Snatcher x Princess!Reader part 2

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Aaa Wattpad, I'll be frank, I totally forgot about this, but I'm trying this again! This request actually made me happy because I kind of wanted to make a sequel for this! This sequel was requested by lala-wolf-1987 and the art is by rukafais on tumblr! (All their art's amazing, go check them out!)

(Y/N) = Your Name
(L/N) = Last Name

Narrator's POV
It's been about a week since the ball, and your fateful encounter with Snatcher. Your parents were not happy that you didn't find a suitor during the ball, but you didn't really care. What you cared about now was finding any and all information on that specter.

For the entire week you scouged the royal library for knowledge of Snatcher, plowing through the historical, mythical, and even fictional sections. What you only came up with, however, was an old myth about a ghost residing in a forest that once was a thriving kingdom. Some people say that the ghost, who you assumed was Snatcher, was one of the habitants in the kingdom who haunted the remains of it. You weren't so sure you could trust most of this fable... Snatcher seemed like a really cool specter!

You're about to get up and clean the mess you made when two guards burst into the library. "Your highness, the King and Queen have ordered you to return to your quarters at once and not come out until told otherwise." One informs you as they both bow in your presence.

You stare at the guards, dumbfounded by odd order from your parents. "What?! Why?!" You demand, hoping to obtain a reason for this. Why the hell would your parents lock you up so suddenly?

Sadly, your questions were left unanswered as the guards quickly approach you. They grip your arms and drag you away from the library, ignoring the fuss you made.


You pace your room, fustrated that no one would tell you what's going on. You tried to get the guard posted outside your door to answer you, but he wouldn't budge. So, with no answers obtained, you resort to the next best thing: attempting to escape your room.

Keyword being attempt. No sooner after you start to fumble with the window lock does the door open, revealing your personal assistant.

"Greyson, what the hell-..." You turn around to demand answers from him, but the unusually grim look on his face silenced your words. You're about to ask him what's troubling him when he speaks.

"(Y/N), follow me to the throne room." He orders, stepping outside and waiting for you to follow him. You scramble to follow Greyson, not caring if you don't have any shoes on. Why bother?

The brisk walk down to the throne room was uncomfortable as silence hung between you two. You really wish you could just run to the throne room already, but ladylike manners just had to be upheld.

Finally, you both make it to the throne room. Greyson knocks on the door, asking permission to come in with you. You hear your father grant him permission and a unsettling feeling settles in your stomach. Your father always had a strong voice no matter what the situation may be. Why would it waver now?

You take a deep breath and follow Greyson into the throne room, only for said wind to be knocked right out of you. What the hell was Snatcher doing here?!

"Finally, all members of the royal family are here." Snatcher grins your way before setting his gaze back on your parents. Speaking of your parents, they seem shaken to the core. "Now, let's get to business, shall we?"

You stare at Snatcher in confusion. 'What is he talking about?' You think as you stride down the red carpet towards your parents' side.

Once you get situated, Snatcher opens his mouth to continue. "Now, as I was saying, you royals never know how to set your priorities straight" He huffed, crossing his arms. "You forgot all about our little deal"

"W-We haven't forgotten it," Your father stutters, his fists clenching the arms of his throne. "We just have been preoccupied-"

"Excuse excuses" Snatcher cuts him off, rolling his eyes. "What's important is now you can accept your defeat and surrender your souls to me, or we can negotiate plan B." He smirks, the smile sending chills down your spine. But wait, you remember a contract only including your parents' signatures. Why were you here?

"Hold on a second" You blurt out before you can stop yourself, grabbing the attention of everyone in the room. You gulp, deciding to continue on like you meant to say something instead of speaking for no reason. "I'm sorry to interrupt, but if this is just between the king and queen, why am I here?"

Snatcher's eyes bore into you, making you nervous since the first time you encountered the specter. "Well, it's quite simple" He drawls, snapping his claws and summoning a contract on the spot. "Plan B is you, dear (Y/N)~"

Your eyes widen while you stand still in shock. Your mother instantly stands from her throne, gathering some courage. "Absolutely not!" She exclaims, fuming. "Our daughter is not something to just simply be offered as a sacrifice!"

Snatcher reels back, cackling for a moment. "Hahahahahaha! You act like you have a choice!" He grinned, towering over your parents. "Besides, who said I would take her as a sacrifice? It's more like she's the collateral to make sure you keep your end of the deal."

Your parents glance between each other, silently considering the options while you slowly curl in on yourself. Just as you're about to leave just so you can escape the tense air of the throne room, your father speaks up. "What are the terms...?"

You stare at your parents in shock as Snatcher explains the new deal. You would be kept alive and well in Snatcher's domain as long as your parents would uphold their part of the original contract they failed to keep. You would have been okay with this, but you were still getting over the shock of your parents' decision to give you up so easily... You were heartbroken.

You snapped yourself out of your thoughts when you saw Snatcher holding out the contract to your parents, your father hesitantly reaching out to sign it. In a blind fury, you snatch the contract away from them and sign it yourself.

Snatcher stares down at you in shock while your parents attempt to scold you for your impulsive actions. However, you were having none of it. You held the contract back up to Snatcher, holding back tears in your eyes. "The contract is signed, the deal's on. Let's go." You state emotionlessly.

Snatcher almost hesitated to take the contract from your hands. Despite your best efforts and his large ego, he could see the choice your parents made tore you to shreds. He eventually grabbed it and nodded quietly. "Go pack your things, kid. Only the necesities."

You nod and leave the throne room, not even bothering to glance back. You wouldn't dare. You wouldn't dare look back until hours later, when Snatcher himself was carrying you towards the forest he called home, burrying your face in his body and concealing your tears.


Damn it felt good writing this! If anyone wants another part to this just let me know! Anways have a great day, you beautiful beings!

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