Chapter 8: Playground Antics

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Chapter Warnings: More homophobia from the asshat homophobes who I've decided don't deserve names.

(A/N: Sorry this chapter took a bit longer to update, I've been working on drawing the pictures from the Date Night chapter and stressing because I've developed asthma and then misplaced my inhaler (I'm good now, I have a new one))

Izuku's P.O.V.

It's finally the last day of middle school, and this weekend Kacchan will be having dinner with my mother and I. The summer training  I'll be doing with All Might will become a lot more intense, but I'm ok with it, I'll push myself harder every day if it means I even have a chance of getting into U.A. and becoming a hero. Kacchan and I are still happy, besides the incident with the homophobes. Once they returned to school, all Kacchan would do if they even looked in our direction was growl and make small explosions in his hands. 

Kacchan LOVES PDA, mostly because it makes me flustered, I think. Like the other day, he grabbed the handle of my backpack and which sent me flying back into his arms and he caught me before I fell to the floor and he kissed me. Once I was back on my feet he started laughing because I was waving my arms frantically and stuttering. 

I don't mind at all though, I love this type of attention from him, and nobody bothers us. Some of them probably are supportive of homosexuals, and the rest of the students are too terrified of Kacchan to say anything.

The bell rang, snapping me from my thoughts, I was daydreaming, again. It was the final day, Kacchan grabbed my hand and we began to walk out of the school. As we exited the front doors, hand in hand, there was snickering from behind us, Kacchan's grip tightens on my hand and he grits his teeth, "Ignore them Deku."

"Whoever heard of twink hero?" A growl comes from Kacchan, I can feel his palms sweating already. "Fags are too weak to be real heroes!" I suddenly feel the absence of Kacchan's hand, and I know trouble is coming. 

Bakugo's P.O.V.

I am sick and fucking tired of listening to these extras and their bullshit. I whip around to face them, causing them to jump at me suddenly facing them. "Why don't you say shit like that to my face huh? Because you're fucking scared. Now leave us the FUCK alone. Or ELSE." I snatch Deku's hand and begin storming away, practically dragging Deku away with me. I bring him to his house, roughly kiss him goodbye and I said, "Stay home today..." and I start storming away, fuming from those fucking assholes.

Deku already had enough of this bullshit from my dumbass, I would not allow anyone to bother him anymore. I WILL protect him this time! I walk to the park, and sit on a bench, taking out my phone. I start a group chat between the two assholes and myself.

Me: You wanna fucking talk shit. Come say that shit to my fucking face, off school grounds at the park, and I'll show you how fucking weak this fag really is

Within 15 minutes the two show up and approach me. I stand immediately, glaring them down, "Now say that shit again, I fucking dare you." One of them stays silent, the other says, "Where's that little twink boyfriend of yours, is he too weak to fight?" My eye starts twitching and my palms, which I purposely kept in my pockets to build up some sweat, "He's not here because I didn't want him to stop me from kicking your asses! You pussies are nothing but fucking talk, so let's fucking go."

Third Person P.O.V.

The boys in the park don't notice the oncoming storm. There is a moment, where Bakugo is just staring them down. The shorter of the two bullies shoves the blond, who doesn't even falter. Bakugo swings a fist at the shorter, causing him to spit blood after the shock of being punched in the face wears off. Then the both of them lunge at Bakugo, he kicks the taller one in the knees, and grabs the other by the collar and drags him to the ground, punching him in the face with small explosions. 

A downpour of rain starts, but the fight doesn't end. The taller tackles Bakugo off of his friend and getting a couple of punches in, splitting Bakugo's lip. Bakugo, now covered in mud from being on the ground, send an explosion at the bully on top of him, which sends him flying off. He climbs to his feet, the shorter swings at him, from behind, like a coward. The blow to the back of the head send Bakugo face down into the mud, but he quickly gets up, although his face is covered in mud and blood from his lip, his red eyes glow wildly with rage. "FUCKING DIE!" He screams sending a large explosion at the shorter one, which knocks him unconscious. 

Bakugo turns back to the taller bully, who was staggering to his feet. Bakugo kicked him down to the ground and was standing over him, he stomps on his face, causing blood to gush from the nose, which Bakugo was sure he had broken under his foot. He starts kicking him in the ribs, "I FUCKING WARNED YOU! BUT YOU HAVE THE IQ OF A FUCKING ROCK AND DON'T FUCKING LISTEN. I'LL END YOU IF YOU SAY ANOTHER THING ABOUT MY DEKU, OR US EVER AGAIN. YOU FUCKING GOT IT?

The darkness created by the storm was interrupted by a flash of red and blue, and a loud siren was heard over the heavy rain and distant thunder. "Fuck," Bakugo muttered. 

Izuku's P.O.V.

I was worried about Kacchan, it was storming very badly and he hasn't returned my texts or calls. I decide to head over to his house to see if he's there. I grab my hoodie and my umbrella and run over to his house. I knock on the door and Mitsuki answers, "Izuku! What a pleasant surprise, what brings you here?" She steps aside to let me in, "Well I was wondering if Kacchan was here," I say. 

She tilts her head in confusion, "He never came home from school, I just assumed he was with you..." A clap of thunder breaks the pause and she says "OH MY BABY IS OUT IN THE STORM SOMEWHERE" In a panic, she calls Mr. Bakugo, who suggests asking the police to look for him, and she does. We're both sitting on the couch, in silence, waiting for the phone to ring.

Blue and red lights suddenly appear in the window, and there's a knock at the door. Mitsuki swings it open and she gasps at what she sees, and tears start to well in my eyes.

Two officers have brought Kacchan back home, he's drenched in rain, slightly shivering, covered in mud, his lip is split open and one of his eyes bruised slightly, his fists are bloody, and he's not putting his weight on his left foot, causing him to sway slightly. "Mrs. Bakugo?" One officer finally speaks up. "Yes?" she says her eyes not leaving Kacchan, her voice stuttered though. 

"We found him fighting two kids in the park. One of them in unconscious with a few broken ribs. The other has a broken nose and broken ribs. They both have concussions and burns." Kacchan looks at the floor, his expression was emotionless. "Normally this is a more serious offense, but the parents of the other two have decided not to press charges and since this is Katsuki's first offense, we're choosing to let him off with a warning and leave his punishment up to you." 

Before Mitsuki could speak another word, the other officer says, "And the EMT's have instructed us to tell you that Katsuki has a concussion as well, he says he hurt his foot," he paused looking down at his notepad, " 'stomping one of those shitty jerkwads nose in' " although Kacchan is looking at the ground, I can see him smirk hearing the officer repeat his words. They release Kacchan to Mitsuki, who after he stumbles into the house slams the door in her fury. 

This is about to be bad, I lean against the wall, wiping tears out of my eyes...

(A/N: Although I don't condone violence, the two got what they deserved for being assholes like they were. Sorry this chapter took a bit longer than normal for me to put up. Hope you enjoyed 🧡. Don't forget to vote and share if you enjoyed! 💚)

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