Snatcher x Ghost!Reader

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GAH I'M SO SORRY ABOUT THE DELAY GUYS! I GOT SIDETRACKED WITH FAMILY STUFF (All happy things I promise) AND I TOTALLY PECKED UP WITH STAYING ON SCHEDULE! I'll fix my mistakes as soon as I can and I'll hopefully have all the requests done soon! Anyways this was requested by Slym0_Buddie27 and the art is done by slimyparty on tumblr! (you know the deal, go check them out!)

(Y/N) = Your Name
(F/C) = Favorite Color
(S/F/C) = Second Favorite Color

Narrator's POV
Snatcher couldn't believe it. You were gone. You had just up and died during one of his contracts. Normally Snatcher wouldn't care if any of his contractees just died on him, he'd just eat their souls and be done with it. You, however, were a special case.

During your time in the forest, you've managed to charm the noodle into liking you, and you two have had great times together.

Any time Snatcher would pull a prank on you, you would somehow find a way to prank him back. Your pranks were the best in his opinion.

You were also there during the tough times. Snatcher remembers you stubbornly sticking by his side, doing the best you could to cheer him up or at least comfort him. He would never admit it, but you knew he loved your hugs. They were hard to resist and they honestly were to die for.

Now here he is, sitting in his own chair, craving those hugs and good times once more. He didn't think he'd ever get to have those fun times back. He would never get you back. Little did he know, he would see you very soon.


The last thing you remember was falling into that stupid ditch. You hold your head and groan. 'What even happened..? Why do I feel so light? Why's it so cold?' You sit up, rubbing your head while taking in your surroundings, only to shriek when you see your own face staring back at you, clearly frozen over at that point. What even happened to you? Did you die? You stare down at your hands, noticing that they weren't your normal skin color, but a pulsing, glowing (F/C). Next you take in your surroundings. It seemed you were in a hole of sorts... Wait... You must still be in that ditch!

You jump up and glance around, confused. Your surroundings were covered with ice, which allowed you to see yourself. You definitly grew a few feet, and your body was now a glowing (F/C) while your eyes and mouth were (S/F/C). Damn, you looked almost as good as... SNATCHER! He must be so worried sick about you!

You waste almost no time flying out of the stupid ditch, leaving your frozen corpse behind. You'd worry about it later, after you knew that Snatcher was okay and not freaking out over you being missing. You flew to his tree as fast as you could, stopping just outside his tree.

"S-Snatcher...?" You ask, knocking on the wood outside his domain. He doesn't even look up at you, seeming lost in thought. You frown, before an idea pops into your head. You float inside, trailing along the ceiling until you were above Snatcher.

You reach down to Snatcher's shoulder, tapping it a few times. The specter takes a while to respond, but he finally looks up to see you.

"Who are you... and what do you want?" he says solemly. Guess he doesn't recognize you. Lucky for you, that was easy to fix!

"Oh come on, Snatcher. Don't tell me you don't recognize your old pal~" You cooe in a teasing tone, seeing his face turn into shock.

Snatcher suddenly shoots off of his chair, pulling you into what would be considered a bone-crushing hug had you had any bones left. "(Y/N)!"

"Woah, hey now!" You exclaim, hugging Snatcher back. "I'm okay! Did you really think I'd let you down so easily?"

"(Y/N), I thought you were gone for good!" Snatcher hugs you tighter. "How long have you been alive?"

"Probably about five minutes? The first thing I did was see you" You reply, kissing Snatcher's forhead. The specter under you blushes madly due to your act, puffing up slightly.

"Well, I'm not letting you go again. Do you know how worried I was?" Snatcher grumbles, still holding onto you as if you'd dissapear again.

"Hey, I'm not going anywhere..." You wrap your arms around Snatcher, squeezing him in a hug. A grin slowly smiles on your face as you think of something. "But can I not do anymore contracts?" You joke, causing Snatcher to finally laugh his usual laugh.

"Don't worry about them anymore, kiddo." Snatcher reassures you. "No more contracts."


Okay that's done and I'm still so sorry I stopped working on these! I'm trying to plow through them all now so just work with me here, okay? Have a good day/night everyone!

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