Chapter 18: Locked and Loaded Pt. 2

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(A/N: I'm exhausted so let's get it, let's get it, let's go 🤪) 

!Also, there will be a description of abuse in this so there will be a ~ before and after that section!

Midoriya's P.O.V.

I'm trembling so hard, I didn't want to be this weak anymore, because of my father. I sob harder. Kacchan embraces me, and I just grab him, crying into his chest and gripping his shirt hard. I miss being around him and close to him, I miss him so much, I start crying harder. I feel so broken.

He gently shushes me and starts gently rocking me while scratching my scalp softly. "I'm here now, Deku," he says softly. I choke out a sob. He gently lifts my head, so I'm looking into his eyes. There's rage, pure rage, but that's hidden behind his look of concern. He wipes my tears away with his thumbs, "I promised I'd protect you, remember?" he pulls my faces towards his and kisses my forehead, "Now what happened?"

*Flashback From Last Night* (Midoriya is telling Bakugo this)

I got home, and I noticed a car I've never seen before parked in front of my house. I guess mom invited over a friend from work for dinner or something. I unlock the door, "Mom, I'm home!" but instead of my mom replying I hear a gruff voice, "Well well well, hello, son."  I suddenly realize that it's my father, a face I'll never forget because it's the one of my nightmares. My mom, who was sitting on the couch with her head in her hands, lifts it at the sound of my voice, there are tears in her eyes, "Izuku, I'm sorry"

I drop my backpack at the door, kicking the door shut with my foot, never taking my eyes off of him. "What are you doing here?" I ask, I was angry, how dare he show his face here after all he's done. He laughs at me, "What's the matter? Can't a father come to see his son?! It's been so long!" "You're hardly a father!" I snap. "What did you just say to me?" He's glaring at me now, I look to my mom who is shaking her head no, she doesn't want me to antagonize him.


"I said, You're hardly a father" I repeat, defiantly. He swings a right hook, catching me right in the eye, it sends me to the floor, "YOU WILL RESPECT YOUR FATHER!" I get back up, "NO! YOU DON'T RESPECT ME, WHY SHOULD I RESPECT YOU!?" "Fine you don't wanna respect me, I'll teach you respect" He swings at me again, this time I dodge. "Whoa, finally this kid has got some balls" He lunges at me, I move again, he stumbles and crashes into the coffee table, breaking it. 

My mom runs out of the room. My father gets up, wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth"You useless bastard! When I catch you there will be hell to pay!" He spits fire at me, it burns my arm but at this point, I can't even feel it. Green lightning surrounds me, "I'M NOT USELESS!" I use one for all, and punch him in the chest, sending him launching back into the wall, cracking and shattering it, knocking frames off the walls. He's unconscious, and my mom runs in holding the phone, looking at me, bruised, bloody, burning, with a broken arm and my father unconscious stuck in the wall.


Very shortly, two ambulances arrive, taking my father and I to the hospital, they had called in Recovery Girl for me, she healed what she could and said I would need to see her in the morning if I was still coming to school, which I was. 

*End of Flashback*

I wipe more tears from my eyes after recounting the events of last night. Kacchan was silently listening to me the entire time, "So where is he now?" He asks, his voice low. "I guess still at the hospital, if not then he's back at my house, my mom is there too, she can't work when he's here...she doesn't trust him in the house alone..." 

He stands up, grabs my hand and pulls me up, "Let's go eat lunch," he starts walking towards the cafeteria, holding my hand still. He was silent the entire meal, which wasn't much of a change from the past couple weeks, except he and I were sitting alone. I would usually sit with Uraraka and Iida, but after what happened in the hallway, I didn't want to be anywhere near Uraraka. 

*Time skip to the end of the day! I'm LAAZZYY*

At the end of the day, Kacchan grabs my hand and starts quickly walking towards the direction of our houses. "Kacchan, what are you doing?" I was blushing at this point. He remained silent. We reached my front door, Kacchan still gripping my hand tightly, so I just assume he wants to come in, so I unlock the door. 

My father is sitting on the couch, smoking, his body covered in bandages. He eyes both of us up and down, sees Kacchan holding my hand and I can tell he's disgusted. "Izuku, you brought home a friend!" He always puts on a fake mask of a good father whenever anyone else is around. He never wanted people to see how awful he really was.

Kacchan smirks, spinning his backpack around so he could look inside of it, "Actually," he takes his hand out of his backpack, revealing his hand, covered by an enlarged grenade, a piece of his hero costume, "I'm here for you!" He pulls a pin at the top of the grenade, launching a massive explosion directly at my father, who never even had the chance to move. 

I was sent to the floor, my ears were ringing, all I could see was my living room was pretty much charred at this point, Kacchan was on top of my father, explosion after explosion with each punch. Suddenly Mom runs in, she lifts Kacchan off my father, Kacchan was still swinging trembling with violent rage. I can't hear what she's saying to him, but he stops and runs over to me. It just sounds like mumbling.

"Deku? Are you alright?!" I hear him faintly, "Yeah I'm ok, my ears are just ringing" Suddenly there's blue and red flashing lights from the windows, "Shit not again," Kacchan says. For some reason this makes me laugh, I laugh despite the fact that my living room was half destroyed by me, then bombed by Kacchan, and the fact that my dad got beat up by us. Maybe things will be better now. 

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