Chapter 22: The Hero (END)

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(A/N: OMG I know it's been over a month since I've updated, I'll post an explanation at the end so you can skip it if you give no fucks and you're just here for BakuDeku. Also there's bonus BakuDeku halloween pictures at the end)

Bakugo's P.O.V.

I wake up, and the space beside me is empty...My head is pounding from a stress headache I got from yesterday. Stupid tears. I roll to grab my phone and check the time, and there is a note on top of my phone:


I left early to go out and get something for you! I didn't want to wake you so that you could get some rest! I'll be back soon with your presents!

~ Deku <3

Oh god, what was he doing for me now? I roll over, sighing, maybe I'll just try to go back to sleep Whatever it is, I don't know if I deserve it...

Midoriya's P.O.V.

I knocked on the door and waited for a response. Mrs. Bakugo opened the door, looking surprised to see me, "Izuku? What are you doing here," She looked further out the door, "Without Katsuki?" "I am actually here to see you," I said with a pleasant smile. "Oh!" She said, shocked at first then smiled, stepping aside to let me in, "Come on in then." I walk through the doorway and she closes the door behind me, "Do you want anything, like tea or something?"

"No thanks Mrs. Bakugo, I actually wanted to talk to you." I sat down at the couch that was in the living room, and she sat across from me, "Ok, what is it, hun?"

"I want you to give Kacchan his stuff back," I said, confidently, I had a plan. She cleared her throat awkwardly, "Maybe because you're not a parent you don't understand, but he is being punished for what he did wrong."

"No, I completely understand. But you don't know what he's like right now. He's destroying himself because he's so upset about what he's done and you're only making it worse...I am honestly concerned for him." I said. "Well, I don't think-" she started to say but I cut her off, internally shocking myself at my own bravery. "Well I think he's punishing himself enough, you don't need to do it. Mrs. Bakugo, he feels awful and he's apologized to me so many times, even though I've forgiven him and told him it's ok."

I paused for a minute, absorbing all the confidence I had, "You need to give him his stuff back...It's killing him, I am worried about him." Mrs. Bakugo looked me in the eyes, then sighed.

Bakugo's P.O.V.

I wake up to a pounding on my door. I groan, I don't want to deal with people. I hear a muffled voice from behind the door, "Hey Bakubro! Open up!" "GO AWAY SHITTY HAIR!"

I don't wanna deal with Kirishima right now, and he probably has that moron - "Yeah Bakubro, open up man!" Kaminari... "NOPE" then something else changes my whole attitude, "Kacchan, it's me! Please let us in, only for a minute..."

I get out of bed and grab a t-shirt, throw it on really quick and open the door. Kirishima has two guitars strapped to his back and he's carrying boxes of stuff. Kaminari has two boxes in front of his face and he can't see over them. "Did he come out, was that him?" he said, causing me to roll my eyes.

And Deku, he's holding the amplifier that sits under my desk at home and my favorite guitar strapped to his back, smiling at me. "I got your stuff!" and his smile gets brighter. Lighting up my fucking world.

"What, how?" I step aside so the two idiots can put the boxes down in my room. Deku sets the amp down and looks back up at me, "I talked to your mom, I got her to let me bring you your stuff!" "I can't believe this..." I looked around, the two idiots were done and smiled at me, "See you later Bakubro!" Kirishima says gently patting me on the back. Then the two walk off.

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