Chapter 4 point of view

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After the funeral, an emergency superhero meeting featuring every superhero team there is. The Avengers, X-men, Defenders, the fantastic four and superheroes that are just starting out and those who work solo. Where they are going to discus on plan to handle superheroes better.

Iron man: and that's what I agree to this plan with the president.

Hawkeye: you can't be serious?!

Wolverine: been use by the government before.

Then Wolverine claws came out and said.

Wolverine: not letting it happen again.

Luke Cage: yo, I don't like what happening but I don't want that kind of disaster happing again.

Black Widow: yes. We need to win the people trust back.

Ant man: guys, guys. I know that there a lot of us here. So maybe to decide it we should I don't know maybe do blue and red thing hey.

Quake: jezz how old are you?

Ant man: 34.

Spider man: look I'm all for helping the little guy. But with the great power we all have, take tremendous responsibly. And if we can't protect the people who we care for... then what are we fighting for?

Captain America: look tony, everyone. Know that there a lot of pressure on us. this document may look like a way out. But isn't.

Iron man: look Steve we need look at the bigger picture here. We need to make sure that something like this doesn't happen again.

Captain America: I agree with that Tony. But working blindly for the government is not the answer.

Iron man: well maybe the answer is wrong.

Captain America: you keep telling yourself that.

Then Captain America the room.

Human Torch: say I'm not say everyone has to agree on the same thing but has anyone see T'Challa.

Invisible Woman: he was there at the funeral. But after that he went back to his country.

The Thing: this can't be good.

Then as Beast read the documents, he then was shaking.

Beast: this is not right.

Kit: Hank?

Beast: this paragraph said that, mutants must act towards the government if not agree upon they will be throw into jail!

Storm: This is not right Tony!

Iron man: I know that is will upsetting, I know. but mutant need to be supervise or else disaster will strike.

Beast: this isn't something that Captain America would agree upon. Neither would the professor.

Iron Fist: justice is about balance Tony. It needs to be upheld freely if not, there will be no freedom there.

Iron Man: I can't please everyone here! But this all for the great good.

Beast: you can't believe any mutant would agree to this.

Justice: actually... I agree to this.

Bobby: whoa! Didn't see that coming.

Kit: Vance why would you do this?

Justice: why I don't like all of it. But power must be check at all times now. If not, we are doomed to fail.

Nightcrawler: I can't believe this.

Andas the heated argument continues for hours to come. The governments of theworld begun to also get documents that in future would be called the Super heroAccords. Many countries are agreeing to what it has to say. And also, themilitaries of the world nearly all agree to it. But there has been someresentment to it. 

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