Chapter 2: The Middle (School)

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Chapter Warnings: Kacchan being a dick head

(A/N: Sorry if this chapter sucks, I am sick while I am writing it, hopefully, you enjoy anyways 🤧)

Izuku's P.O.V.

Middle school is the pits. It seems like every person in this damn school bullies me because I am quirkless. I guess I deserve it...I don't know. I still live off the dream that I can be a hero too, I want that more than anything, to be able to help people like me or anybody. Even if I help just a single person, I would be so happy. But I don't know if I ever will. 

The bell rings, snapping me out of my thoughts, I zoned out in class, oops! Today everyone laughed at me when the teacher said I was trying out for the elite hero school, U.A., so I didn't really feel up to doing anything anymore. Suddenly, Kacchan whips around to face my desk, exploding it in a rage and sending me into the floor.

"Listen up Deku! You're even worse than the rest of these damn rejects, you quirkless wannabe! You really think they'd let someone like you in when they could have me?!" He yells, standing over me. I start to panic and scoot back into the wall, still on the floor. "NO WAY, YOU'VE GOT IT ALL WRONG" I start to yell in a panic, my voice raising in octaves as my anxiety rises. "I'M NOT TRYING TO COMPETE AGAINST YOU, IT'S JU-" I cut off as my head slams into the wall, I've run out of escaping room, I am fucked. "YOU GOTTA BELIEVE ME!" my eyes sink to the floor, I feel scared, ashamed, what happened to my friendship with Kacchan, what did I do wrong? How did I get here?

"It's just that,  I've wanted to be a hero since I was little...I may not have a quirk, but I can still try my hardest, can't I?" I say, a little calmer this time. Rage fills Kacchans eyes at this, his hands start to smoke, "You'd never be able to hang with the best of the best. You'd die in the exams!" Unfortunately, I can't sink further into the wall and disappear, so I just sink closer to the floor, I can't believe he's saying these things. This is worse than it normally is. "Defenseless Izuku! This school is already crappy, you really wanna embarrass it more by failing so hard?"

I scramble away, running towards the cafeteria so I could eat as fast as possible, and then hide somewhere to be alone. I hear the laughing of my classmates as I run away, and the tears start flowing. I quickly got a sandwich and I ate it so fast that I didn't even taste it, and then I ran to the bathroom and locked the door. I sank against the door and I started crying even harder. I don't know what happened to my life. I feel so worthless. The worst part about it is, I think I like Kacchan, even after everything he's done to me. We were such great friends, and as we got older, he started to get angry and started being mean to me, I feel like it's all my fault. I start crying harder, and the bell rings signaling the end of the lunch break, I wipe my eyes and blow my nose with some of the tissues in the bathroom and sulk back to class.

I didn't pay much attention in class, again, this is starting to become a bad habit. The bell rings and it seems like everyone rushed out of the classroom, so I take out my phone and start to check the news based around the fight I saw this morning. I take out my hero notebook, prepared to take down the notes I had on the fight before I forgot, but suddenly, the notebook flies out of my grasp. It's Kacchan, again, he starts waving the notebook around, "I don't know what you think you're doing Deku, but we're not done." The calmness in his voice sends chills down my spine.

His followers start to laugh at me and I beg Kacchan to give it back, instead, he blows it up, and tosses it out of the window, over his shoulder. I start screaming at this. I feel crushed, so much so that my ears start ringing and I see his mouth moving but I hear no sounds. He places a hand on my shoulder, snapping me out of my temporary state, and starts to burn my clothes. He gets into my face (the blush is fucking hardcore right now, I pray he doesn't notice). "Here's a little word of advice nerd, don't even think of applying, or else," he's smiling as he says this. I look into his face, god he's hot...oh shit that's my shoulder burning. I am too stunned to move away though. I started whimpering and trembling, he opens his eyes to look at me, he's not angry for a moment, but his normal scowl returns in a split second, as he releases my shoulder and starts to leave the classroom.

I hear his footsteps stop, and then he speaks again, "You know if you really wanna be a hero that badly, there might actually be another way. Just pray that you'll be born with a quirk in your next life, then take a swan dive off the roof of the building" I actually feel my heart break, and I turn around in anger, I was going to scream at him, asking him what I did to make him hate me this badly! Once he sees me turn around, he starts making small explosions in his palm, "Something wrong?", and all my anger immediately fades, I can't do it, I can't even pretend to mad at him, and he scoffs and turns away, leaving the classroom. And I drop to my knees the second he's gone.

~time skip to where Bakugo is being attacked by the sludge villain (because I don't want to just retype the entire episode)~

I was sulking, I had just been told by my hero All Might himself, that I couldn't be a hero without a quirk...and then the villain he captured is now released, and it's my fault because I distracted him. It's attacking a boy and all I could do is sit there and watch because I am worthless. As the boy struggles against the villain, and as he opens his eyes, I see the red ruby's of the boy I once called my hero, Kacchan, and I immediately take off in a sprint towards him, and the villain! The heroes behind me immediately start shouting at me, but I ignore them. Kacchan sees me coming, "Deku?" I start panicking trying to figure out what a hero would do, and I throw my bag, nailing the villain in the eye, and the sludge moves off of Kacchan's mouth and he gasps for air. I leap towards him, "KACCHAN!" and start digging the sludge away from him. "What the hell?! Why are you here?!" he asks, genuinely shocked and concerned. "I don't know! My legs! I just ran!" I have to be honest, tears start welling up in my eyes, "Kacchan, I couldn't just stand there and watch you die!" All Might burst in then, and saves the day! After being lectured by heroes for being reckless I start making my way home. I'm almost there and I hear footsteps running behind me, I turn around and see, "Kacchan?", he stops in front of me, "We need to talk, NOW!"

(A/N: That's all for chapter 2, sorry it was kinda just a rehash of the episodes, it's gonna be different next time around, I promise! 😉)

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