Help (Alex Karev x OC)

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Going to put a disclaimer here. I do not own anything, but my characters that I create for these storys and that's that. 

Little bit darker themes in the next two chapters

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Little bit darker themes in the next two chapters.

The workers of Seatle Grace Mercy West hospital were panicing. A criminal, who had been caught attacking a young woman had been brought to the hospital for treatment. While attacking the woman a police officer had arrived. He had no other choice, but to shoot him. While the attacker was at the hospital the police found out that he had been behind many other attacks involving women under 30.

Having such a person at the hospital is good enough of a reason for everyone to be wary. But panic at the hospital arrived, when the nurse going to check up on him found him missing.

Now the whole hospital was trying to find the dangerous patient, while hoping to keep every other patient at the hospital safe.

Tessa Shepard was waiting to go home. It had been a long day at work for her and all she wanted was a nice hot bath. She needed "me time". She enjoyed her work and helping people, but sometimes she just needed time to herself.

As the elevator doors opened, Tessa saw that the only other person in there was Alex. A smile found its way on both of their faces. Alex had always been her person. They just had this effortless way of understanding each other.

"Hey, I see you are going home." Said Alex as the doors closed.

"Yeah it's been a long day. God, I love surgery, but some days it's harder to get through one." Tessa chuckled.

"Just be careful going home. There's a lunatic on the loose." Alex's face turned serious. He turned his body towards Tessa. "Let me know when you get home. Promise you'll text or call. Just let me know."

These were the moments Tessa especially loved. Her feelings for Alex went deeper then just for a friend. She didn't know how Alex felt, but him expressing concern for her wellbeing and safety always made her feel special.

"I promise, don't worry. And besides it's not a long way home. I'll see you tomorrow." She said, as the elevator doors opened on the first floor.

"Tessa," Alex said right before she could leave. There was a look in his eyes as if there was something, he wanted to say to her, but all that left his mouth was a "See you."

Tessa was a little disappointed but what can you do. Things were the way the were for a reason. Maybe it was for the best that they were just friends.

She had just gotten out of the hospital, when she heard moaning coming for the alleyway. The weren't sounds of pleasure but pain. Tossing the thought of Alex and a hot bath out of her mind, she went to investigate.

She saw a man crouched down holding his stomach. "Sir, what's wrong?" Next thing she did was put her hand on the shoulder of the man.

Unfortunately, she realised her mistake too late. With one quick motion the man turned around and had Tessa pinned to the ground. Before another sound could leave her mouth her captor had covered her mouth with his hand.

"Shhhh," said the man, "This will be a lot easier, if you don't struggle."

All that Tessa felt was fear. It consumed her body and finding a way out of this situation seemed impossible.

Will continue in the next chapter. 

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