Chapter 5

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"NO!" I heard a blood-curdling voice screech at me and stopped right above the 'Ocean Monsters' right eye. I looked to my left, my eyes filled with a blazing fury. I felt my eyes soften when I looked over at a Monster that reminded me a lot of Blueberry. This Monster, however, had legs and was wearing a dark purplish-blue with a light blue strip down near the bottom of them. You could see apart of his legs and then really high light blue boots with an inch or two high heels on them. He ran over and he got close and I pointed my blade at his chest. It was three centimetres or less away from stabbing him. He froze in fear and his eyes dilated with fear and shock. His eyes reminded me painfully of Blueberry, the more I stared at them the more they looked like his. "BlUeBErRY?" I questioned a serious but considerate tone. I noticed his eyes brighten and he smiled at me. "Yep!" I pulled my sword away and I stared down at the Ocean Monster that I pinned to the ground with my foot. I released a growl and forced the Monster to stand. I forced him forwards towards the edge of my ship. "LeAvE And NEvER ReTUrN!" I roared. The rest of my crewmates had the rest of the Ocean Monsters at an edge of the boat. I felt Blueberry holding my arm in fear, I felt him trembling in fear presumably. I pushed him off the boat and the rest of my crew pushed the other ones off as well.

Blueberry's Point Of View:

I watched as my brother and my friends were pushed of Error's ship and towards the water. My grip on Error's arm tighten significantly and I felt tears begin to pour down out of my eyes like a raging river. I let go of his arm and walked away from him and the rest of his crew. I couldn't stop thinking about the fact that he almost murdered my brother! I'm glad that I got here when I did otherwise... I could've walked out here to see my brother starting to die on the cold and wooden ground, starting to dust slowly and painfully. My Soul started to ache at the thought. I felt an arm wrap around my waist and then hoist me up onto their shoulder. I back to see Error holding me with an incredibly tight grip on my waist. His two swords in his other hand. "EvErYbODY tEnD TO aNy oF YoUr WoUndS... I'm GoING to TAkE caRe oF tHis" He motioned to me and tightened his grip even more. It was starting to feel suffocating and painful, other than that it felt protective and possessive. "NoBoDY DisTurB onCe AgAIn" He added and then walked back to his cabin. I gulped loudly and I looked up to see Fresh holding up both his thumbs and Nightmare shouting "Good luck... your gonna need it!" at me. I felt a cold sweat drip down my head and I started to panic and tried squirming but his grip was too tight for me to try and even somewhat escape. He slammed the door behind him and it gave me quite a scare from the close proximity it was to my face. I tried once again to squirm but before I could even try I heard a deep, dark and serious warning "Do ThAT AnD I'Ll HaVE yOuR hEaD aND TaIL." I instantly froze and let him carry me. He placed me on the floor in between his desk and the tub I was supposed to stay in. I nervously shifted my feet under his terrifying gaze. I looked up and saw how major our height difference was. I saw him start to circle me and I tried to turn around to watch what he was doing. "StaY StiLL" He ordered in a strict tone. I stood up straight and in an uncomfortable position. "YOu cAn RelAX I'M NoT GoiNG To KiLl You" I relaxed slightly until he added "YeT." I jumped away from him in a fearful instinct. He let out a hearty laugh at my reaction and I felt my limbs start to relax and my Soul wasn't pounding in my ribcage from fear anymore but something else. I felt my face be engulfed in a bright blue messy blush and I looked away in embarrassment. "YoUR a CraCk UP" He stopped laughing and let out a happy sigh. I could hear how loud my Soul my was and I tried to muffle it but failed miserably and just made it look like I was hugging myself. I heard him walking over to me and I tried desperately to get my Soul to quieten down. "WelL, wHAT Do wE haVE HEre~" He whispered in a seductive tone. His breathing was hot and tickled my neck. I let out a squeal and I heard my Soul start to pound louder and my face was getting hotter and was somehow blushing even more. I turned around and walked backwards away from him and hit a wall. He walked over and stood over me with his hands on the wall beside my head. He had a smirk on his face and his eyes were filled with lust. He leaned down next my neck and gave it a light kiss."Yo Error!" Somebody screamed as they slammed open the door. They saw us and started to blush "Oops Sorry am I interrupting something?" Fresh asked. I head Error let out a growl and looked up and then turned his head to look at Fresh. "WhaT iS So iMpoRTAnT tHaT YoU DiDn't KnOcK!" He shouted back. I felt myself slip down the wall and I took a deep breath in and then released it out. "Ink wants to talk to you, Sir!" Fresh responded loudly. "fInE I'lL tALk bUT thEN Don't CoME bACk afTeR ThaT UnTiL I Tell yOu To oKaY?! AnD GIvE EvERYBoDY ELsE tHat WaRnInG aS WeLl!" He added. "Don't worry I won't be coming in here for a long time" Fresh then left and Error followed slowly. He stopped at the door and turned to look at me. "DoN'T WorRy I wOn'T bE lonG!" He winked at me and then left closing the door behind him. I sat in silence listening to my breathing hoping it would calm down. "W-What just happened?!" I screeched in embarrassment and hid my face in my gloved hands. My Soul started to beat fast and my breathing fastened again. I laid on my side and I started replaying what just happened in my head. "What have I gotten myself into?" I asked myself out loud and I rolled over staring at the ceiling.

Error's Point Of View:

I growled as I had to leave my Blueberry and have a stupid talk with Ink. I know how this will end, He's going to suggest me to stop, I'm going to ignore him and continue doing it and then we'll end up fighting. I've seen it all before."HoneStlY, WhO DoEs hE tHiNK hE Is?" I fumed quietly. I was walking... more so stomping towards people and I saw a group of blurry figures. I saw him standing near the edge of my boat with swords pointed at him. He was calm and collected while he was waiting for me to arrive."At eAsE" I groaned out as I came into the view of my crew and Ink... unfortunately."WhAT tHE FucK DiD YoU wanT?" I seethed at him."I want you to return the Ocean Monster back to the ocean where he belongs!" He shouted at me. I made a 'tsk' sound and glared daggers at him."WHy WoUlD I dO tHAt?! AnD EvEN tHeN HE lIkEs IT HeRe!" I bickered proudly and triumphantly. "I doubt it!" He argued, "OH yEaH WhY Don'T I BriNg HiM HErE and YOu CaN aSK HiM!" I yelled back in a very aggressive tone. I turned to Nightmare"GO GeT BlUeBErrY!" I ordered, he nodded and ran off to go get him. I turned back to Ink and continued to glare daggers at him. I heard two pairs of footsteps and I then saw Blueberry standing next to me. Nightmare resumed his position half a meter behind me."So your name Blueberry correct?" Ink asked MY Blueberry, he nodded and he gripped my arm and was hiding behind it slightly."Alright then Blueberry I have a serious question for you, can you answer it for me?" Ink asked in a sickeningly 'sweet' tone. I rolled my eyes at him."He'S NoT a ChIlD nOr an IdIoT INk" I hissed in an annoyed voice."I wasn't asking you!" Ink demanded after I spoke."I-I suppose" Blueberry mumbled with caution."Good! Now do you like being here with Error?" Ink asked him. His eyes had stars in them."I really enjoy being here, Error's really nice to me!" Blueberry beamed excitedly. I smirked a smug smile at him and he gave me a pissed expression. "I'm giving you two weeks to return him to the ocean before I make you!" He growled out at me.

I laughed a mock laugh at him and then picked Blueberry up bridal style in front of him."LAtER LosER!" I shouted back at him."NoBodY cOmE in mY CabIN WItHoUt asKinG ME or KnoCkiNg" I instructed loudly as I walked towards my cabin."I'M upHoLDiNg My pRomISe" I whispered seductively on his neck. His face blushed a bright blue and I smirked. I opened my door and then closed it behind me.

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