Chapter 3: What did you say?

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Chapter Warnings: Sad baby bois (Bakugo does his own form of self-harm and there will be a ~ indicating the beginning and end of that section if you are uncomfortable reading that)

(A/N: Hey boyos, I'm still sick and currently suffering parental issues but I want to write because it brings me joy! Especially when you all vote and comment so much, it motivates me so much 🥰 Enough of me, on with the chapter!)

Izuku's P.O.V.

"We need to talk, NOW!" Kacchan says. I gulp because I have no idea what he wants to talk about, I am scared, there are so many possibilities! Like maybe he wants to beat me up, or yell at me for being reckless, or insult me more. I let my mind wander into the part I tried to hide...maybe he wants to hug me and thank me, or even kiss-

"Oi, nerd! Stop muttering!" he yells, snapping me out of my muttering spell, god that's a bad habit...I feel my cheeks turn red. "S-Sorry, Kacchan, what did you want to talk about?" He glares at me for a moment, then he asks "Why did you do that?" "Do what?" I ask, I already know the answer, I just want to continue a conversation where he's not yelling at me. "Do what" he says in a mock tone, while rolling his eyes, "Why did you run to try and save me...after all I've done to you, especially today..." his voice softens at this sentence, and he looks down at the ground, not looking me in the eyes. Whoa, I've never seen Kacchan like this before...

"I couldn't stand there and watch you die," I answer honestly, and my brain decided that since I was being honest, the next part of my sentence was unintended to be spoken out loud, especially to Kacchan, "I promised you that you would be my hero and you still are, so I couldn't stand there and do nothing". "What?" Oh shit. I actually said that out loud?! fuckfuckfuckfuck, god kill me now!

"What did you just say?" Kacchan asks again, returning his gaze back to my face. My voice raises again, "N-NOTHING!" I yell, hoping I calmed him down, praying he'll think he imagined it. Nope. "You still remember that?" He asks me. I start panicking, no backing out now. "Y-yeah, sorry..." Suddenly, something changed, "How can you still think that after all I've done?!" He was yelling now, except there was no power behind it, his voice cracked at the end of the question. 

"I promised that I would protect you! I promised I'd be there for you...I fucking failed! I couldn't protect you from the worst thing of all...ME!" I could see tears in his eyes, "Kacchan, I-" I was cut off by him, he was screaming, and then he dropped to his knees, he started crying and punching the cement, making explosions, punching until his knuckles were bloody. I was stunned, I could feel tears welling in my eyes now, "Kacchan please stop! You're hurting yourself," I put my hands on his shoulders to try to make him stop. He looked up into my eyes, his eyes were red, and his tears were flowing now "I DESERVE IT!" and with that, he got up and took off running to his house. I tried to chase after him, but he was too fast and the front door was slammed and locked before I could even reach the front lawn. I tried getting him to let me in, but there was no answer at the door, I guess his parents weren't home or they were too concerned with Kacchan in the state that he was to worry about someone knocking on the door. So I decided to head home...

Bakugo's P.O.V.

I slammed my front door closed and locked it, I sank against the door and started silently sobbing, luckily I knew the old hag wasn't home so she wouldn't pester me. I heard Deku at the door, begging me to let him in, but I just ran up the stairs to my room, praying he would go away. After about 5 minutes he was finally gone, so I resumed my loud crying. I broke down, in front of Deku, and now I just can't stop.


I can't believe he still thinks of me that way...after all that I did to him...I'm such a shitty person...I don't deserve to have someone like him want to be around me, be my friend, and maybe even like me...Who am I kidding here, how could he like me?! I sit on the floor and put my head between my knees, my sobs were silent now but I was still crying, I started burning the back of my head, I deserve it, for being such garbage. I continue to burn the back of my head and neck as I continue to think


I was an idiot, I only bullied him because I was in love with him, I wanted my feelings to go away because I couldn't accept them. So thought bullying him would make them go away, and I was wrong. I worked so hard to push them down when I should have just accepted them and been nice to Deku, maybe then he might feel the same way, I don't deserve it. I don't deserve him. He deserves better and he deserves to be happy. God, I would love to be the one that makes him happy, but I don't deserve it, not after all I've done. I started crying harder as I remembered what I said to him today...nobody deserves that. 

I start shaking now. Ding! At first I ignore it, wanting to be alone... Ding! Ding! Ding! I groan and check my phone, seeing messages from Deku...

Deku 💚: Kacchan, are you ok?

Deku 💚: Please answer, I'm really worried!

Deku 💚: Are you really hurt? Do you need help, it didn't seem like your parents were home!

Deku 💚: I don't know if I did something wrong, but I'm so sorry if I did! 

I start to reply, he deserves a response and an explanation, but i didn't feel much up to talking, not even to deku...

Me: You didn't do anything wrong! I'm the one who should be apologizing...I'm fine though..I mean, I'll be ok...

I could see that he was immediately typing out a response and I just stared into my screen, waiting.

Deku 💚: Ok...If you need to talk to me, about anything! You know how to reach me and where to find me...just don't hurt yourself anymore...please

Me: Alright...I'm just gonna go to sleep...I'll talk to you more later...I'll try to explain another time...

Deku 💚: Ok! Anytime you want Kacchan! Just let me know!

I set my phone down and crawl into my bed, and immediately fall asleep. 

Izuku's P.O.V.

Kacchan🧡💥: Alright...I'm just gonna go to sleep...I'll talk to you more later...I'll try to explain another time...

I quickly type out my reply and set my phone down. I need to talk to him, I am really worried about him, I wanna make sure he's ok! I lay down and try to sleep but I continuosly roll restlessly, not only because of what happened with Kacchan, but because I knew I was gonna be a hero soon and All Might would be helping!

*Three Hours Later*

I groan and look at my phone, the time was 11:35, I couldn't sleep. I was worried sick about Kacchan! Should I go check on him...he's only right down the street...Fuck it, I'm going!

(A/N: And that's all for this chapter! I loved writing this chapter and I hope you all enjoy. If you want updates on chapter progress and the life of the author, check out my Tumblr, which is in the link on my profile, there you can ask me questions about the story, or about me, (if anyone cares lol) and I'll eventually be posting Bakudeku art once I'm confident in my art style! 🧡🥦💥💚

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