Chapter 4: I'm Sorry

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Chapter Warnings: fluff, so fluffy, you'll fucking die 🥰

(A/N: Please comment, vote, and share! And check out my tumblr! Support on either of them means literally the world to me and makes me want to write daily rather than every other day!)

3rd Person P.O.V.


Bakugo rolls over in his bed, being disturbed but not awoken by the strange noise.


Bakugo groans, only half awake at this point.

plink! plink!

Bakugo's eyes open.

Bakugo's P.O.V.

I woke up to some random ass noise. What fucking time is it? I roll over and check the time on the alarm clock, 11:48 p.m. Ugh it's too late for this shit. I throw my pillow over my head, aggravated. A couple of seconds of silence pass, and I sigh, thinking that maybe I just dreamed the noise. 


I suddenly realize that things are being thrown at my window! I groan as I throw my blankets off me in anger, I stomp over to the window and throw it open, "ALRIGHT WHO THE FUCK IS THROWI-" a small pebble hits me square on the nose. WHAT THE FUCK, unconsciously I made small explosions in my palms, destroying my window sill. I look angrily down at the ground, searching for this mysterious pebble attacker.

"AH! I'm sorry Kacchan!" turns out it was Deku. The moonlight illuminated his emerald eyes and his hair, it was almost as if he was glowing. "What are you doing here, Deku?" I started yelling in a whispered tone, as it was the middle of the night. He looks down at the ground, kicking another one of his pebble ammunition away, he was mumbling and I couldn't hear him. "Ugh hold on!" I close the window and silently leave my room and head down the steps. I slowly open the front door, and whisper-yell, "Deku!" He looks over at me and instantly smiles, hot damn. "Get in here, nerd!" and he runs over. I close the door as I invite him in and put my finger to my lips, motioning him for to be quiet.

We get into my room and I close the door, "Now why are you here in the middle of the night, throwing shit at my window?" I ask him quietly, at least quiet for me, quiet enough for the old hag to sleep through.

Deku looks at the ground again, fiddling with his hands, "I-I was worried about you.." he says quietly. Crap, he looked like he was gonna cry. "I...I'm sorry I made you worry about me, Deku. You shouldn't have to. I'm sorry."

Deku's P.O.V.

I look down to see Kacchan's hands, the knuckles now scabbed a dark red. Tears start welling in my eyes, "I-I was worried you were hurting yourself again, I was so worried I couldn't sleep.." He looked away from me, not giving me a response. "Did you, Kacchan?", he was silent for a minute before he barely whispered, "It doesn't matter".

That's when the tears started flowing, I knew the truth. For the second time today, I found my legs, automatically running towards the guy I liked, trying my best to save him, and I pulled him into me and started hugging him, crying into his chest. He was stunned at first but he slowing wrapped his arms around me. "P-P-please don't do that anymore, Kacchan...please!" I say in between sobs, my voice still muffled by Kacchan's chest. "Ok, Deku, I won't...I'm so sorry I put you through this, nobody was supposed to know...any of this...I promise I won't hurt you anymore, even if that means not hurting myself" he said, still clinging on to me. We stayed in the hug in silence for another minute. I wanted it to last forever.

Bakugo's P.O.V

I never thought I would be hugging Deku, I didn't want it to end. He eventually pulls his head out of my chest (boo), looking up at me, "Can we please talk about what's going on?" I just nod in response and let him go (BOO), sitting down onto my bed. I pat the spot next to me so he doesn't just stand there awkwardly, like a cut- a nerd. "I'm just angry," I say simply.

"You're always angry, Kacchan," Deku replies. "Tch. Whatever...I just...hate myself for what I've become and what I've done to you, I won't make excuses, but I do feel awful about it. And yeah, I know that's rich coming from me, but it's true. I was only doing those things to you because I hated who I was...And I thought I could change it if I...acted like a fucking douche bag" I spill out, not completely, not yet..I couldn't...

He looks at me, I see more tears in those emerald eyes, "B-b-but why couldn't you talk to me, we were friends? You could have told me anything." Dammit, he's gonna make me talk because I can't see him upset like this...I sigh..."Deku...I was trying to destroy a part of myself that I didn't want to be real, and I took that out on you...and its literally the shittiest reason ever, and you're probably gonna fucking hate me forever if you don't already do..." I sigh again, and I look away from him, hiding the shame I felt, as well as hiding the tears that were threatening my eyes, too.

"Deku, I'm fucking gay. And I like you goddamit!"

(A/N: Hope you enjoyed all the Bakugo POV, he's actually quite calm and thoughtful on the inside, he's just bad at showing that without swearing and explosions 🧡Sorry this chapter is a bit shorter than I normally write. Please leave all the support and share the story if you enjoy it, I love having new readers enjoy my work, even though currently there's not a lot 😅 feel free to leave some love on my Tumblr too! I really need loving rn because I'm going through a lot of shit with my family)

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