Chapter 6 Magneto answer

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as the countries of the world, made the decision to support the Super Heroes Accords. Most Countries agree to it very quickly, other need time to think. But some special countries like Wakanda said that they would agree to it unless it upset the balance in Wakanda daily life. But little did they know that Wakanda military are preparing for battle. But other country was going to fight right off the bat with little prepare time. A country call Genosha.

Lead by Mutant by the name of Magneto. Charles Xavier friend and enemy due to different believes on how to handle mutant life. Then a US senator that attend the meeting with Norman Osborn was actually Mystique who stand right in due to her shapeshifting powers.

Mystique: The President is planning to take matters into his hand due to Jean powers outburst. It going to give Mutants to enslave or sent their days in jail.

Magneto: I see.

Then Magneto shed a tear from his eyes.

Mystique: are you ok Erik?

Magneto: no Mystique. I'm not.

Then Magneto put on his helmet and said.

Magneto: I'm going to have to break a promise to an old and dear friend. When is the summit where all world leader are going to meet?

Mystique: at New York at the united nations, at next week. Are you going to do what I think you are going to do?

Magneto: no. just sending a message.

A week later, nearly every country of the world was there to support the Accords. But then as the meeting was about to get started. Magneto show up and rip a giant hole in the building prepare to make a speech as he prepares his inner circle show up as well. The members are Mystique, his son Quicksilver, his daughter Wanda, Pyro, Saber tooth, Avalanche, Havok and Cyclops who had switch sides due to the lost of Jean.

Magneto: I am delivering a message to both Humans and Mutants kinds everywhere. So long as you all listen to me you have nothing to fear for now. You wish to enslave us because you don't know how to control us! well I came to tell human kinds that... you shall never enslave us! we will fight you all! We shall protect those that we care the most! And to Mutant kind out there, we will make sure that we keep you safe from these men! But if you wish to fight those who try to control you! then come find us we shall defeat them together!!!

Then Magneto left with his followers. Knowing that mutants will prepare for conflict. The world will be preparing for war unlike the world was ever seen before. 

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