Chapter 20

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3rd Person Point Of View:Error woke up with his on the bed again and looked up slightly to see Blueberry waking up as well. Error sat up straight and stretched his arms. Once he finished stretching Blueberry was fully awake and rubbing his eyes. Error placed his hand on Blueberry's hand closest to himself. This got Blueberry's attention and he looked over at Error. "HoW aRe YoU FeeLinG?" Error smiled lightly at Blueberry. "sore... and sick" Blueberry replied tiredly and gave Error a weak smile."YoU'Ll GeT BEttEr" Error stated reassuringly, more for himself than Blueberry. Blueberry muttered something under his breath. Error opened his mouth to question him but was interrupted. "CAPTAIN ERROR!" Fresh kicked the door open and I swear I went deaf. Blueberry was shocked and jumped at the loud entrance Fresh made. "KnoCk neXt tiME!!!" Error shouted in an irritated tone. "Sorry, 'bout that Cap'n!" Fresh laughed and gave a mock salute. "However, I have to bring up an important health note about Blueberry that you SHOULD listen and remember!" Fresh announced. This caught Error's attention and he looked back at Fresh."WhaT?" Error's tone was annoyed and also slightly scared. However, that didn't last for longer than half a second. Fresh walked up to Error and whispered: "I think we should talk 'bout it outside of here." Error nodded and stood up. Error he let go of Blueberry's hand reluctantly. "I'Ll Be BaCK SooN, OKaY?" Error looked into Blueberry's eye. Blueberry gave him a small smile."Okay" Blueberry laid his head back down and closed his eyes.Error and Fresh walked out of the room and down the hallway a bit. "WhaT DiD YoU nEeD To TeLl Me aBoUT BlUEberrY'S HealTh?" Error glared slightly. Fresh let out a sigh and adjusted his 'YOLO' glasses."Well, Blueberry's a full Ocean Monster and will need to return to the ocean in less than two days bro or he won't have legs anymore. Because he's been pregnant he hasn't needed to return to the ocean, and we believe that Murder may have kept him in water some of the time he was there... Not sure 'bout dat brah!" Fresh replied. "OkAY... We hAVE TwO dAys to gET hiM To The OCeaN, ThAt WOn't BE haRD SinCe wE aRe RighT nEXT To THe OCeaN." Error started to tap his foot on the floor and began to think of something to do. "AlrIGht, We'Ll Go To thE OCeaN TomoRrOW."Fresh tilted his head in confusion. "Why tomorrow? Why not do it today?" Fresh questioned."He nEeDs REsT and I'M goInG To GivE hIm anOTheR DaY." Error replied and Fresh nodded at him. "AlriGhT, YoU'Re DisMiSsEd!" Error waved Fresh off. Fresh walked off in the opposite direction.Error turned around and began to walk away. Error passed where Blueberry was and he looked at the door hesitantly. He stopped and opened the door. He peered in to check on Blueberry. Blueberry was sleeping peacefully and Error felt a small smile on his face. He closed the door and continued to walk down that hallway. He opened the door to Lavender and Fuchsia's room. Lavender and Fuchsia had fallen asleep on the floor. Error let out a little laugh and picked them up, and placed them into their beds. Error left the room after cleaning up the colouring books and crayons Lavender and Fuchsia left on the ground. Error closed the door and let out a relieved sigh.He walked down the hallway sightly and looked over at Vermillion in his room. He was asleep in his crib. Error walked in the room to check on him. He remembered that he has to do several check-ups on Vermillion since he's only one day or two days old. He checked that he was still breathing and felt a little bit of happiness when he felt Vermillion breathing. That happiness, however, shattered when he remembered that he isn't this child's father. He felt a frown build up on his face and he left the room quickly. Error frowned when he looked back down the hall and then continued down the hallway.

~Time Skip Of One Day Brought To You By The Fact That Murder Is Still On The Loose And Nobody Knows Where He Is And That's Not Good With Me As The Author Of This Book~Error's Point Of View:I woke up and got ready. I walked down several halls and then opened the door to Fuchsia and Lavender's room. They were waking up and starting to sit up. "We'Re GoInG to The OceaN TOdAY." Their eyes widened and the exhaustion that was left inside of them died."I hOpe we gEt to see an Ocean MonsTer! I want to capture onE and bE like Dad!" Fuchsia shouted and got out of his bed to get dressed in appropriate clothing for the beach. I felt a bad feeling start to build up in my 'stomach.' This was because of the fact that they don't KNOW that their half Land Monster and half Ocean Monster. I was going to tell them but with Blueberry being kidnapped I never had time to tell them. "Ocean Monster's are evil! Right, Father?" Lavender looked up at me with her big eyes. I guess that somebody told them bad stories about Ocean Monsters... I know that I certainly didn't! "Erm... YOu Two Get DresSed anD TheN HaVE somE BreaKfAst I'M GoinG to Go CHeCK Up On MAmA" Error said quickly and left the room with a heavy sigh.Error walked further down the hallway and then entered the room that Blueberry was staying in. Blueberry was sitting up and trying to walk. He fell down to his knees and I rushed over to him. "I-I c-can't walk!" Blueberry wailed and I helped him stand but he couldn't stand by himself."It'Ll BE okAy! We'Re GoinG to THe OCean ToDaY!" I looked down at him and then picked him up bridal style in my arms. I closed the door once I left and I saw Flower walking up to me. He had Vermillion in his arms with Lavender and Fuchsia following behind him. We began to walk towards the ocean with Flower laughing with Fuchsia and Lavender carrying Vermillion. She's very stubborn and loves Vermillion deeply.We arrived at the ocean and gave Flower a look that said for him to take the three of them somewhere else. The four of them walked away onto the sandy area that hardly existed due to the snow. Since its Summer, most of it has melted but some of it still sticks around. I placed Blueberry in a deep part of the water and then left him to do whatever it was that he does. I walked over to Flower, Vermillion, Lavender, and Fuchsia. "Father! Where did you put Mama?!" Lavender began to freak out and then jumped when she saw a small splash. "AH! Ocean Monster!" She screamed as she hid behind Fuchsia. I looked over and saw Blueberry stick his head out just under his eyes. "It stole Mama's eyes!!!" Lavender passed out onto the sand dramatically and I rolled my eyes slightly. I sat down and waited for Lavender to wake up, which was ten minutes. "LavEnder... FucHSIa... ThIS OCeaN MOnster Is YoUR MoTher" I glanced at Blueberry and then back at the two of them. "Wait... So, Our Mama isn't Blueberry?" Lavender tilted her head. "No... nO, HE is But He's ActuaLly An OCeaN MOnstEr, ThaT maKEs YoU TWo Half OceaN MonSter anD hALF LanD MonsTEr." I confessed and they gave me bewildered expressions. Blueberry swam up closer to us and only his tail was under the water, with his fin sticking out slightly. "Okay, hold on a SecoND" Fuchsia ran into the ocean to Blueberry and then popped his head out. "Lavender... I.Have.A.Tail. I HAVE A TAIL!!!!" Fuchsia screamed in both an excited and terrified voice."WHAT?!"She stood up and ran into the ocean and fell face first. I saw a small lilac tail pop up out of the water. I'm assuming that that was Lavender's tail and she did a flip. He head rose out of the water quickly and she let out a loud gasp. "I'm a fish" She whispered with a deadpan facial expression.

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