN!" I hissed at him. He clapped his hands together and pulled a syringe out of his pocket. "WaIT, WHy DO You HavE a ranDom SYrinGE With YoU?" I questioned him as he pulled Blueberry's tail and stabbed the needle into his tail. "I was going to do it even if you didn't let me!" Ink confessed and then pulled the needle out when he had enough blood in the syringe. "YoU ShiT" I mumbled and then growled at him."Don't complain I could possibly be saving your lover's life!" He snapped back at me and left the room. I don't want to know what he was going to do to that blood... honestly it was disturbing that he knew that much about Ocean Monster's.I looked down at Blueberry as I heard a little splash. I saw him move around and I felt hope fill me that he would wake up. He let out a mumble that I couldn't understand due to him being underwater. I felt my hope shatter when he didn't open his eyes for fifteen minutes. I let out a sigh and rested my chin on the edge of the tub. I felt myself smile slightly at how peaceful he looked but honestly, it kinda scared me. I don't like him being unconscious and looking this peaceful. He looked almost as if he was dead, I'd think he was dead if it wasn't for the fact that he would move every so often.Everything was calm and I felt myself starting to fall asleep. I felt myself wake up when I felt something touch my head and then some water touch me. I opened my eyes and then rubbed them. My vision stopped being blurry and I looked at Blueberry's face. He was smiling and his tail was wrapped around him and his fin started to splash in the water gently. "BlUEbeRry YouR awAke!" I sat up straight and he let out a small laugh. I hugged him and ended up falling into the tub of water that he was in. Ink walked in and started to blush in embarrassment. "Did I interrupt something?" Ink asked. I looked down and I was on top of Blueberry with my arms on both sides of Blueberry's head. "IT'S nOT WhaT iT lOOkS LiKE!!!" I shouted and climbed off Blueberry and out of the tub quickly. "Ah huh and I'm an absolute nutcase" Ink replied smugly. I frowned and gave him an annoyed expression. "WHat ArE yOU EvEN DoinG HerE?!" I screeched and folded my arms. "I came back to check up on Blueberry. I came back and he was awake while you were sleeping." Ink responded with a laugh."WaiT WHy DiDn'T You WakE mE uP?!" I yelled at him."Blueberry didn't want me to wake you up" Ink shrugged."WhaT" I deadpanned and then looked at Blueberry. He had a nervous expression."You hadn't slept well in a few weeks so I decided that this would be good for you" Blueberry fiddled around with his fingers and had blue blush on his face. "INk HuRrY Up anD DO WHaT YoU CaME hEre To DO" I growled at him.Blueberry's Point Of View:Ink was investigating my fin to test if it's broken or anything was torn when Murder slashed at it with his knife. I felt my blush get hotter when Ink had to check my gill that had been stabbed. I squirmed away from him and as he tried to get closer I splashed at him. He frowned and then I'm assuming he had an idea by his facial expression. "Okay, Error I'm gonna need you to do something" Ink ordered as he turned around to face Error."WHaT, WhY? I doN'T KnoW ANyThiNG AboUt OCeaN mOnSter'S" Error looked at him with confusion and a bit of curiosity. "Because I need to check his gills but he won't sit still and I can't tell if he's hurt or not!" Ink yelled back at him."I-I'm fine I can s-still b-breathe!" I squirmed away and my back hit the edge of the tub. Error and Ink both approached me. I tried to avoid them and I splashed at them and the water hit Ink in the eyes. He let out a yelp and with that distracting me, Error pulled me out of the tub and held me and my tail down. "Please don't hate me Blueberry!" Ink examined the gill that was struck by the knife. My face blushed even more and I slapped Ink gently on the face. "And done!" Ink chirped. Error let me go, "YoU okAy?" I nodded and wiped away some of the tears in my eyes. He patted my shoulder a couple times and then sat back down on the bed and started to read. I let Ink examine the rest of the places that I was injured.He then he walked off and grabbed a folder filled with paper. He walked back over to Error and handed him the papers. I looked around in confusion and examining the room. I'm still not used to being on land instead of the ocean. I swam around in circles for a bit under the water. I stopped when I noticed Error and Ink standing next to the tub and waiting for me. I popped my head out of the water. "Okay so your fine Blueberry, just be careful when you have your legs because they'll be very fragile and frail. I'd give them maybe two weeks before you try to walk on them again." I nodded and went back under the water and then I heard the door slam. I poked my head out of the water and above the tub. I saw Lavender, Fuchsia, and Vermillion enter the room. "Alright, I'm going to go have fun and be careful all of you!" Ink started to leave the room but stopped. "Oh, that reminds me you won't have to worry about Murder! We found some people to... 'dispose' of him the proper way." Ink left and I gave Error a confused look. He shook his head and sat down next to the tub with our children sitting in his lap. I felt a small smile on my face and I let out a laugh when Vermillion pulled Error's hat off.

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