Chapter 3

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Error's Point Of View:

I sighed in relief when Ink and his crew left. I turned back to my cabin before I opened the door and told everyone to stay out or knock before entering if it's an emergency.
I entered and closed the door behind me. I walked closer towards the barrel and peered in it.
I waited for him to come up himself but he never did. I groaned in frustration and grabbed some part of him and pulled him up.
I looked down and saw that I grabbed his fin so that means he's upside down now. I let go and let him sort himself out and to stick his head out of the water.
He stuck his head out of the water and smiled at me. I felt my cheeks start to warm up and I felt a small smile form on my lips. "WhaT dO yOu eAt?" I asked trying to cover up my blush.
"Seaweed..." He muttered quietly and I nodded. "I'll gO gEt YoU sOmEtHIng to EaT noW" I walked of and left him alone.

Error's Point Of View:

I walked out of my cabin in a flustered mess. "WhY iS A fisH mAkInG Me BlUSh?!" I screeched in my head.
I walked out and found Nightmare "OI NIghTmAre Go Get SomE SeAWEeD foR thE FiSh" I ordered. He nodded and gave me a salute before walking over to some crewmembers to help him gather the seaweed.
I sighed and looked out at the ocean. I felt something grow in my stomach as I thought about Blueberry and the ocean. I shook my head frantically and tried to stop thinking about him. I took a deep breathe and let it all out.
"Captain Error?" I heard a voice behind me and I turned to see Cross standing behind me with a confused face. "WHaT iS It?" I questioned as I walked past him.
"Your fish got out onto the floor" he stated calmly and he continued to walk towards the steering wheel of the ship. I ran towards my cabin to go check on Blueberry and found him laying on the ground with his face planted onto the ground.
"WHat arE yoU doInG?" I asked him as I picked him up. My hand was holding a part of his tail that made his face blush a bright blue. He tried to squirm out of my grip. I dropped him onto the ground when he bit one of my fingers on my other hand.
"SOn OF a biTcH!" I fumed and felt my finger start to sting from the pain. He crawled backwards and away from me. "WhAT ThE FuCK!?" I chided at him in anger.
"Don't touch that spot on my tail!" He cried as his face flushed a brighter blue. I shot him a confused and angry look after he shouted that at me. "That's a private spot for Mermaids, Merman and any fish like Ocean Monster!" He shot back in an angry manner. I cocked an eyebrow at him and walked over to him. He puffed out his chest to make himself look bigger.
I walked closer and kneeled down so that he could look up at me easier. He cowered back down and looked much smaller than he already was. "WhAt Do YOu MEaN pRivATe sPoT?" I inquired.
"It's a spot only lovers are allowed to touch!" He yelped in response. "That's what my brother said!" He added and crossed his arms with an adorable pout... wait did I just call his pout cute?!
I felt a slight blush start to rise on my face. I picked him back up and avoided that... 'spot'. I placed him in the barrel so he wouldn't dehydrate, burn out or whatever happened to fish when they were out of water for too long.
The door slammed open and I saw Nightmare enter with a bucket filled with seaweed. He stopped when he got to my desk and saw our blush. "Did I interrupt something?"
He laughed "NigHTmArE plAcE the BuCkEt on My DesK aNd gEt oUT... AnD nO We wEreN't DoinG anYThiNg lIkE ThaT" I added the last part when I saw his face.
(He probably had this face ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) with his 'eyebrows' wiggling lmao)
Nightmare left the room laughing and wiping tears of laughter from his eyes. I turned around and I couldn't see him in the barrel. He must've been hiding underwater after Nightmare left.
I sighed and grabbed a piece of seaweed from the bucket and placed it on top of the water. Nothing changed, the seaweed floated on top of the water and just slowly drifted around it. I left him alone to go check on my crew and to make sure Nightmare didn't start any rumours.
"WhY DiD I mAkE hiM mY FirsTmAtE AgAIn?" I thought to myself questioning my choices. I looked at the stars in the sky and continued to walk towards where my crew was laughing and eating.

Blueberry's Point Of View:

I heard the door close and I floated back to the top of the water. The seaweed laid on top of my head and cover my left eye.
I grabbed it and flicked it away from me. It landed with a quiet 'squelch' sound and I looked around making sure nobody else was in the room.
I sighed in relief and tried to move my tail. This caused it to cramp up even more. I maneuvered myself so that most of my tail was sticking out of the barrel and my upper body wasn't submerged in water.
I sat there replaying what just happened over and over in my head. I couldn't stop thinking about how awkward it was. I tried to stop thinking about it but it would always come back to my thought process.
I jumped when I heard a door creak open. I looked around but couldn't see anyone or any door open. I moved so that most of my body was back in the water except my head. I heard the creaking again and I hid under the water.
I started to shake in fear, "How did the door creak if it didn't open?!" I screamed in my head in alarm. I heard whispering and I started to shake in fear.
I stuck my head out a little and I saw one of the mysterious figures slip on the seaweed I threw out a few minutes ago. I had to stifle a laugh that tried to force its way out of my throat. This unfortunately made a splash sound that caught the Monsters attention.
I sunk down as far as I could without hurting my tail. I saw a hand enter the water and was a few inches away from my face. I did the only logical thing I could think of and I didn't move.
A larger hand and arm touched and found my fin and they grabbed it roughly. I bit the arm as hard as I could and I noticed the blood that fell into the water. I forced myself out of the water and then climbed my way out of the barrel in hopes I could escape them.
I got past Error's desk before something yanked on my tail and dragged me closer. I let out a girlish scream and slapped the Monster touching my tail in the face with my fin. They grabbed onto my tail and managed to pull me closer.
I heard the door slam and I looked up to see Error standing in the doorway. "FreSh WHY iS BlUebErRY scReamInG?" Error asked calmly as we walked over us with a lantern in his hand.
I looked over to see Fresh standing close to me and with Cross just standing further behind him, not even paying attention to the situation at hand. I released a sigh out of relief and saw that Fresh's finger was still bleeding.
"Sorry about your... finger" I muttered. He looked down at it and then smiled "No problem bro!" He laughed.
"frEsH I toLd yOu to MoVe hiM to A BiGgEr BoX oR somEthING, NoT TO GivE hIm A HearTAtTACK" Error groaned in annoyance.
"Hey I tried bro but the little one kept escaping and biting" Fresh shrugged his shoulders. "I woNdEr wHy" Error responded sarcastically.
"AlriGhT, i'Ll tAkE caRe of THis yoU tWo gO do soMethIng UseFuL or Go To BEd" Error waved them off. They exited the room and I looked back at Error to see him staring at me. I gulped in fear and tried to move back to the barrel.
He picked me up and placed me under his arm. He walked a little further and then dropped me in some sort of box filled with water. I was able to stretch my tail out and still had some space. I popped my head out of the water and looked over at Error who placed the lantern on his desk and looked at some form of paper. "Thank you" I beamed. He looked at me and then the bucket.
He threw some seaweed that hit me directly in the face. I pulled it off "EaT IT" he glared at me. I ate it slowly and then swam in circles slowly in the container I was kept in. I laid down on the bottom of the container and smiled to myself.
"Maybe this isn't going to be as bad as I thought"
With that final thought I felt myself drift off to sleep.

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