Chapter 19: Damaged

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A/N: Hey I'm dying but I have free time so I'm writing. There's an explanation of my situation on my Tumblr, which is why there haven't been updates. However, from here on out, updates may be a bit more spaced out because university is starting soon. I'm so sorry but I'll try to update as much as possible! ALSO! THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR 1K READS AND KEEPING ME IN THE #1 SPOT IN #bakugoxdeku FOR OVER A MONTH. I LOVE YOU ALL

Midoriya's P.O.V.

My mom was talking to the police, in the smoldering living room of our house. Another police officer was scolding Kacchan. I was being checked out by an EMT, Kacchan was already cleared, he hadn't hurt himself at all, since he was wearing his gauntlet. She told my mom that I was fine, just momentary shock. 

My father was in the back of the police car, barely able to keep his head up. He was unconscious until the police arrived, he made a scene and shoved an officer, so he was being arrested for that as well. Based on the circumstances, my father was going to be arrested for assault and abuse, and the police called and informed the school that they would not be punishing Kacchan, because they knew that they would do so accordingly. 

I knew he wasn't going to get away with it, not even outside of school, because his mom walked into the house, looking outraged. She took one look at the damage, then glared intensely at Kacchan, for just a split second, looked like a deer in the headlights. She began storming at him, "KATSUKI BAKUGO! ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR DAMN MIND?!" "No." He said, simply. I guess the simplicity of the response only infuriated Mrs. Bakugo even more.

"NO?! WHAT DO YOU MEAN NO?! DO YOU SEE WHAT YOU'VE DONE," she waves her arms in the direction of the what used to be the living room. "It's not that big of a dea-" My mom tries to pipe in meekly, clearly lying but making a sad attempt to calm the blondes rage. But Mrs. Bakugo cut her off, seemingly ignoring that she had spoken at all, "YOU'VE TRASHED THIS HOME FROM YOUR IMPULSIVE RAGE." 

Kacchan at this point was staring at the ground, hands in his pockets, kicking a piece of rubble gently with his foot. "I didn't think-" he said quietly, but Mrs. Bakugo cut him off. "YEAH CLEARLY YOU DIDN'T THINK" she snatches his wrist, practically dragging him behind her, "Sorry officers, Inko, I will pay for the repairs, that my son caused," she gritted her teeth and glared at Kacchan at the last part. 

Just as he was leaving the doorframe he took a quick glance at me, I swear I saw this in slow motion. He mouthed sorry, and I swear it looked like he was about to cry, but I don't know. He was yanked out the door too quick for me to even think about responding.

It was hours before the house was cleared of police officers, I had texted Kacchan, but there was no response, so I'm assuming his phone was taken away as a punishment. One of the many, I assume. But there was a knock on the door suddenly, my mom rushed to open it. I was expecting to see another set of police officers, but it was...

ALL MIGHT! (This scene is gonna be different then in the show, obvi, if you don't like that then fight me, I guess, I don't know LOL)

"Hello Mrs. Midoriya, may I come in?" He said, beaming. She said nothing, staring in disbelief that the number 1 pro hero was asking to come in our house. I was also staring in disbelief, what is he doing here? All Might cleared his throat, which shocked my mother out of her stare, "Oh! Of course! Come in! Erm, I am so sorry about the mess, there was quite a situation earlier..." She stood out of the way, allowing All Might to duck into the door, he peered around the room, looking around at the destruction.

He took a particularly long look at the hole in the wall, the one that wasn't from Kacchan, and then looked back at me. "Well Mrs. Midoriya, I am here for a specific purpose. The school board and I have become very concerned with the safety of our students off-campus, as the result of the attack from the villains. We are worried that they may begin to target students walking home or in their homes." 

"Oh please, call me Inko, but...this wasn't from a villain..." my mom says, motioning towards the state of our home. "I am aware of the situation, the police disclosed to me what occurred here today. Our concerns are not just because of this incident, it is more of a coincidence that I am here today. I was sent by the school if you would allow Young Midoriya to live in a dormitory on the UA campus, it's under construction right now and is almost complete."

"I would love-" I started to say, that was so exciting, the thought of living at UA. "No," my mom said, cutting my excitement short "Izuku has already been hurt so much at school, and then the attack, how can you assure that he can be safe when the villans had a successful breach of your security? He would be safer here." She said, sounding upset. "But mom!" I whined. "No buts, I would much rather you be safe then continue to risk your life and health! It hurts too much Izuku, you're all I have!" She put her head in her hands and sighed.

It was silent for a moment, I felt crushed. I finally could be a hero and then I couldn't. I was so close. All Might spoke up, this time he was quiet and serious, rather than acting cheery as he does around all citizens. "Mrs. Mid- Inko, I can assure you, your son will be safe," He gently placed his had on my moms, who looked up now, a tear running down her cheeks. "I will personally be watching over Young Midoriya, he is one of my best students, and he will make an amazing hero...In fact, I believe that he already is an amazing hero. But you have to let him go, he has to thrive, he can never be the hero that he wants to be, and that I believe he can be, if you don't allow him to continue at UA."

"I can't imagine the pain of seeing a child in pain..., but what I can imagine is that Young Midoriya wants to save others, so that they don't have to feel pain, or their children don't have to feel pain. He is noble and brave. I would never let such an amazing young hero be harmed under my watch, I promise you that." As All Might finished talking, my mom started sobbing, "O-Ok, he can stay in the dorms. Just stay in contact with me Izuku, please" she looked at me wiping away tears. 

I hugged her tightly, "I will Mom! Everyday! And I promise I'll be as safe as possible!" I turned to All Might, quickly hugging him, which made him cough in surprise. I started running to my room, "I'm gonna start packing right now!"

Bakugo's P.O.V.

I'm in my room, sitting against the door, I look at my walls, now empty. I was being severely punished, my mom took all my guitars, my phone, my computer. She also yelled at me and told me to go to my room and think about what I did. Clearly, she left me with nothing to do, except think.

I couldn't talk to Deku, I wanted, no I needed to apologize. What was I thinking, clearly I wasn't. I destroyed his living room...everything in it... All I do is break things, and blow them up. I fuck up everything good in my life. I hit the back of my head against the door. He probably hates me know.

I wasn't good enough for him when we were together, then I ignore him for weeks, then I blow up his house. Great. I'm fucking fantastic. He'll never want me back after this. My hands automatically go into my hair.

I love him so much, but I'm not good enough for him, all I'm going to do is destroy him. I can feel the heat now, maybe if I burn hard will burn more than my heart does for Deku.

I love you Deku...

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