Chapter 11

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Error's Point Of View:

I saw Ink walking towards us. He knelt down and released a shaky sigh as he looked over at Ezra. "I'll give him a proper burial, I promise you" Ink sniffled. I gave him a nod and picked Blueberry up bridal style. He continued to cry on my shoulder and I walked away to our cabin. "FloWeR hElP InK WitH EzrA. WhEN YoUR dONe CoME tO mY cabIn" I ordered him and he nodded. He helped Ink carry Ezra onto his boat.I closed the door behind me and rubbed Blueberry's back as he continued to sob. I placed him down on the bed sitting up and he rubbed his eyes. I sat down next to him and glanced at him with sadness. It hurt me seeing him this sad. I may be the most feared pirate by both Ocean and Land Monsters, but that doesn't mean it doesn't hurt me when I see those that I love hurt. He moved uncomfortably and put a hand on his belly. "WhAT'S WroNG?" I questioned with a worried tone. "The babies are kicking again." He laughed slightly to try and hide his sad tone. "ThEY cAN PrOBabLy TElL YoU'rE SaD" I joked and this received a little laugh from him. "I kNow YoUR UpSeT ABoUT EzrA. I'M hEre FoR yoU liKE I'Ve alWaYS bEen." I brought him into a hug and Blueberry nodded his head. "The children seem to know when their father's nearby" Blueberry giggled. "YeAH anD thEy BEttEr BEhaVE!" I cackled."Error, don't threaten our children!" He chirped with a very happy attitude. I felt a laughter bubble up inside me.I heard a knock on the door, that must be Flower. "EnTER" I ordered. Flower entered and walked over to me. I stood up and met him halfway. "I've helped Ink get Ezra on board his boat and he wanted me to relay this message to you. 'The Ocean Monsters that know Blueberry are happy for the pair of you... except for his Older Brother, He is excited about Blueberry and your children but not his choice of lover. Though he won't attack you.' Flower finished."ThaNK YoU, FloweR" I acknowledged and nodded my head. "I wanT YoU to FiND tHE ResT oF thE cREw And CleaN uP tHe... 'MEsS' on The DecK" I commanded. He nodded and left the room. I released a sigh of relief and walked back over to Blueberry. I sat down on the bed and looked out at the moon that was rising. Blueberry was already doing off, his head fell down on my shoulder. He started to sleep peacefully and I let out a quiet chuckle. I laid us both down carefully and I felt one of the kids kick me from his stomach. "YoU lITtLe ShiTS" I whispered. I closed my eyes and let myself fall asleep.I woke up and shifted so that I could get comfortable. I opened my eyes when I noticed something or in this case, somebody was missing. I looked around and couldn't find Blueberry. I felt panic build up in me and I ran out my cabin. I saw Blueberry sitting down chatting to Flower, Red, Gaster, and Fresh. I released a sigh of relief and walked over to the group. "So there I was fighting this creature- Oh, welcome Captain Error!" Red stopped his story that Blueberry was so interested in and greeted me. "Error!" Blueberry greeted me loudly and cheerfully. He gave me a hug and then asked if I wanted to join him in listening to Red's story. "I HAvE nOThInG BEtTer tO dO... WhY nOT" I sat down with Blueberry and listened to Red's and then Gaster's disturbing story. I had to cover Blueberry's 'ears' due to the content of the story.We left them to discuss Gaster's 'story.' We leaned over the railing and looked over at the ocean. The ocean was bright and calm today. I noticed a small little splash that was almost unnoticeable and I turned to look at Blueberry when I noticed the continuous little splashed. My eyes widened when I realised he was crying again. "HeY, hEY WHaT's WRoNG?" I gave his hand a comforting squeeze. "I remember how much Ezra loved the ocean and that he said how my tail reminded him of the ocean during the different times of day... and night." Blueberry smiled and the tears started pouring out a lot more. "HeY DoN'T CrY, reMemBEr ThAt HE's STilL wiTH yOU EveN in DeaTH" This caught his attention."Do you really think so?" He questioned me."I kNOW SO" I responded with a small smile.He had a sad smile on his face and he looked at the sky. "What would he think of me now?" He stated doubtfully and filled with sadness. "I'M sURe He wOULD BE proUd of YoU and UpsET thAT yoUr uPSeT" I replied, hoping that I may have been able to cheer him up."Well, I'm going to have to try and be happy! Both for him, you, and I" He flashed me a bright smile. This was more like the Blueberry I got to know and love. "YoU'Re A BiG GooFbALL" I chuckled and gave his head an affectionate kiss. He blushed and rubbed his head where I kissed him. "I think the big goofball here is you!" He giggled and gave a loving push."NaH, dEfiNITely yOU" I joked. He gave me a kiss on the cheek and I felt my face burn up badly. "Am I really?" He gave me a smirk and had his hands on his hips.I rolled my eyes, "AlrIGHT YOU wiN ThIS TiME BUt I'Ll gET YoU bACk" I poked his cheeks.I walked over to the steering wheel and Nightmare passed me a hand telescope. "We'Re AlMosT aT OuR destInATiOn" I let out a happy sound and looked back at Blueberry. "I Won'T leT HIM TOuCh mY BlUebErrY" I growled in my head and passed the telescope back to Nightmare. I took hold of the steering wheel. "THis WIlL bE FuN" I sneered and glared at the town we started to get close to.

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