Yandere!Snatcher x Female!Innocent!Reader

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Welp, we're back at it again! I'm not to good with yandere stuff but at least it's practice, right? Anyways this was requested by Allison-65 and the art is by impishwraith on tumblr (love their snatcher, seriously go give them some love)! Have a good day everyone!

(Y/N) = Your Name

Narrator's POV
You never really understood why Snatcher was so protective over you. You thought you were just another one of his contractees doing his chores for him. You never really thought he cared about you. It never really answered the questions as to why he hasn't eaten your soul yet nor as to why he doesn't let you talk to any of the subconites or dwellers. Ever since that one subconite started talking to you constantly, you've been banned from going to Subcon Village. You aren't allowed to do the mail delivery service contract anymore and you were really bummed about that.

You never understood why Snatcher was so overprotective of you, but something in the back of your brain had been telling you that you may find out soon, whether you were ready or not.


You were walking through the forest, just having completed another one of Snatcher's contracts, when someone ran into you at full speed, knocking you both down.

You hold your head in pain as you glance over at who ran into you. You see a man around your age, quickly getting up and apologizing profusely. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to...wait, miss, what are you even doing here?! It's not safe here!" He suddenly exclaims, helping you up.

As he helps you up, you take in his features. Short blonde hair, green eyes, and a warm smile. He was kind of cute, but what the heck was he doing here?

"I'm stuck here... Snatcher has my soul." You murmur, clenching your arms. "You shouldn't be here, he'll probably take your soul too!"

"No way! I'm going to help you!" The man grins, taking your hands in his. "I'm Brandon, by the way."

"(Y/N)!" You reply, smiling. You felt like you could trust Brandon, and maybe even become friends. "Just please be careful."

What you didn't know was someone was watching you talk to Brandon, and they didn't like them touching or talking to his doll one bit. He wasn't going to let this go on any longer.

Before you get the chance to say anything else, you feel something wrap around your torso, causing you to yelp as your pulled upwards. "(Y/N)!" Brandon calls out to you, panic struck across his face.

"You think you can just come around here and mess with my (Y/N)? You have another thing coming, fool." Snatcher's voice echoes around you and you realize he's the one that's holding you. The tone he was speaking in was bone-chilling, and you weren't sure what he meant by "my (Y/N)", but you didn't think anything good would come out of it.

Snatcher grabs Brandon by the collar of his shirt, pulling him up. His grin held malace and murderous intent, but only Brandon and Snatcher knew this. You, on the other hand, were too innocent to understand. Snatcher holds Brandon in the air and suddenly a pillar of light blasts from below him, enveloping his body in a bright light.

When the beam fades away, all that's left is Brandon's soul.

"BRANDON!" You exclaim in pure horror before trying to shake out of Snatcher's grasp in pure panic. Snatcher just holds you tighter in his grasp and cackles, grabbing Brandon's soul.

"Why?!" you shout at him, the oncoming tears threatening to spill. "Why would you do that to him?! He did nothing wrong!"

"That's where you're wrong, dove~" Snatcher cooes, his voice sending more chills down your spine. "He was toying with my pet. That shouldn't go unpunished, you know." He turns you around in his grasp, so you can see his grin.

That's when you finally click the last puzzle piece into place. He's been obsessive over you the entire time. It explains why the only contact you've made was with him and not anyone else. You're suffering because of him, and there's nothing you can do about it now.


So yeah, not really my best thing, but I pulled through it! Hope you all enjoyed this and I'll see you all in the next one! (Sounds like a youtube outro XD)

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