Chapter 2

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Error's Point Of View:

I left my cabin and walked over to my first mate Nightmare.
"Captain Error! How's the 'Mermaid' going?" Nightmare asked as I got closer towards the group he was talking to.
"Eh, It'S FinE thouGH I thInK We mAy hAve cAptuRe a MerMaN inSteAD" I responded in an annoyed tone.
I heard a laugh come from the other crewmembers "Really? That creature's a male?" Nightmare laughed.
We joked around for a bit and laughed at stupid things... well everyone but me. I heard a crash come from my cabin.
"NoW I hAvE to gO chEcK On hIM" I muttered and walked away from the group. I slammed the door open and closed it behind me loudly.
I saw the monster cower and hide in the barrel.
"WhAt ArE yoU dOInG?" I snarled at him, he squeaked and sunk further into the barrel. I smirked "ThAt'S OnE sOuND hE mAde," I thought evilly.
"I kNoW yOuR noT dEaF So I SugGesT yOU stArt SpeaKinG" I started. "WHaT'S yOuR nAmE?"
He moved so his head was out of the water "B-Blueberry" Blueberry stated.
"THaT's an inTerEsTing nAMe chOiCe," I thought "AlRigHt... ArE yOU mAlE oR FemAlE?"
Blueberry looked quite shocked at the question. "I'm obviously a male!" He responded loudly, he looked quite offended by me asking him his gender.
I cocked an eyebrow at him to show for him to elaborate.
He held up his fins "My tail fades from a light blue to dark purplish blue males fade from a light color to dark color!" He replied in an annoyed manner.
"ThAt'S iT?" I asked, "Well there is one more difference but I'm not going to say that it's too embarrassing!" He started to blush a bright blue and tried to hide his face in the water.
I stood up and walked over to him and circled him before stopping in front of him again. I held the fin and inspected it closer. "W-what are you doing?" He stuttered "I'M obvIoUslY eXaMIniNg YoUr Fin!" I rudely replied.
It was surprisingly smooth and soft, I touched the part that connected the tail to the fin.
This earned another squeak from him. I let go of it and went back to the fin. "It'S nOt In oNe pArt NoT TwO " I muttered quietly "P-pardon?" I looked him in the eyes.
"ArE AlL FinS lIkE tHiS?" I asked Blueberry shook his head. "So YoUr's Is SpeCiaL oR sOmEThiNg?"
He nodded but then stopped and started to think. "Many Mermaids have one fin instead it being split in two... but it is uncommon, almost unheard of a Merman having one fin" He contemplated.
"Captain! I'm sorry to bother you but we're being attacked by another ship!" Cross huffed as he slammed my door open. "WHaT dO We KNoW WhO It iS?" I shouted back at him.
"We believe it may be Ink sir" Cross responded with a salute.
I hate Ink he's always trying to stop me from capturing and selling the Ocean Monsters. I sighed and spoke, "aLriGht I'Ll Be thEre sOoN!" I called back, he nodded and ran off closing the door.
"nOw YoU StaY DowN aNd Don'T dO anYtHiNg SUspIciOus Or I'Ll HavE yoU AnD All Of YoUR fRieNDs hEaD!" He nodded frantically and hid in the water.
"AlriGhT Ink YoU wAnT a fiGhT TheN yOuR gOnnA gEt a fighT!" I shouted as I walked out of my cabin grabbing two of my blades.
I saw their ship was already next to mine and some of them had boarded the boat. I ran up to them and started to fight them off. This had kept me busy and I didn't notice Ink slip behind me and towards my cabin.
I turned in time to see him run in there and close the door. "I'M GoinG to hAvE sOmE BloOD on mY blaDe in a MinUtE" I growled as I walked closer to the door.

Ink's Point Of View:

I locked the door and walked away from it slowly watching it to make sure nobody broke it down.
I turned around and looked around for where the Merman may be. One of the Mermaids around here told us about how their friend was kidnapped by a pirate.
I had rightfully assumed it was Error. He was always selling off these Monsters as if they're less than us.
It always pissed me off when he would get away with the creature. I heard a splash sound and noticed a barrel in the corner with water in it. "Bingo!" I thought triumphantly.
I walked over to the barrel and looked down in it... nothing appeared to be abnormal. Nothing happened for a few minutes before a head popped up. "I found you!-" I was cut off by him squirting some water in my face.
I walked back and started to wipe it off my face and I opened my eyes to see him back into the water. I looked back down in the barrel and when the Monster tried doing it again I dodged it. "That's not a nice way to greet your saviour!"
I laughed, trying to show that I'm helping him and not attacking him.
He tilted his head in confusion "Why do I need saving?" He asked me "I- uh huh?" Now I was the confused one.
"Don't you want to go home to your friends and family?" I questioned him.
"Well yeah but Error seems nice... other than the fact that he kidnapped me" He retorted in a peaceful manner. I was about to ask him what he meant but I stopped by the door slamming into the wall.
I turned around sharply and saw Error standing there with his blades in hand. I groaned "This is going to take longer than I thought!"
I picked up the Merman and held him under my arm and a blade in my other hand. He was surprisingly light and small. "Error, I'm not going to stand by and watch as all of these Ocean Monsters get slaughtered and sold off by you!" I shouted. "wEll I WaSn'T pLAnNinG oN sEllInG tHIS onE bUt oKAy!" He yelled back.
Okay, now that's the second most confusing thing I've heard today. I shook my head and raised my sword and he rose his.
Our blades clashed and the force made me accidentally drop the Monster on the floor. "Ah, I'm sorry about that!" I apologised.
He slithered towards me or technically the barrel. My sword was knocked out of my hand and fell a few inches away from the Mermans tail.
The creature let out a shriek as they moved their tail away from it. I grabbed it and tried to grab the Merman but he squirmed out of my grip and into the barrel.
I saw his fin sticking out and then he pulled it into the barrel. I turned back to Error who was not far from us with his sword pointed a few inches away from my face.
"Okay, I know when I've lost a battle" I sighed and walked away with Error still pointing his sword at my face.
I walked out onto the deck and onto my boat with my crewmembers and sighed. I turned the wheel and had someone pull up the anchor.
We started to drift away and I started to think about what that Merman said ' Well yeah but Error seems nice... other than the fact that he kidnapped me.' I mainly thought about the fact that he called Error nice. Error... nice?! Those are two words that can't and never have been used in the same sentence.
Then there's what Error said as well ' wEll I WaSn'T pLAnNinG oN sEllInG tHIS onE bUt oKAy!'
Is today opposite day or something.
I let out a sound of frustration and glared at whatever was in front of me.
I started to grip the wheel tightly "I swear this job mine is going to be the end of me... both figuratively and literally!"
I shouted in annoyance.

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