Chapter 14: Beach Days

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(A/N: Hellooo! I am home and safe! Updates will resume as normal now, as I am back to my good internet! Enjoy the chapter!)

*Time Skip to the end of the summer, the weekend before the UA entrance exams*

Bakugo's P.O.V

It's been a great summer. Deku and I hang out almost every evening. He's exhausted from training most of the time, so we mostly just relax and watch movies. It's the weekend before the entrance exam, so I have to make sure I'm ready to show all those extras trying to apply that I'm the best hero at the school.

I'm in the basement of my house, where I had set up my own personal gym because fuck letting the weaklings in the public gym see my routine. I had my wireless headset on, blasting a song at top volume, and I start working at the punching bag, improving my fighting style each time I came down here. After a couple of minutes, I'm already drenched in sweat, which outside of my basement, would be a great thing, as I could make larger and more dangerous explosions. 

I ripped off my shirt and continued boxing. I suddenly feel like I'm being watched, I whip off my headphones, pushing them down so they rest on my neck, and then I turn around. "Deku?" He was sitting on the steps, resting his elbow on his knee, and his chin in his hand, staring lovingly at me. My voice must have snapped him out of his daydream and a bright red blush appears on his cheeks.

"Ah, Kacchan! Erm, uh... your mom let me in..she said you'd be down here! I didn't want to disturb you!" He said, his face bright red and his arms frantically waving. He's still so awkward and shy around me, it's adorable. "Oh you were just enjoying the  free show weren't you?" I said picking up my water and taking a sip. "AHH, THAT'S NOT WHAT I WAS DOING!" He shouts, his voice getting high.

I start cackling at this point, "I was just teasing you, what's up?" He gets up from the steps, approaching me and grabbing my hands in his, even though they are wrapped and sweaty, and dangerous...I look down at our hands, grateful that he's not scared to touch me. "Kacchan?" I look up and our eyes meet, his emerald green eyes shining into mine. "Would you like to go to the beach with me tomorrow?"

What? I tilt my head in confusion, "Uh, Deku, the beach here is gross, it's like a dump. You deserve better than that" "Please! Trust me, it's gonna be fun!" His eyes shine brighter and he grips my hands tighter in excitement. "Alright, I'll trust you on this one Deku." He starts bouncing up and down excitedly, "Yay!" and he brings me in for a tight hug. "Will you meet me at my house in the morning and we can head to the beach together?" 

"Yeah sure," I say, running out of air. Deku was getting stronger, stronger than he's ever been, his trainer must be really good. Deku kisses me, and I kiss him back, absorbing the taste of his lips. Like mint. I tuck my hands under his shirt, pulling him closer, feeling the muscles on his back, wait those are new. 

"Mmm Deku, you've gotten so strong, I'm impressed" I break from the kiss to say I bite my lip and growl a bit, I start tugging on the hem of his shirt, "Let me see," he blushes and giggles, swatting my hands away, "You'll have to wait and see tomorrow." "Tch! Fine." 

We spend the evening on the couch, watching a movie, and Deku goes home, saying he's exhausted from training. I lay down in my bed, sighing falling asleep instantly. 

I wake up in the morning, put on a swimsuit, grab a towel from my mom and sunglasses and head out to Deku's. He's outside already, wearing a green t-shirt, a red bathing suit, and green sunglasses, he waves excitedly. He grabs my hand, "Come on! Let's go!" He starts running, practically dragging me with him. 

We reach the beach, I expect to see the trash mounds, but instead, there's clear sand and an open beach, and we're the only ones there. I look around in amazement, it's beautiful. I look over at Deku, his eyes shining with pride. "Deku, did you do this?" I ask, "Yes! I cleaned the beach all summer! That was part of my training, I moved every piece of trash on the beach!" I look at Deku, he was beaming, "Babe, this...this is amazing!" 

He looks at me, and I see it then, he's changed. There's pride, determination, ambition, more than ever before. It's beautiful. He smiles at me, a smile that could change the world...the smile of a hero. 

He lays down his towel, kicks off his sandals, whips his shirt off, whoa! Holy shit, Deku is ripped. "Now who's enjoying the show?" He laughs at me, making me blush, and starts sprinting towards the water, "Race you there!" I was stunned. Wait a challenge! "Oh no you don't" I start sprinting too, pushing myself to get beside him, both of us hit the water at about the same time, I can't tell who won! 

Deku emerges from underneath the water, right in front of me, kissing me quickly, then splashing me. He swims away, laughing, "Can't catch me!" I growl playfully, "Oh I will" I lunge towards him but he dodges, splashing me again, "Gotta be quicker than that!" He says, laughing again. 

I use my quirk with my hands underwater to create a splash, which soaks him. "Hey, that's cheating!" I laugh, "Well I'm just using my resources" He then lunges at me, wrapping me into a hug, he wraps his legs around my waist, pulling me into a kiss, a close my eyes and moan into the kiss, god he's so amazing, suddenly I feel water splashing all over me, and Deku pulls away laughing. 

"Hey!" I say, he brings himself closer to me, "I was just using my resources" briefly kissing me again, before he releases his legs from me, swimming away from me. We spend hours swimming around and splashing each other. We end up laying on our towels, watching the sun over the beach water.

"Kacchan, I'm so excited about the entrance exam! I've worked so hard." He said, turning his face to me. I look at him, "Deku, it's gonna be hard without a quirk..." "Oh I'm not worried about that, I'll become a hero, no matter what," he sighs, smiling again.

That damn hero smile of his...

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