Chapter 7: Negativity Sucks

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Chapter warnings: someone's being a naughty boy and pleasuring himself (it will have the typical ~ if you don't wanna read it!) Also! Homophobic bullies, I know that this can be triggering and there will be a ~ as well. Also, also, angry Kacchan gets really vulgar but that's no surprise.

"I love you, Izuku~"

Izuku's P.O.V.

I can't believe it, Kacchan said he loves me, tears well in my eyes, "I love you too, Kacchan!" and I bury my face into his chest and continue to hug him. Soon after, we got off the stage we left the place, hand in hand, heading home.

Bakugo's P.O.V.

Holding his hand was amazing, I never wanted to let go. But then I thought of something, and I had to ask, "Deku...can I ask you a serious question?" "Of course Kacchan!" he replied as we continued walking. "Um, well, I don't care what people think about me, but do you want people to know about us?" I asked. He stopped walked and turned to face me, "I don't mind" I was happy at this response but I was still worried, I cupped his face in my hands, "I will NOT let people hurt you over this, ok? I WILL protect you this time, I promise!" His eyes started to tear, and then he nodded, "O-ok Kacchan". I kissed his forehead softly, "C'mon nerd, lets get you home." I grab his hand and continue our walk home.

"Hey Kacchan?" I hear him quietly ask. "What?" I reply. "When did you learn to play music, I never knew you did, play or sing." I blush at his question and scratch the back of my head awkwardly, "Uh, I started playing music when I was starting to have feelings for you...It was the only way I knew how to express my feelings without being honest to myself or others about what I was really feeling. It was like an escape from myself." "Oh, well you're amazing!" he said, his eyes shining at me. "Yeah, I guess so, I never performed in public before, I just pretended you were the only one there." 

With that, we reached his door, I kissed him goodbye, and headed off to my house. When I opened my front door, my mom was on the immediate other side, and she bombarded me with questions instantly. "Not now hag, I'm exhausted!" I walk past her and immediately go to my room, strip out of my formal clothes and pass out as soon as my head hits the pillow. 

Our lips crash together, making out intensely. Deku pulls my shirt off, I burn his away. The make-out session continues. I feel him tugging at my belt. I smirk and shove him onto the bed and climb on top of him. I rip his pants off his body, leaving him in nothing but his boxers. I lick my lips, hungry for him, I bite his neck, "Ah Kacchan~" he's taking off my pants now. "Mm~ Tell me what you want, Deku~" He leans his head and nibbles on my ear "I want you to fuck me"

I sit straight up, drenched in sweat, and very aroused. "FUCK!"

Izuku's P.O.V.

I wake up the next morning, I feel so happy, knowing Kacchan is my boyfriend! I squeal in excitement and head downstairs to make myself some breakfast. My mom is sitting at the table already, "Izuku! How was your night last night?" I pour myself some cereal and sit down with her, telling her everything. "Aw, that's amazing sweetie! Why don't you invite him over to dinner next Saturday?" "Ok! I will!" I take out my phone and send Kacchan a text.

Me: Hey Kacchan! Would you be able to come over for dinner next weekend? My mom wants to know!

Bakugo's P.O.V.


I hear my phone go off, outside the shower on the counter but I ignore it. After waking up, I ran to my bathroom and go into the shower quickly, I needed release. I start to touch myself under the hot water. "Fuck". I pick up the pace, I just imagine Deku, under me, begging for me. "nngh Deku" Faster, harder. I can hear his voice in my head, moaning my name, I can see his naked body. "Ah, deku~ fuck!" I cum onto the shower floor. 


I finish up with the rest of my shower, and step out, I check my phone now, "1 unread message from Deku💚" I unlock my phone and read the message.

Deku 💚: Hey Kacchan! Would you be able to come over for dinner next weekend? My mom wants to know!

Me: Yeah totally! Sorry, I took so long to reply, I woke up and got right in the shower, didn't check my phone first.

Deku💚: Great! No worries!

*Bippity Boppity Time Skip to Monday morning!*

(I'm lazy fuck off)

Izuku's P.O.V.

Kacchan and I agreed that we'd walk to school together, we met outside of my house and he grabs my hand, "C'mon nerd, you said you wanted to be early." I still blush when he holds my hand. We arrive at the school within a few minutes and head to our classroom. We were the first two there, this time Kacchan sits in the desk next to mine, putting his feet on the desk. When the teacher yells at him, he clicks his teeth, sitting in his seat criss-cross style. The teacher just shakes his head, realizing that was the best he was going to get. 

The rest of the class floods in eventually, and Kacchan's followers, friends, acquaintances, I don't know, approach his desk. "Why didn't you respond to our texts Bakugo!?" one of them asks. He sits straight up now, rolling his eyes "Because I didn't want to." "Well why were you hanging out with that useless nerd? We saw your snapchats!" the other asks, they look angry now. I sink into my seat a little. Kacchan grits his teeth, his red eyes growing brighter in anger, "Because I wanted to," he growls.


"Why? You hate him!" they ask. "I don't hate him! Now fuck off, you're pissing me off" he huffs. "What are you fucking gay?!" One of them shouts, at this point everyone in the classroom is staring at this altercation, for some reason, the teacher stepped out, maybe he had to go to the bathroom, but all I know is, but looking at how angry Kacchan was getting, I could tell this was going to end badly. 

"And what if I fucking am, huh? What the hell are you gonna do about it, fucking pussy?" His words are laced with venom. "You're a fag, for that useless piece of crap Deku?" one of them asks. The other instantly says, "I mean it's no surprise that he's a faggot, but you, Bakugo, you're not a weakling, you can't be gay." My eyes start to well up, Kacchan looks at me out of the corner of his eyes, and then he snaps.


Kacchan's desk goes flying across the room with an explosion, he's standing now, filled with rage. "HOW FUCKING DARE YOU! I'LL KILL YOU!" He swings a punch at one of them, sending him to the floor with an explosion. "DEKU IS NOT FUCKING WEAK! HE'S MINE, YOU BASTARDS"  He screams as he punches the other one to the floor too. He stands over them, "YOU FUCKING TOUCH A HAIR ON HIS HEAD AND I'LL END YOUR MISERABLE FUCKING LIVES! YOU GOT THAT?"

The teacher walks in and sees the situation, "Not again," he says before calling the principal to the room. Bakugo got suspended for a couple of days for assaulting two students and destruction of school property. The two others got suspended for a week for being homophobic and bullying students because of their sexuality. 

Nothing happened to me because I never got involved, although the principal did say that if I was involved with Bakugo, in the future I should attempt to control his anger from turning violent. In the next breath, he did say that he did not blame Bakugo from becoming violent because of the things the other students were saying. 

(A/N: Heyo! If you liked this chapter, please please please, vote and share it if you can :3)

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