Chapter 13

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3rd Person Point Of View:

Five Monsters called Mafia, Mob, Virus, Clock, and Era. They had weapons in their hands threatening Murder. "Murder if you hurt them we're not gonna hesitate to hurt you."Error summoned a Gaster Blaster, "AnD I WiLl AnNihilAtE YoU IF YoU TOuCH BlUeBErRy!" Murder had a cold sweat on his forehead, he backed up a little. "Ah, I'll get you guys but I know when I'm beat, I ain't gonna risk my life" He began to run away as he left he shouted at us "I'd keep an eye on those children when they're born!" He disappeared and Blueberry fell to his knees. Error placed a hand on Blueberry's shoulder and Blueberry released a sigh of relief. "Alright Error we gotta go now but if you ever have an issue with him you know who to come get!" Mafia waved goodbye and then the rest of his squad walked away.Error picked Blueberry up bridal style and carried him towards the boat. "ToDaY'S BeEN ExHauStiNG" Error groaned."You weren't the one running away from a serial killer while being five months pregnant with twins," Blueberry remarked sassily. Error rolled his eyes and continued walking."If I HaD KnOWN ThAT HE waS GoInG To EsCaPE I WOuld'VE NevEr BrouGhT YoU hErE... Or At LEaST noT WiThOuT MoRE OF mY CreW aloNG WiTH us" Error apologised to Blueberry."You had no control over it, don't apologise" Blueberry buried his head into Error's shirt and cape. Error let out a laugh and gave Blueberry comforting squeeze while carrying him steadily. "SoOn I wOn'T BE aBlE to CaRrY YoU" Error joked. Blueberry feigned hurt."I'm hurt Error!" Blueberry giggled and they got closer to the boat. Blueberry looked up at the stars and the full moon. They got onto the boat and Blueberry managed to climb out of Error's arms so that he could walk again. "I can walk... I feel bad for you carrying me all the time" Blueberry confessed to the last part. "I WoUlD CarRy AlL DaY aND nIGht IF I wanTEd tO" Error coaxed. They walked into the cabin and collapsed onto the bed. Error placed the bed sheet on the pair of them. They fell started to fall asleep. "I love you, Error" Blueberry beamed."I LoVE YoU ToO" Error wrapped an arm around Blueberry and they both fell asleep.As the boat left the dock and began to float away. A shadowy figure had watched it float away with a dark smile. "Soon you will regret ever betraying me Error~" It turned way and had a wicked grin on its face. "When your children and lover both go missing I wonder what you'll think~" The Monster jumped away and gave the ship one more glance before disappearing.Error's Person Point Of View:Blueberry's stomach has grown quite a bit since he's now eight months pregnant and the babies are due to be born in a few weeks. He's been less than energetic, to say the least. The unborn children are taking a lot of energy out of him. I think it's mainly because this the first time he's been pregnant and he's having twins for the first time as well. I feel bad for him since he appears to be in pain most of the time and every time he moves he looks to be in pain. "BlUeberRY WhY aRE YoU pAiN? DiD yOU HuRt YouRsELF SoMEwHeRe?" I asked him as he got up off the bed in the morning. "N-No or at least I d-don't think so" He laughed in a nervous voice and stretched his arms above him. I walked over to him and pulled him into a hug. "YoU nEeD TO ReST AnD StoP PuTtInG PreSSuRE On YoURsELF" I scolded. He scoffed and gave me an adorable pout. "PleasE? FoR Me AnD THe, ChiLDREN?" I gave the 'puppy dog eyes' or at least as good as I could do. Which was creepy compared to Blueberry's, he could convince a serial killer that loved to kill to stop killing people. He released a sigh of defeat, "You know I can't say no to those eyes..." Blueberry mumbled and let out a small laugh. "GooD! KnOW reSt aND IF I CoME bACK HeRE aND YoUR noT you'Ll BE In serIoUS troUbLE" I was half joking and being half serious."How much trouble could I even be in?" I heard Blueberry mutter grumpily under his voice."YoU DoN'T WanT To KnOW" I smirked as Blueberry jumped and began to blush. I waved my hand at him. He waved back and sat back on the bed's edge frowning.I walked out of my cabin and released an exhale of breath. I was able to clearly see my breaths in front of me. Despite it being Summer it was bloody freezing, mainly because we were arriving at Snowdin Town where it snowed twenty-four seven. We came back here because Flower brought up the fact that Blueberry would probably be uncomfortable giving birth on a ship. We arrived and I gave Blueberry a hand even with him trying to deny needing help. I picked up and carried him bridal style in my arms. "E-Error!" Blueberry yelped as he was picked up."I tOlD yOU ThAT YoU nEEdED tO REsT So, I'M CarRyInG YoU!" I chirped in a happy voice, I've been feeling a lot of emotions that I didn't know existed or haven't felt before. It's all because of my sweet, innocent, and adorable Blueberry! He pouted adorably again and let me carry him without a fight or argument.We arrived at our 'house' that we stayed in when we were here or wanted to take a break from the ocean. Everybody was in good mood laughing and some were drinking, getting drunk, and then some afterwards were flirting. By some, I mean Lust and only Lust. "AnD BLUEbErRY WoNDerS WHY I kEeP HIm aWaY FroM LUsT" I grimaced and felt a shudder go down my spine. I walked up the stairs and I walked to the furthermost room. This was my room but now it's our and soon to be our's and our children's room. I looked down at Blueberry and he was smiling brightly at me, I felt a smile form on my own face and I couldn't stop it. I opened the door somehow and then closed it behind me with my foot. I walked to the bed and placed Blueberry down. The bed was large and could hold more than two people in it, it had purple on it because 'purple represented royalty!' as Reaper would say. They put purple drapes on it and I have to say it's not a bad touch but why is everything purple?! I had a big bed because Red and Lust always told me 'that if I did find somebody I loved then it would be easy to have a bed ready then to buy a bed!' As I placed him down I heard a knock on our door. I turned my head and faced the door "EnTeR" I commanded. Reaper opened the door and walked in a bit more. "Ink would like to talk to you" Reaper stated with a calm tone."HoW ThE fUCk DoeS HE kNOw I'M heRE?!" I coughed and gave him a puzzled stare.He shrugged his shoulders "Don't know, I'm just as confused and concerned as you" He turned around and walked out the door with a chilling smile. "I'Ll BE rIGhT baCK" I gave Blueberry a kiss on the head as he started to get sleepy again. I felt a laugh build up in my throat "ThEy ReAlLY aRE TAkInG aLL OF HiS EnERGY" I laughed and walked out the room.I stretched my arms out in front of me and walked down the hallway. I stopped and stared forwards "AlRiGhT CoME OuT I KnOW YoUR thErE" I turned my head and saw Ink walk around the corner. He walked out into the light and made himself visible. "I need to warn you about Murder" Ink began but I cut him off "I KnOW He'S FrEe AGaIn." I waved him off dismissively and he shook his head. "That's not it Error! He's pissed and wants revenge on you! I have somebody undercover working with him and he plans on taking his anger out on Blueberry and your kids!" Ink fretted. I looked at him with fear and anger. "He'S GoInG to havE to gEt THroUgH ME!" I growled out. "I know how you feel Error... I don't want anybody want to get hurt by Murder but I think beating him senseless... again would make the situation a whole lot worse." Ink concluded. I frowned because he made a good point. "I'll happily help you but I need you to agree to help me as well." I thought for a while and let out an annoyed sound and tapped my foot on the ground. "alRigHt... I'lL rELuCtanTly AcCePT YouR HelP" I groaned and frowned at him more."Good!" He stuck out his hand for a handshake."NoW YoUR pUShInG YoUr LuCK" I grimaced at his hand. I don't do physical contact unless it's from Blueberry and I may accept it from my crew depending on the situation.It's been a couple days since Ink had that conversation with me. I reluctantly let Ink and his crew stay with us since the more Monsters around here means it's less likely for Blueberry to be kidnapped or worse. Only one more week to go and then the babies will be coming on any due date. I was excited about the babies and the fact that I was going to be a father but I felt a sinking feeling "WhAt If I'M NoT a GoOD FatHEr" I pondered but shook the thought out of my head. I need to be positive for Blueberry and the children! I looked back at Blueberry laying down on the bed peacefully. I hope the kids don't end up like me in the future and if they do, I hope they meet somebody that will warm their heart. Just like Blueberry did to me almost a whole year ago.

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