Chapter 17: Locked and Loaded Part 1

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(A/N: Another update so soon? *gasp* I was excited to write this part so here we goooo)

Bakugo's P.O.V.

Everyone in the classroom was shocked into dead silence. "Midoriya, may I speak to you in private for a moment outside the classroom," Mr. Aizawa asks, gesturing to the door of the classroom. Deku nods and leaves the classroom with Aizawa.

The rest of the class begins chattering about what they think happened. "I know exactly what happened!" Round face exclaims. She stands from her chair, points at me, "Bakugo did it!" WHAT THE FUCK! Suddenly everyone's attention is on me. Rumors had spread that Deku and I had a nasty break up but this is ridiculous.

"You don't know shit!" I shouted back at her. The extras gasp, this would be the first time they heard me speak in weeks. I didn't care. I was furious, how dare this bitch accuse me of hurting Deku.

"Yeah! I saw you with him yesterday! You ran away after I came over, then probably jumped him as soon as I left." She was standing from her desk now, with a furious smug look on her face, like she was she was hot shit. I stood up too, facing her, I was ready to fight at this point. "Oh you think you fucking know everything huh? Well I would never hurt Deku!" 

"Yeah well it doesn't seem like it! You're so toxic and angry. You probably just abused him for your entire relationship. Ugh! You're no good for Deku." Oh round face has done it now. "YOU BITCH!" The explosions are coming now.

Midoriya's P.O.V.

"Who did this to you Midoriya, was it a student?" Mr. Aizawa asked, he was calm, I could tell he was taking the situation seriously though. "No, sir..." I say, looking at the floor. He sighs, "Was this another villain attack?" Everyone has been on high alert since the villains attacked U.A. (That happened in the two week time skip, I'm lazyyyy). "No, sir." I say again. "Midoriya, I can't help you if you don't tell me what happened."

I can feel tears in my eyes now, dammit. "It was-" Behind me, there was a loud explosion. I whip around in surprise to see a desk, charred, stuck into the wall. Mr. Aizawa sighs, "Not again," he maneuvers past me, "Midoriya, we will continue this discussion later." 

"KATSUKI BAKUGO!" He shouts. I walk in behind him and Kacchan is standing over Uraraka on the floor, hands exploding in fury. The explosions suddenly cease, I look over and see Mr. Aizawa, eyes beaming red, hair and scarf floating around him. His scarf once again tied around Kacchan's body, deeming him unable to move.

"THAT FUCKING BITCH SAID I DID THAT" Kacchan yells, everyone in the classroom winces, "SHE SAID I HURT DEKU! SHE DOESN'T KNOW SHIT" He's practically foaming at the mouth with rage, I guess this is what happens when he's silent for two weeks. Kacchan was just a ticking time bomb. 

"ENOUGH!" Mr. Aizawa shouts at him, I look at Kacchan, he's almost ready to yell again, but he makes eye contact with me, sighs, and stops struggling. "Now then, you will have to pretend to act like adults for the rest of the day, then I will see you two and Midoriya after class." He releases Kacchan, his hair and scarf falling down into their normal position, he takes eye drops out of his pockets, and starts dropping his eyes. 

"Get to your seats," Mr. Aizawa says, clearly exasperated at the situation. Uraraka suddenly says, "Um, I can't." Mr. Aizawa looks at the desk that's stuck in the wall and slightly steaming from Kacchans explosion, "Ah well maybe standing for the remainder of the day will teach you to not gossip like a petty child about your peers. Maybe you'll need extra lessons on evidence and respect for others."

I hear Kacchan snort with laughter, Uraraka hangs her head in shame, and stands where her desk was. I can't believe that there was a fight over me, I wonder what exactly happened. 

*Break for Lunch*

"Deku!" I hear Uraraka calling me, as I'm standing at my locker, putting my classroom things away so I don't have to carry them to lunch with me. "Hey Uraraka, are you ok?" "Yeah I'm fine, are you ok, you seem really hurt..." She looks me up and down. "It's nothing..I'm fine" I put on a fake smile. 

"Are you sure? Is there anyway I can help?" She asks, moving closer to me. "No, Recovery Girl is doing all the healing, but thanks for the offer." The hallway was now empty, as everyone else had stormed the cafeteria for food.

Bakugo's P.O.V.

This day has been interesting, beating up Uraraka and then getting her in trouble was definitely the highlight though. I hear voices down the hallway, which was strange because usually at this time it's just me. I peek around the corner and see Uraraka talking with Deku. I growl but I continue to watch from around the corner.

I can't hear what she's saying but suddenly shes throwing herself at Deku, wait she's fucking groping him. I hear Deku yelp, "H-HEy! ST-StOp!" I can't stop myself from storming down the hallway at this point. She doesn't stop. I'm holding back on the explosions, at this point. "Are you fucking deaf and dumb?" I grab her by the back of her collar and yank her backward, sending her to the floor. 

I stand in front of Deku defensivley, who is crying at this point, "WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?" For Deku's sake, I'm not blasting this bitch through the fucking wall at this point. She stands up, "He's not yours! He's mine! You gave him up! I want to help him and be with him! I'm better for him than you ever were!"

"REALLY! SO FUCKING SEXUALLY ASSAULTING HIM IS A GOOD THING NOW?! BECAUSE THAT'S WHAT HE WANTED? YOU REALLY ARE FUCKING STUPID!" I'm starting to lose control here, fuck this bitch is gonna get it soon. "B-but he likes me!" She says, tears in her eyes. 

"NO I DON'T!" Deku shouts between sobs from behind me. He sinks to the floor, putting his head between his knees. Uraraka runs away, with tears in her eyes. I huff in disgust at her, and she calls herself a friend. I crouch down in front of Deku, there's no need to yell anymore. "Deku, what happened?"

He sniffles and looks up at me, his eyes filled with tears, "My dad came back Kacchan, he's back. And then she does that to me," He wails and puts his head back down. Son of a fucking bitch, that bastard came back. "Deku, I'll protect you...I promised." I pull him into a hug, thank god he can't see my face, because I'm almost crying too.

I'll kill that bastard.

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