Chapter 16 2 leaders 1 hero part 1

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Back at Washington, Iron man and Captain America faced off. They both landed on the floor and quickly got back up. Iron man then fired a tank missile at Captain America. But Captain America used his shield to defend himself. But got blasted to a wall. Then Iron man shoot multiped chain grabbers at Captain America. But Captain America not only dodge it but also threw his shield at the right time and hit Iron man and got stuck onto his armour. then Captain America ran towards to Iron man.

Iron man then fired beam from his hand and Captain America dodge it. Then Captain America grab his shield and then quickly trip Iron man and jumped on him. then Iron man fired a beam from his chest and made Captain America fly up to the ceiling then fall down to the ground.

Iron man: your out of your league Steve. Stay Down Now!

Then as Captain America got back up in pain. He then said.

Captain America: I.... don't.... quit.... Tony.

Then Iron man fired more hand laser beam while Captain America used his shield to defend himself and charge up to Iron man. then Iron man and Captain America clashed as not only fight but their wills were clashing as well with each other. then as the two bounce back off each other. Captain America seat off a trip wire which shocked Captain America. Then Iron man fired beam at Captain America, but Captain America still blocked with his shield.

Then Captain America broke out of the wire and charge at Iron man. then Captain America his shield and Iron man dodge it. But got hit at his back side. Then Iron man got the shield out of his back and fired more restrains at Captain America.

Iron Man: do you see the damage you have done Steve! You basically started a war! I have to turn on to my friends! Same for you! this is going to hurt you a lot Cap. But it not goanna kill you.

Then wall was broken through by someone wearing a similar suit from Iron man. and then said.

Norman Osborn: that's what you think Tony.

Then Norman Osborn fired a tank missile and bounce back Iron man. and Norman Osborn has begun showing his true colours

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