Chapter 23

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~Time Skip Of 2 Years Brought To You By This Being The Last Chapter Of This Book~

Blue's Point of View:

I felt pride in my Soul as I watched Lavender and Fuchsia walk off to their first day of Kindy. (I'm Australian and that's what we call it) I started to cry and Vermillion held my hand tighter, Error had his arm wrapped around my shoulders. I waved goodbye and saw them wave back at me and then walk into the building. "My babies are growing up so quickly!" I cried. I heard Error chuckle and then we started to walk back home. "Mummy who is that? He looks familiar" I looked to my left to see who Vermillion was pointing at. I looked up and saw Murder walking being followed by two officers and I frowned. "Don't worry about him... He's not important."I heard Error growl and give a death glare to Murder. "It's okay Error." I gave him a smile and he gave me a tiny smile.We arrived at our home and Vermillion ran and then tripped. "I'm okay!" He continued to run and then disappeared down one of the halls. I laughed and then Error picked me up and walked down one of the hallways. "E-Error?! What are you doing?" He gave me a smirk and didn't respond to my question. I started to feel nervous and I looked down at the floor. "Mummy, Daddy!" Vermillion ran up behind us and Error put me down on the ground."WHaT IS It VermIllIoN?" Error asked in a surprisingly sweet voice and knelt down to get to Vermillion's eye level. "I w-want to show y-you guys a drawing I m-made of us!" Vermillion held up his drawing that had me, Error, Lavender, Fuchsia, Vermillion, all of Error's Crew, and all of Ink's crew on it. I hugged him while cooing at his drawing. Error hugged him with me as well. "Aww~ thank you, Vermillion! We love it, it's beautiful!!!" Vermillion giggled and hugged me back. "T-Thank you, Mummy! What about you Daddy, do you like it?" Vermillion was in my arms and I turned around to make eye contact with Error. "I'd LoVE anyThiNG YoU maKE" Error smiled.The day had gone by quickly and Lavender and Fuchsia entered the house. They wanted to walk home with Flower after school for some reason. Error and I didn't mind though. "MamA! DAda!" Fuchsia ran into our arms and Lavender followed after him. "School was so much fun! I want to tell you all about it!" Lavender chirped and ran around us in circles with Fuchsia following her. "You can tell us all about it after dinner." I laughed.After we had finished dinner. They were talking about what happened to them during school. They played around for a bit and then they started to fall asleep. We carried them to bed and they fell asleep as soon as they were put to bed. Vermillion had fallen asleep in his bed a few hours before them. Error and I left the room closing the door behind us quietly. I told Error that I was going to go check on Vermillion. He nodded and walked off to our room. I walked into Vermillion's room and I walked over to his bed. I looked down at Vermillion and noticed that he had another drawing under his arm. I gently lifted his arm and looked at the drawing. I felt my eyes start to tear up at the drawing. It was a drawing of Error and me with the words 'I love Mummy and Daddy' above us. I put the drawing on the nightstand next to him. I gave his forehead a kiss and then left the room closing the door quietly.I entered the bedroom that Error and I slept in. I got into the bed and laid down. Error was waiting for me to fall asleep. He does that a lot, he wants to make sure that I'm safe and sound. I started to fall asleep and I'm guessing Error thought I was asleep because I heard him mumble "I LoVE YoU." I opened my eyes slightly and looked up at him."I love you too..." I slurred and my eyes drifted closed. I'm happy with everything, life is peaceful right now and hopefully will be for the rest of our lives. I felt Error hug me and then I fell into a peaceful slumber.~---{-~The End~-}---~

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