Conductor x Reader x DJ Grooves

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So this one was a bit of a doozey dor me trying to put this together, and of course me being the softie I am, I can't bring myself to hurt these birds. Sorry! Anyways, this was requested by 8-BITWOOMY and the art is by doodledrawsthings on tumblr (Go check 'em out!!)

(Y/N) = Your Name

Narrator's POV
Being the new receptionist was a pain in the arse for you. Yeah, that old owl who had your job needed someone to replace him, and he said the job would be easy. It kinda is, but it's HELL on your ears. Your bird bosses were always arguing in the reception on break, which really annoyed you. You kind of liked them both, their personalities were charming in their own ways, but this was REALLY unnecessary.

Plus, while they argue in the reception, you can feel most likely both of them stealing glances at you while you worked! At this rate, you'll never get anything done for the next few years.

You sigh as you unlock the building and walk into the reception. You sit down at your desk and organize your papers. Everything looked like it belonged, except for one page. You examined it.

The piece of paper was yellow, with somewhat decent handwriting in red pen. It was a note from the Conductor saying he wanted to see you during break today, saying that he had something very, very important to tell you and that you couldn't miss it. You grew nervous, sliding the paper to the side.

The Conductor was always an interesting character to be around. He was always loud, short tempered, and a hardcore western fan. You remember on the first few days of your job he'd try to be open minded and approachable, but you easily found that was hard for the owl. You gave up long ago trying to figure out if he was truly an owl or not and just addressed him as such. Over the years, you were able to have some fun with him, even getting invitations to the afterparties after another successful award winning. Despite all the alcohol he drinks and how stern he is, you can say you have a pretty good work relationship with the Conductor.

Not long after, the front door opens up, attracting your attention. "Good morning, (Y/N) darling" The deep yet smooth voice of DJ Grooves fills the empty void of the reception as the penguin slides in.

"Good morning, sir" You flash a smile his way, hoping to cover up the tiredness in your voice.

"Grooves is just fine, darling" Said director slides up to your desk as you stand up in your seat. He always tries to correct you but you keep falling into the habbit.

"Right, I'm sorry" You laugh nervously, scratching the back of your head before regaining composure.

You had a soft spot for the penguin DJ almost from day one on your job. With him being more approachable and attempting to make you feel welcome on the job, it was a lot easier to get acustomed to it and Grooves himself. Plus, whenever Grooves wanted to do an outing or wanted to throw a party for his crew for all their work, he'd always come to you. Despite loosing to the Conductor in the Anual Bird Movie Awards, Grooves always seemed to have something keeping him going. You admired that greatly.

"Is there anything you needed" You ask the DJ, most likely suspecting he needed help with another surprise party.

"Actually, I wanted to ask you to meet up with me during break." Grooves tells you, making you nervous. "There was something I wanted to tell you."

"O-Oh..." You trail off, trying not to be rude by pretending to fumble with files. "I-I'll see about it" You finally reply, causing Grooves to smile.

"Great! See you then, darling" he smiles at you before sliding away to his side of the studio. Leaving you to the sudden realization of what you just did.

You just agreed to see both the Conductor (more like he demaned for you to see him) and DJ Grooves during your break. At the exact same time. And they both hate each other.

You were thoroughly pecked


I'm not too proud of this one, but maybe I could do two different endings to this if anyone wants it.

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