Empress x Child!Reader

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So this one caught my attention when I saw it, and I just had to get it out there quickly. This was requested by Squirrel_Dogg1 and the art is by honnojis on tumblr! (Seriously go check them out. Their art is to die for)

(Y/N) = Your Name
(F/C) = Favorite Color

Narrator's POV
Empress stands behind the glass counter holding many of her precious jewels. Normally, she'd be watching over her prized possessions and keeping an eye over her minions, but lately she's been distracted. The source of her distraction? You. More specifically the few years ago when she first found you.

You were only a small child at the time, abandoned and alone in the Nyakuza. Empress fondly remembers finding you shivering in the open, only a thin (F/C) blanket keeping you warm. She didn't know why she felt like conversing with you, but she did anyway.

"Child. Look up." She demanded, startling you and causing you to look up immediately. "Where are your parents?"

You tremble and curl in upon yourself, hesitant to answer the towering feline. "I-I don't have any... T-They left..." you whimper, looking back down.

Your words struck Empress and she felt rage course through her. Not at you, but the idiots who left you behind. She didn't know what she was thinking at the time, but she swiftly comanded you to stand and follow her, marking the moment she adopted you into the gang.

Empress thinks about this moment over and over again. She knows her actions at the time were impulsive, but she was glad she did what she did. She knows now that the tightening of her chest when she laid eyes upon you was her heart aching. She couldn't bear to see a small child like you suffer like this.

She starts to think now about how you adapted to working for her. You were finnicky and shy in the start, but soon your bright attitude started to show, and you became one of her most trusted minions. She also thinks about how not only do you get your tasks done, but you look up to her so much like a child would to their mother. Maybe that's what she is now: a mother. Something she never would have thought she'd become.

Empress' thoughts are disturbed by the chime of the bell attached to the front door. She shakes her head quickly and looks down at who entered. There you were, decked out in the finest clothes Empress could provide you. She even had asked for your favorite color and got a jacket in said color.

"Ah, (Y/N)," She smiled, looking down at you and relaxing slightly. "Have you finished your task, child?"

"Eyup!" You nod, beaming and holding up the artifacts you were told to collect. Your smile grows wider when you see Empress' do the same.

"Well done, (Y/N)." Empress glances around for a moment, then motions for you to come around the counter and stand beside her. You give her a curious look, but comply.

Once you make it around the counter, Empress crouches down to your level. "Shut your eyes." She tells you.

You nod, squeezing them shut tightly, excitment and curiosity at an all time high. Soon you feel something cold touch your neck and Empress' paws putting a clasp together. A moment after she pulls her paws away, she tells you to open your eyes.

You open them and look down at your chest to see that Empress has given you a small chain necklace with a glitzy locket attached. Wait? Locket? You quickly fumble to open it up and what you see brings happy tears to your eyes

It's a picture of you and Empress on your birthday. You glance up at Empress, only for the feline to embrace your small form in a hug. "You've grown so much in just a few years... I'm proud of you" She murmurs.

Your heart leaps with joy, happy that your boss and mother was proud of you. "Thank you, Mommy..!"

Empress laughs quietly, pulling away and standing up. She places a claw over her snout. "This stays between us, alright?"

You nod, filled to the brim with energy once more. "Yep!"

Empress smiles again before giving you your last task for today, soon watching you run off with a smile on your face.

She really did mean it. She really does have a soft spot for kids.


I like how this one turned out. Empress having a soft spot for children is such a good idea and I just eeeeee! Anways have a great day everyone!

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