DJ Grooves x Singer!Reader

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This part was requested by the lovely @MikanaCrystal and the art is by gorusiti7 on tumblr! (Their art is amazing btw!!) Hope you all enjoy this!

Reference (Because I'm dumb and forgot to put this in the other chapters ;-;):
(Y/N) = Your Name
(F/C) = Favorite Color

Narrator's POV
DJ Grooves has been down in the dumps lately. The Conductor has won the Anual Bird Movie Awards again, as usual, and he put his heart and soul into this years movies. He's also loosing his motivation to make music as a whole. Nothing really inspired him to make anything and he's worried his career will come to a close soon. It's after the party, amd DJ Grooves has left early for once to think about what he would do next with his career. The night sky in the city park offered little comfort for the penguin as he strolled through it. 'What am I going to do now...? Is this the end...?'

He suddenly perks up, hearing the most melodic voice ring throughout the night. It sounded sweet yet powerful. It was music to his ears! 'I simply must know who the owner of that lovely voice is!'

He strides forward down the path until he finds someone sitting by the pond. That person was you. You were the one singing. How your voice reached those high and low notes perfectly, how content you seemed to be when singing, and not to mention how gorgeous you looked in the moonlight, it enamored him. You were like a siren trapping him in a spell. 'This is exactly what I need!' He waited until you were done singing to make his presence known.

"That's lovely voice you have, darling." You jump, hearing a smooth yet deep voice call out from behind you.

You stand and whirl around to find DJ Grooves watching you intently. You're thankful there wasn't much light besides the moonlight, or he would have seen a blush spread across your face. You were a fan of DJ Grooves' movies for as long as you remember, and he was one of the few reasons you decided to sing.

"I-I wasn't aware that anyone was listening, but thank you!" You flash a smile towards the penguin as he slides closer.

DJ Grooves smirks, stopping right in front of you. "Might I learn the name of this lovely star in front of me?"

"Oh, it's (Y/N)." You smile back at the DJ, who seems to be happy he's come across you. You can't help but wonder why though.

"Well, (Y/N)," Dear God your name rolled off his tongue perfectly, "I can assume you already know my name, but I'm DJ Grooves."

"Yes, actually. I'm a fan of your movies and music!" You exclaim, getting a bit excited. Oh wait, your manners! You hold out your hand to shake. "It's a pleasure to meet you in person!"

DJ Grooves simply chuckles, happy to meet such a lovely fan like you. He moves closer to shake your outstretched hand. "The pleasure's all mine, darling." He replies with just as much enthusiasm, secertly slipping something into the coat pocket of your (F/C) coat.

You both talk for a bit about music and movies, mostly consisting of his movies of course, for quite a while. It's about a half an hour later when you both realize you should be getting home.

DJ Grooves flashes you a smile once more. "I hope I get to see you around sometime soon~ Ta ta for now, darling!" And off he goes into the night, a happy and hopeful penguin.

You smile softly, sticking you hands in your coat pockets when you feel something in one of them. You pull it out to find a business card. DJ Grooves' business card. You inspect it in the moonlight to find a cellphone number is on the back. That sly penguin!

'Maybe I should give him a call sometime.' Little did you know, that one decision was going to change your life for the better.


Whew I hope this one was good for you all! Leave a vote and some feedback would be great, thanks!!

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