Chapter 8

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Error's Point of view:

I scowled and walked away from the railing. I heard somebody walking up next to me, I turned to see Nightmare. "Captain Error, we will make it to the town by nightfall!" Nightmare announced to me proudly.

"AlRiGhT... KeeP DoInG YoUr JoB, I HAvE sOmE busINess To atTenD TO" I responded and dismissed him with a wave of my hand. I walked over to the side of railing that Blueberry was swimming near. I leaned over and looked for him, I saw his fin come out of the water a bit but then go back under a little afterward. I stopped leaning on the railing and walked towards my cabin. I closed the door and sat down at my desk. Despite being on the ocean and being a pirate I still had... paperwork. I shuddered at the mention of it. I looked down and felt my frown deepen. "It'S LiKE sAtAN aND HiTlEr HaD A BabY" I growled and looked at it in disgust. (First of all, I can make that joke because I'm a third German and my great grandparents were held in a concentration camp because they didn't approve of Hitler's methods and secondly yes Hitler did exist in the Monster world as a Monster) I began to sulk at the loneliness I was once used to. I shook my head and started filling out the paperwork with the quill that would occasionally hit my face or tickle my nose causing me to sneeze.By the time that I had finished signing or writing on the paperwork, it was almost nightfall. I stretched my limbs and walked out of my Quarters with a sigh. I took a deep breath and then exhaled as I looked at the setting sun with envy. The sun can go away to the other side of the world and hide away from us, avoiding all of its problems while us, on the other hand, have to face them! I saw Red (Underfell Sans) walking towards me with his usual frown. I turned to face him and looked down slightly to make eye contact. "We've almost arrived at the town Captain... give or take another hour" He declared in a monotone voice. I nodded in understanding and he walked away in a sour mood. "WhY Is hE alWaYS sO gRumPY?!" I thought in my head. I shook the thoughts out of my head and continued on my way to the front of the boat.We were moving slowly and I felt the wind softly brushing against my face as if it was hugging me. I got splashed in the face with some water and I saw Blueberry swimming nearby with a cheeky grin on his face. "JuSt YoU wAiT UnTiL ThIs ShiP rEacHES ThE DoCK YoU shItTy bRat!" I laughed and fake threatened him. He swam away and towards the town with a bright smile. I looked up and saw all the bright lights gleaming brightly. "Ah, ThAt'S riGhT iTs ChriSTMas EvE Isn'T It?" I sighed and heard somebody reply next to me. "Sure is dawg!" I turned to see Fresh and groaned. Despite being a member of my crew he can be so irritating! Blueberry looked up at me in confusion "Error, what's Christmas?" Blueberry asked me in a sweet voice. I was taken back by the question. "Do OcEaN mOnStErS NoT CelEbrAtE ChrIStmaS?" I asked myself in my head. "It's a day when families come together and celebrate while giving each other gifts" Fresh explained in his normal voice without his 'swag' voice. I watched as Blueberry's face morphed from confusion to shock and then to excitement. "That sounds amazing! I've never heard of such a holiday that Land Walkers created!" He beamed."WhAt DiD tHEY tElL YOu?" I asked curiously."That Land Walkers are selfish beasts controlled by the seven sins and care for only themselves. They hate family and friends and they should be exterminated at all costs!" Blueberry disclosed. That definition certainly did fit some Monsters... including myself before I met Blueberry. I won't deny the fact that he has made me 'softer' but in a good way. He's made more compassionate and... caring? "AlrIgHt, BluEbErrY StaY unDeR tHe WatEr UnTIl YoU hEaR ThIS SouND" I made the sound and he nodded.I sighed and looked up at the starry night sky as we arrived at the dock. I saw Blueberry duck under the water and he swam down most likely to hide as I told him to. Nightmare dropped the anchor and we climbed out of the boat and walked down the dock and I saw a small splash underneath but ignored. I continued to walk and saw that nobody was around here so I made the whistle sound. Blueberry popped his head out on the 'beach' side of the dock and swam over to us. I wouldn't really call it a beach since it's always covered in snow. The others walked on and told me that they would meet me at the usual meeting place. I kneeled down and Blueberry gave me a smile. I dangled my feet down and they almost touched the water. "WelCoME To SnOWdIn" I smiled down warmly at him."I see why they call it Snowdin" Blueberry laughed and gave me a smile.He climbed up on the dock after quite a bit of struggling and sat next to me with his fin dangling in the water. He made a small splash. He looked like he remembered something and he pulled one of the scales off his tail. He handed it to me, I took it gratefully and then gave him a confused look. "ThAnK YoU... BuT WhaT Is IT For?" I asked in confusion. "My scales are quite rare and expensive but I mainly gave it to you since you looked after me despite the fact that most Land Walkers would've killed me... and because this way I'll always be with you no matter what!" He purred. I smiled softly and gave his head a light kiss. He blushed crazily. "Do YoU juSt nEeD tO hAvE yOuR tAIL toucHinG thE WaTeR?" I asked with curiosity. He shook his head "I can but I mainly need my gills to be touching the water to breathe but I can breathe normal air for a few minutes." He responded, his hand brushing the gills on his tail. I nodded and stared back up at him "AreN'T yOuR gIlLs suppOsEd TO BE oN yoUR nECk?" I questioned."Well, they can but since I'm a skeleton it wouldn't match my anatomy and I'm a different kind of merman." Blueberry looked at me while he touched his neck on instinct as well. "ArE YOuR GiLlS SenSiTiVE?" I wondered out loud. I touched them before he could respond and he yelped and curled up his tail around him. His face was covered in a bright blue blush that made him look more like blueberry. "Yes they are!!!" he yelped. I laughed softly and then he followed along with it.This turned into a laugh session before he started to cough. "ArE YoU oKAy?!" I cried and grasped his shoulder as he coughed into his glove harshly. He stopped coughing and I saw his eyes dilate and I grabbed his glove to look at what he saw. I stared in shock at his hand... I saw crimson red liquid dripping down the corner of his mouth and on his hand. He dived back down into the water and I had his glove in my hand. He poked his head back out and began to gasp and take in short breaths. He took a while but managed to get his breathing even again. I passed him his glove and he put it back on and washed the blood of it and his face. "WhaT wAs thAt?" I asked in fear. "I was out of the water for too long and my breathing stopped for a bit." "aND thE bloOd?""Probably from me coughing too hard." He sighed and he sunk down into the water with just his eyes showing.I looked up and the stars and softly smiled. I saw the constellation 'Virgo' and 'Taurus' I looked over at Blueberry and he was staring up at the sky as well. "WHaT ArE YoU lOoKiNg foR?" I asked while I stared back up at the sky. He pointed at two stars in particular and I looked at it. It was one of the smallest and glowing the least and then next to it was one of the biggest stars and was glowing the most. "It reminds me of us!" He giggled."YeAh, I GueSs It KinD oF Is!" I laughed triumphantly.He swam up closer to me and I rubbed his head affectionately when I sat up. He made a sound the reminded me of purring and I let out a chuckle. I stood up and while I didn't want to I knew that I had to leave. I said my goodbyes and began to walk away when I heard a sound behind me and saw Blueberry following me with his legs. "ArE yOU allowed TO bE walKInG agAiN?" I half asked and half grunted at him. He nodded at me "HoW Do I KnOW YoU'rE nOT lYinG agAIN?" I smirked. "I-I promise!" I laughed a little."I KnOw" I walked next to him and he held his hand in mine. I felt my face heat up again and I walked along tightening my grip on his hand. We walked past a couple of two female Monsters that waved at me and Blueberry. Blueberry waved back dramatically with a smile without a thought. I, on the other hand, hesitated a bit before doing the same, less dramatically and calmer and 'friendly.' I heard one of them let out a small giggle at Blueberry's adorable gesture. We continued to walk with Blueberry staring in awe at all of the Christmas lights and decorations that covered up the entire street. We finally arrived at the meeting point. Which was literally a big house that we would stay in while we were here and not on the ocean. I looked at the scale in my hand that shone like the stars and had a deep blue colour that reminisced me about the ocean during the night. I smiled and walked through the doors with Blueberry's hand still in mine.We walked inside and Blueberry grasped his stomach tightly. I looked over at him and he gave me an 'I'll be okay' look but I wasn't convinced and dragged him over to the most medically advanced person in my crew. That being Gaster... which was like being the tallest dwarf. I explained it to him and then Gaster dragged both me and Blueberry behind him. He went into a room with Blueberry and I and ran some 'tests' on Blueberry, while I impatiently tapped my foot on the floor. "So, I've got an answer for what's wrong..." He began.

"You see... Blueberry's pregnant."

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