Snatcher x Weak!Reader

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This was the most interesting request I got so far and I was really excited to tackle it! Anyways, this was requested by ShatteredMirror_560 and the artwork above is by dorks--in--love on tumblr!

(Y/N) = Your Name
(F/A) = Favorite Animal

Narrator's POV
Snatcher never wants to admit it, but he likes you. Like, he likes you a lot. Despite you being one of his weakest contractees, you've managed to worm your way into his dead heart. You were kind and sweet, not to mention how considerate you were of others. Not to mention how determined you were sometimes just so you can complete an easy contract.

He would watch you from afar as you played with some of the more friendly Subconites and dwellers, one even giving you a mask of your own. The mask was one that resembled a (F/A), and you were overjoyed when given it.

At first when Snatcher met you and took your soul, he was debating on sending you to her manor and calling it a day, but you stole his heart instantly. After the distaster with the Toilet of Doom (He beat up the pecking outhouse himself after seeing you so beat up), he's made sure that you only get the easy contracts.

The point is, he loves you, and he thinks it's about time he should have made it known.


You're walking back to Snatcher's tree house, just having completed another contract. It takes you quite a few tries to climb up the vine leading to his home, but you manage.

You step inside and look around, noticing a certain specter was missing. "Snatcher?" you ask aloud, glancing around.

Suddenly, you feel yourself get scooped up into the air and squeezed rather tightly. You screamed and struggled as hard as you could, which in reality wasn't doing much, until you herad laughter behind you.

"Ahahahahahahahaha! Got you!" Snatcher roars with laughter behind you, holding you in the air.

"You scared me!" you shrieked, trying to turn around to face him. Snatcher turns you around in his arms and you almost get covered in his face floof. It was soft amd you were resisting the urge to run your hands through it.

"I knew I would, kiddo~" Snatcher grinned, lowering himself and you down into his chair. "Now, I think it's about time I tell you something, (Y/N)."

You freeze up. Was he done with you? Was he going to eat your soul? Looking up at him, his face said otherwise... In fact he seemed really nervous.

"(Y/N) I... Well, look, I like you, okay. And not in a friend way, but something more. That's why," Snatcher snaps his claws and suddenly you don't feel so empty. He just gave you your soul back.

"I'm letting you leave. You don't have to suffer here doing my contracts any longer. You don't even have to like me back, but...just know that I do." He was really putting himself out on the spot here, not even really recovering from her.

You gasp and throw your arms around the specter. You've liked him since he saved you from the outhouse and you always wanted to make him happy. You've pushed yourself hard to become stronger and to make him happy despite what he says. "I'd never leave you behind!"

Snatcher goes to reply when he feels your fingers run through his floof. He starts to purr loudly, melting in his chair with you on top of him.

You giggle and continue to run your fingers through his floof. "Just because you're a big scary specter doesn't change anything! I know you're not the dark brooding monster you seem to be, Snatcher."

"R-Really?" Snatcher glances up at you, momentarily pausing his purring.

"Really." You kiss his cheek and hide your face in his floof. Snatcher almost physically melts into a puddle, becoming a flustered yet happy noodle.

Sometimes the weakest really are the strongest.


Double update today I'm feeling good! Anyways that's one fun one out of the way and onto the next! Hope you all  enjoyed this one!

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