Chapter 8 Superhero brawl

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Meanwhile at the X-mansion, Charles Xavier who has fully recovered, have everyone in his school evacuate it. For he knows that the government will come after the students.

Charles Xavier: tell me, Hank. How's the evacuation going?

Beast: well, Storm had taken the blackbird and few students and important stuff with him.

Charles Xavier: and what of Cerebro?

Beast: I delete some of it files so no one would use it. And nearly took all of it down. But just in case we do need it, I'm taking the most important with us.

Then Charles saw Kit crying try where Charles and Beast were talking.

Charles Xavier: now, now Kit tell what's wrong?

Kit: I... just can't believe Scott would do something like this. join Magneto. Walked away from us. I mean, I miss Jean too but why would you do that?

Charles Xavier: now, now. No one is lost forever. They just need a little help. To find their way in the darkness. That way they can see the sun bright shine down on them. You know Erik may seem to lost his way as well. But it doesn't mean I've stop trying to help him. every will be ok Kit... I promise.

Then Charles Xavier brought a smile to Kit face. Charles Xavier then got a headache.

Beast: Charles! Are you alright?

Charles Xavier: there here!

Kit: What?!

Beast: his he there?

Charles Xavier: yes.

Then Charles Xavier use his mind powers to contact the X-men that are in his Mansion.

Charles Xavier: to my X-men, Iron man is here as well as the government. Piotr, protect the students that are still here I'll have Storm pick them all up as soon as she finds a safe place for the others.

Colossus: Understood Professor.

Charles Xavier: the rest of my X-men, buy Piotr and Storm as much time as you can give them.

Wolverine: good. It about time I teach Stark a lesson. 

Then Wolverine brought his claws out. And everyone rushes outside of the mansion. Meanwhile at the border of the mansion. About 500 soldiers, 24 sentinels and the Avengers lead by Iron man and the group of Avengers that follow him. then Iron man talked to the general.

Iron man: general, permission to try and reason with the X-men. I just have the Avengers back me up on this on.

General: you have 30 mins.

Iron man: thank sir. Avengers... time to get to work.

Then Iron man including Black Widow, Firebird, Justice, Nova, Spider man, Ms Marvel, Quake, Reptil, She Hulk and Wasp. They moved in at Charles Xavier's Mansion and was standing in front of the X-men.

Beast: so, this how it comes to be.

Iron Man: Hank be reasonable. I'm just trying to help change and protect the world.

Beast: by imprisoning Mutant kind!

Bobby: yeah!

Iron Man: we're not trying to imprisoning them. Were trying to make them help for the greater good.

Kit: and if they don't want to be part of the greater good?

Iron Man: it not like we are throwing them into deadly prisons. We're putting them all in safe locations that won't harm anyone.

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