Chapter 12: Dinner with Inko

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(A/N: I have internet so I'm writing a chapter, I had fucking 16 hours in a car to brainstorm while driving so here we go)

Midoriya's P.O.V. (I know its a format change but I felt like it)

Kacchan and I are heading over to my mom's for dinner, walking hand in hand, we spent the afternoon playing some video games, him winning and then him letting me win because he felt bad after celebrating his many victories over me. I use my keys to unlock the front door, stepping inside, "MOM! We're here!" 

She peeks around the corner, "Izuku!" she comes up and immediately hugs me and starts giving me kisses on my cheeks. "Mom! You're embarrassing me!" She ignores me, releasing me, "Oh Katsuki, it's been so long since I've seen you! You've grown into such a handsome young man!"

Bakugo's P.O.V.

"Thank you Mrs. Midoriya," I say at her compliment. Her face contorts for a second, but she's instantly smiling again, "Oh please, call me Inko! No need for such formalities!" Fuck. I probably should have remembered she didn't like being called that. I look around the house, there are only photos of Deku and Inko or just Deku, and even a few of us together as kids, there was no evidence of Mr. Midoryia, as to be expected, which I stupidly forgot in a moment of awkwardness. 

"Oh! Come sit down at the table, I'll be in with dinner in a moment!" Inko says as she runs into the kitchen. I look at Deku, "Sorry, I didn't mean to-" but he interrupts me, speaking in a quiet voice, "Its ok, Kacchan. We don't really talk about it and you haven't seen my mom in a while, so it's fine." God, I'm such a fucking idiot, why did I get so lucky with Deku?

We take our places at the dinner table and Inko comes out carrying a bowl, "I made spicy katsuden, Izuku said you liked spicy foods so this is what I decided on!" We all start eating, "This is delicious, Inko" I say, and she smiles, "Thank you, sweetie! It's the least I could do!" Deku finishes taking a large gulp of water, clearly, the food was too hot for him, which makes me laugh a bit, but he nods in agreement. 

"Oh it's so good to have you here Katsuki! My little Izuku always talks about you, how well you treat him and how nice you are! Almost every day he'd come home from school and talk about you or your quirk!" Inko says, beaming at me. "MOM!" Deku's face turning bright red, "YOU'RE EMBARASSING ME!" "What? You always tell me how much you admire Katsuki, and how powerful and brave he is. I think one time you told me you thought he could be the number one pro hero when he was older!" 

Deku's head hits the table and his face is bright red, and he starts squealing incoherently, which sends me into a fit of laughter. He was just so adorable when he was embarrassed. Inko is laughing too, "Oh Izuku, honey, I'm just teasing you! There's no need to be ashamed of admiring someone." He lifts his head up, his face bright red, and he huffs and continues eating.

*Time skip to the next morning, Midoriya has just finished his morning training session with All Might, and he is sitting in the sand catching his breath*

Midoriya's P.O.V.

"All Might, I have a question," I ask, still breathing a little bit heavy from exhaustion. All Might, who was in his normal state, as opposed to looking like the hero I always knew, looked back at me, "Yes, Young Midoriya?" "What should I do?" I'm looking into the sand, drawing patterns with my finger. "About what," All Might asks as he sits down next to me, sighing as he did. "Well, I've just been thinking, once it's time for the entrance exam and time for me to get One for all, what should I do, about Kacchan? He's the only one that will be from my old school, so he's the only one that will know I didn't have a quirk before." 

All Might is silent for a moment, then he responds, "There are only a few select people that know about my true quirk, I kept it this way because the fewer people that know the truth, the safer they are and the world is. If the information of how my quirk is transferred fell into the wrong hands, it could become a serious problem." He paused, gently grabbing my shoulder, "However, it is also your choice to tell your loved ones or not, just bear in mind the possible consequences. I doubt young Bakugo or your mother would tell anyone, but not knowing might be safer for them."

I sighed, I could feel myself tearing up a little, "I just don't like to lie to them. Kacchan knows me so well, he would be able to tell. He would know right away." "Then it may be in your best interest to tell him the truth, although I would advise against it, again, it is your decision. But do remember, this is a secret, not something to brag about to your class."

"Of course! I could never brag! And I don't know if I'll tell Kacchan yet...if I do I'll leave you out of it All Might." I said. He stands extending his hand to help me from the ground, "Good, now go home and get some rest, Young Midoriya, tomorrow is another long day. Take care of yourself, go relax, eat a filling meal and have fun!" 

I used the time that it took for me to walk home to think about what I should do. I knew that after Kacchan suddenly saw me with a quirk, there would be questions. Should I tell him before, or wait until afterward? I knew that I did want to tell him, I didn't want to lie to him. I trust Kacchan that if I told him the truth, he wouldn't tell anyone, but I don't know how he would react if I didn't tell him the entire truth. I sighed, I was too tired to think about this right now. I didn't need the stress of it disrtacting me, so I decided to not worry about it until the summer was over at least. 

Maybe once I clean up the beach with All Might, I'll take Kacchan there as a beach date! I finally reach my front door, lost in the thought of Kacchan in a bathing suit at the beach. 

(A/N: I know this chapter was short :( I have limited internet access for the next two weeks so I'll try to write if I can, but I can't promise my normal length for chapters until the end of July 😭)

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