Chapter 4

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Error's Point Of View:

I heard no more splashing or the moving of the water. He must have fallen asleep and I breathed out a sigh of relief and continued looking at the map I was studying. I was getting annoyed with the map and the silence I was used to was starting to feel suffocating. I looked over at the tub we placed Blueberry in. I got back to the map but after a few minutes of me getting nowhere I stood up. I walked over to the tub and sat on the edge. The water was clearer than the water in the barrel so, I could see him much easier. I smiled lightly at the peaceful sight of him sleeping.I felt a bubbling feeling in my chest and it wouldn't go away. I've never felt this way about somebody before. Worse of all it was an Ocean Monster. I can't remember why but they're disrespected and thought of as a possession. I felt my Soul begin to hurt at the thought of Blueberry being hurt. I don't know what this feeling is and it's starting to piss me off!I stood up and started to walk away when I heard the water splash quietly. I turned around to see him staring at me with confusion. He noticed that I was staring at him and quickly went back underneath the water and swam in circles for a bit. I let out a quiet laugh that nobody except I heard. I walked back over to the tub, I kneeled down near the edge and watched as he swam for a bit. He noticed m and swam towards me. He poked his head out of the water. "WhaT aRe you StarInG aT?" I asked, "I could ask you the same question" he responded. I let out a laugh, this surprised him and he stared at me in shock. "You laughed!" He exclaimed in an excited tone. He was so excited about hearing me laugh? Wow, this kid has no life at all. "yeAh I Did... WhY aRE yOu So SurprIsEd?" I asked him. "Y-you didn't seem like the kind of person to laugh" he muttered as he slowly drifted down in the water in embarrassment. "I haVE a QuesTiOn I NEeD tO AsK YOu" this caught his attention and he raised his upper body out of the water. "Okay" Blueberry looked both hesitant, curious and suspicious. "WhY IS thAt pARt OF yoUr TaiL PriVATe?" I questioned him. His face turned a bright blue. "As I said it's a place only your lover should touch you... I don't know anything else about it! That's all my brother ever told me about it" He answered what I believe, to be honest. I nodded in understanding and stood up. "WeLl, I'M goInG to SlEeP aNd So shOuLd YoU" I added the last part sternly. He nodded and went under the water onto the bottom of the tub. I sighed and flopped down onto my bed. Sleep came quickly and peacefully.

Error's Point Of View:

I woke up and looked over at the tub that Blueberry was now kept in. The barrel looked as if it was uncomfortable. He would always try to hide the pained expression on his face with a smile but his eyes would give it all away. When I was examining his fin I noticed how the pain that was dull in his eyes had sparked up like a wildfire. He always failed to hide his emotions from me and occasionally the other crewmembers when they 'visited'. Blueberry's tail was always looked stiff and his fin had little chips in it due to it not being looked after carefully and correctly. I stood up from my bed and picked up hat and jacket and put them on. I grabbed my boots and I put them on as well. I walked past my desk and saw the map with the bucket of Blueberry's food next to it. I grabbed two pieces of seaweed and placed them on the edge of the tub for him to eat when he woke up. I walked back over to my desk and roughly grabbed the map and continued on my way to the door. I opened the door and then closed it behind me quietly to not disturb his slumber. I groaned and walked over to Nightmare, Cross and Horror with the map tightly grasped in my hand. I threw the map and them "FiGuRe ThIS OuT!" I shouted in annoyance. Horror fumbled around with the map and almost dropped it. They saluted and ran off in some direction and I rolled my eyes at them. I walked over to Fresh who was standing around and staring off at the ocean. "WhAt ARe YoU DOING?" I asked menacingly. He jumped and turned around in fear and shock. I growled and he walked away quickly to do whatever job he had to do. I sighed in annoyance and walked back over to the left side of the boat. I saw small figures nearby and I squinted to try and see what they are. I noticed Nightmare walking up to me with a hand telescope and handed it to me. I took it and held it up to my eyes to see what was nearby us. I saw one of the Ocean Monsters that I saw nearby Blueberry when I... kidnapped him. Other figures were nearby and one of them seemed to be using rude gestures at me. I handed it back to Nightmare "GeT pRepaReD For a FighT... I tHInK SoME MonStErS WilL bE trYiNG to TAKe BAcK mY FiSH" I growled out. "Oh~ So he's your fish now, is he?" Nightmare laughed in a suggestive tone. I gave him a 'shut the fuck up' look and walked back over to my cabin. I saw one piece of seaweed was missing and then Blueberry staring at me with a large, bright smile. I felt my cheeks burn up a bit and I turned around and grabbed a sheet and placed it over the tub. He poked his head out and looked at me with concern and fear. "StaY hEre and THIs TiMe Don'T TRy AnD AttAcK ThE pErSON whO CoMEs NeaR yOU" I answered with a caring tone. Wait... caring... I'm being caring?! He nodded and went back under the water. He was hidden and if I wasn't the one who hid him, I probably wouldn't have known he was there. I stood up and walked back towards the door. Before I left I grabbed two of my blades and unsheathed them from their scabbards and opened the door, slamming it behind me with my foot. I saw some skeletons and other Monsters fighting with my crew. They looked like the Ocean Monsters except with legs. "WHaT iS thIS WiTChCraFT?!" I shouted in my head. I shook my head and held up my blade to defend myself from a long, sharp staff that tried to hit me in the head. I pushed them off and then used my other blade to push them over the side of my boat. I looked down and saw them hit the ocean. I saw the Ocean Monster come back up and I saw a tail sticking out of the water behind them. "ThIS QuiTe PossIbLY ThE StraNgesT dAy in mY EnTiRe lifE" I groaned and turned around to take care of the other Monsters. I slid on knees under one of the taller Monsters and then turned around and sed my blade to slash their stomach. I saw blood splash in front of me and I let out a quiet, little laugh mixed with my adrenaline and sadistic nature. I ran up to a tall skeleton with an orange hoodie. He turned around as he heard my footsteps and then slashed at with his Falchion Sword. I dodged it but it cut one of the feathers on my hat clean off. "YoU LiTTle SHIT!" I screeched and managed to knock him down by hitting the hilt of my sword at the back of this legs. I rose the sword and aimed it at his face. I brought it down and prepared to stab him.

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