Chapter 7

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Blueberry's Point Of View:

I slowly opened my eyes to see a dim light coming through the window. I saw that the sun was rising slowly and letting its warmth and kindness radiate over us. My senses finally started to wake up along with my limbs. I felt a stinging pain in my hips and I shifted uncomfortably. I heard an annoyed sound behind me and saw Error sleeping. I felt a fiery blush overtake my face. I noticed that he had his arms wrapped around my chest. This was when I also noticed that I didn't have clothes on. "Go bACk To SleEp..." Error mumbles semi-consciously and then opens his eyes slightly. I closed my eyes and began to fall into the dark abyss known as sleep. Error released a relieved sound and then I heard his breathing slow indicating he was asleep as well.I woke due to a loud crash and somebody cursing nearby. I sat up quickly and saw Error and a chair on the floor. He stood back up and then lifted the chair back up. He hadn't noticed me as I wrapped the blanket around my body and sat on the edge of the bed. He started to grumble something and he left the room. I looked back at the window and the sun had only just risen to the point that indicated to us that it was a little past... maybe eight in the morning. I heard a loud slam and it made me jump in fright. "OH, YoUR AwAKE" Error finally noticed that I was sitting on the bed. "What was that about? With the chair?" I asked cautiously and Error's slight smile turned into a frown. He handed me my clothes and then walked back over to his desk and sat on the chair. He turned around so that I could get dressed comfortably.I got dressed and tied my bandana around my neck that turned into a cape. I noticed that my cape would drag a little on the floor. I pulled my boots on and walked over to Error with a smile. He stood up and stretched his limbs. "Don'T wOrRy AboUT tHe ChaIR" He mumbled and took me by my hand and led me out of his... our cabin. We walked out and I could've sworn that I saw a smile on Error's face. I rubbed my eyes as the bright sunlight beamed and shone into my eyes. I blinked and then looked back at Error and realised that he was smiling. I released a quiet squeal and hugged Error tightly. "WoAh! WhAt wAs ThAt fOR?" He chuckled and hugged back with an arm. "You are smiling!" I laughed brightly and let go of him and gave him a bright smile. He stared and blinked before he rubbed my head roughly and started to laugh. "YoU bIG GoOfBaLl" He laughed and gave my head a soft rub before he walked away and motioned for me to follow.I walked up with him to the front of the boat and as I looked out upon the bright horizon. I saw a saw blurry... town? Error leaned on the railing and released a melancholic sigh. He looked out at the town and I saw the sorrow and homesickness in his eyes. I felt my Soul start to feel heavier with misery the longer that I looked at him. "I'm GoInG hOmE... AnD YoUR ComInG WitH mE. You'Ll lOve IT thErE" Error smiled as he looked at the ocean. He looked over at me with shock growing in his eyes. "HEy... WhAt's WroNG?" He wiped away a stray tear that fell out of my eye. I brought my hand up to my left eye and then looked down at it and saw tears. I wiped them away and looked back at Error. "I don't know why I was crying. Maybe it was because you looked so sad that it made me feel sad as well?" I responded sweetly while giving him my warmest smile.I leaned over the railing so that I could see the town better. My smile grew wider as I released an excited gasp. "It's so pretty!" I exclaimed as I looked out at the town that had slowly increased in size and became clearer. We were still pretty far away and I couldn't contain my excitement. I looked at Error again and he smiled then looked back at the town. "THeY'RE GoInG To LoVe YOu" I heard Error whisper sincerely and he stopped leaning on the rail and stretched his arms above his head. I heard a couple cracks and shuddered in disgust."I'Ve BeeN MeaNiNG To AsK YoU a QuEstIoN... If ThAt's OkAY?" He added the last part and looked over at me. I stretched my arms and turned around to face him. "Go ahead and ask" I chirped with affirmation. "LasT NiGhT I pUT YoU In wAtER BuT yOu StiLL hAd YoUr leGS... WHy Is ThAt?" Error queried with confusion and curiosity. "Oh, that's easy! We only get our legs if we stay out of water for too long or we force ourselves to grow legs. Our tail, on the other hand, we can only summon we're in the water and we want to have a tail! Basically, we get out own choice... though our legs will start to weaken and deteriorate if we spend too much time using them." I simpered with pride. "WhEn Do YoUR lEgs beGiN tO WeaKeN and DetErIoRaTe?" Error asked me "It takes four weeks for them to fully weaken and an extra two weeks before they begin to deteriorate and we're stuck with our tail for the rest of our life." I frowned and looked back at the town. I've had my legs for almost three weeks now and I know that soon they'll begin to weaken and I'll need to go back to my tail. "HoW lONg uNtiL yOU nEeD To Go bAcK To YoUr taiL?" Error asked as he hugged me tightly. "Erm... I can have almost another three weeks but for safety reasons the most would be... maybe another week or two... but that would be pushing it a bit far." I lied and sighed sadly. A depressing thought began to invade my head and I shook them away and gave Error a comforting smile.I felt the boat shake and I fell over onto my hand and knees. Error offered out a hand to help me back up once the shaking deceased and I noticed a dark shadow overcast above the ship. I looked up and gripped Error's arm in fear as I saw one large boat surrounding the left side of Error's ship. I felt cold fear grip my Soul in its tight claws and I couldn't move. I saw Ink and some of what I'm assuming is his crew and what looked like some of my friends from the ocean. "Alphys, Undyne, and Papy!" I ran over to the three of them and was brought into a tight hug and then felt tears drip onto my head. They were mostly Undyne's as she let out uncontrollable sobs and hugged me tighter. "B-Blueberry! I thought you d-died!" Undyne hiccuped as Alphys comforted her, which ended up in Alphys being brought into a tight hug of Undyne's. "You idiot! What were you thinking?!" Papy joked and picked me up in a tight hug. I started to cry and hugged him back. I couldn't stop crying and he put me down and knelt down to me so he could be eye level with me. "Did they hurt you?" He growled in a deep voice. I shook my head frantically "They treated me really nice! Oh, Papy I have someone I want you to meet!" I exclaimed and ran back over to Error and practically dragged him over to meet Papy. Ink and his crew stood glaring at Error's but none of them engaged in a fight. "Papy this is Error and Error this is Papy but you can call him Papyrus or Orange!" I beamed. Error glared daggers at Papy and Papy returned it with his own death glare. "So you're the one that stole my brother" Papy growled out."I SuRe Did aNd ThAT's NoT oNlY ThiNg I StoLE" Error laughed and smirked evilly. I saw Papy stare at him in disgust and then a burning rage. "What did you do to my brother" Papy sneered at Error in an aggressive tone. I looked over and saw Alphys holding Undyne while they watched the situation play out in amusement. "Oh, JuSt SomeThinG CalLed hIs InnoCence... YoU knOW hIs VirGinItY." Error laughed and looked at the tips of his fingers as if he was looking at his fingernails. I looked over and saw Papy's face taken up with an orange blush. "You son of a-" "Papy!" I interrupted before he could say anything hurtful.Error's Point Of View:The skeleton that Blueberry introduced to me as Orange certainly was not happy with me being Blueberry's first and only lover. I gave him a devilish smirk as I pulled Blueberry by the hand and wrapped an arm around his waist with him pressed against my chest. I stuck out my tongue at him, I knew that it was childish but I couldn't resist.Orange pulled out a sword that ended up triggering everyone else to do the same thing. It looked like a game of dominos except that it was with people pulling out weapons and nobody fell over. I let Blueberry go reluctantly and unsheathed my blades and pointed them both at his face. "Error..." Blueberry whispered terrified. I glanced at him and saw two Monsters pointing at my back. Blueberry was trembling and he was looking around at all of the Monsters. I gave him a motion to stan close to me. He began to walk with me but his legs gave out on him and he fell over. "BlUeBErRY ArE YoU okAY?" I asked and sheathed my blades to help him up. He tried to stand but he couldn't. Orange pushed me away and looked at Blueberry's legs. I noticed that everyone else had sheathed their weapon and was talking to a member of the same crew. I watched as Orange inspected Blueberry's leg with caution. Everytime Blueberry winced, whimpered, or flinched I would growl or have a twitch of fingers to grab my sword. He would ignore me or shoot me smug look that said 'you wouldn't dare hurt because it would hurt Blueberry.' Blueberry's legs didn't appear to be hurt but he would act and give away expressions that indicated he was hurt somehow.He did one move on Blueberry's leg that made him begin to break down in tears. I grabbed my swords handle but didn't pull it out. "Blueberry..." Orange began."Y-Yes Papy?" Blueberry's response was mixed up with a whimper and a hiccup. It pained me to see him like this but I would never say that out loud. I have a reputation to keep up with. 'Error the Destroyer of Monsters' falls in love and grows soft. Yeah, that would go down well, just wait for all my enemies to come for me to have my dust. I rolled my eyes and focused back on the situation at hand."Your legs have weakened as much as they can, you know what will happen if you don't use your tail soon." My eyes dilated and I looked at Blueberry in shock. He said to me that he had another week or two. My Soul trembled in pain from him lying to me and also the fact that I didn't want him to leave me.Orange hoisted him up on his shoulder and walked towards the edge of the boat. Blueberry squirmed in his hold. I followed the pair of them and watched in confusion and curiosity. Orange placed Blueberry in his hands. Blueberry was hanging above the ocean, his eyes dilated in fear and he stopped squirming. As I reached the railing Orange dropped Blueberry. He fell towards the ocean and with a splash, he was gone... under the water. I stood staring over the railing, frozen in shock. I felt tears prick my eyes and I continued to stare down at the ocean until I saw Blueberry reappear. I noticed that the bubble had disappeared and that he still hadn't resurfaced. "WhY Is hE StiLl UnDeRWaTER!" I shouted at him in anger."Probably hiding in embarrassment or he's ashamed." Orange climbed over the railing and jumped into the water. I saw none of them resurface and that the other Ocean Monsters had dived back into the water. The swam away and must've assumed that Blueberry was following behind them.I saw a small head pop out of the water and look around then look back up at me. I realised that it was Blueberry and he was looking around in fear. I saw a tail fin behind him sticking out of the top of the water. I knew that was his fin due to it being only one fin not two and it's purplish-blue colour. He waved at me and smiled. I looked down at him and felt my face burning up with fluster. I looked down and pointed at the town indicating for him to meet us there. he gave me a thumbs up and began to swim towards the town slowly and under the water to try and stay hidden from other boats or Monsters. I figured that it would take an hour or two to reach there and I had to walk away to attend to Ink and his crew that remained on my ship.I walked more like stomped... loudly over to them, I stood face to face with Ink. We stared at each other for a few seconds before I broke the silence by sapping him harshly on the face. He fell over onto his side. Ink brought a hand up to his cheek that I slapped and rubbed it before he looked at me with a glare. I shot him daggers and a death glare before I turned to face his crew. "AlL oF YoU gEt ThE FuCK ofF mY boAT" I growled out of gritted teeth and gave them a serious look. The hurried back onto their boat and Ink was about to jump on as well. "I'd keep an eye on Blueberry if I was you" I heard Ink mumble out with an evil smile. He jumped off the railing onto his boat as it began to float away.

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