Moonjumper x Fem!Reader

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So this one kinda has the same concept as the last one, and I decided in order for it to work out with Moonjumper, I decided to make this a bit different. Like the last oneshot, there's an established relationship between you and Moonjumper already, but the rest is for you to read. Anyways this was requested by google_eye and the art is by subconjumper on tumblr (Go give them some love!!)

(Y/N) = Your Name

Narrator's POV
Well, it happened. That vase you were supposed to keep safe is missing. Some stupid owl burglar decided to break into your home and take it while you were out. You had packed up a bag and headed out to look for it, checking everywheres else except Subcon Forest, which is where you are now.

Your boyfriend, the Moonjumper, resided in the forest away from Snatcher's domain so he won't get spotted. The both of you disliked the Snatcher, and it was kinda hard not to. His ego was as big as the Conductor's, and his territorial instincts were obnoxious. Anywho, maybe it would be a good idea to visit Moonjumper on your search.

You walk over to the tree house you and Moonjumper built together for him and call out his name. "Hey Moon!" You yell up and wait for him to poke his head out.

Pretty soon he does and the smile on his face grows wider. "Ah, Starlight!" He exclaims, floating out of the house to greet you. Only, something isn't right with him. More specifically something isn't right with his voice.

Moonjumper noices that you can barely hold back a few giggles and tilts his head to the side. "(Y/N)? What's wrong?" He asks you, concerned.

You couldn't take it. You burst out giggling and whezing to your heart's content. "Y-Your voice!" You gasp, "It's all squeaky!"

Moonjumper blinks, confusion written all over his mask-like face. Then it his him. He knew something wasn't right with him but he couldn't place what. Now that you've pointed it out, it's obvious.

He starts to laugh along with you, only making you laugh harder in hysterics. He scoops you up in his strings and carries you inside for you both to calm down.


After the two of you settled down, you ask Moonjumper if he had the vase you were looking for, and he gives it to you.

"Some dreadful owl thief got lost in the forest," He explains to you. "When I went to confront him and keep that dreaded noodle from getting another soul, he shrieked and ran off, leaving the vase behind."

"So I'm guessing you decided to hold onto it, huh?" You question him, now holding the vase that was giving you the helium voice instead.

"Yes, of course! No one really leaves this place intact other than the small child and you, starlight" Moonjumper holds back a chuckle at your squeaky voice.

You sigh and pull him into a hug quickly. "Can we hang out today? Even if my voice is squeaky?"

Moonjumper chuckles and plants a kiss on your forehead. "There's no need for the puppy dog eyes, Starlight. Of course we can spend the day with each other, even if you do sound like one of those cruise seals."

You laugh at the comparison and thank him in a seal immitation. The two of you then spend the day talking about past adventures, playing simple games, and cuddling under blankets made from your lover's strings.


Jeeze for some reason I feel like I'm rushing these. Hopefully I'm not. Anyways I hope you all enjoyed!

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