Late (Derek Shepard X OC)

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Derek was devastated

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Derek was devastated.

He hadn't been good enough in that moment.

He was too weak to save Kelly.

He was late.

He was a doctor and he should have been able to save the one person he loved.

The plane had crashed, and he had been stuck. The thought that made him break his arm was that he needed to find Kelly. She may need him.

Getting free and walking towards the talking he heard, he hoped that she was still alive.

And she was. Standing there, holding a crying Meredith, who had just lost her sister Lexie.

"Kelly," her name came out as a sigh of relief. Her head lifted from Meredith's shoulder and the next moment Derek felt her arms around him.

"You're alive, you're alive," she repeated over and over again. They stayed like that in each other's arms for what felt like hours. Everything seemed to be alright until Christina said that Mark had passed out.

They all rushed to help him.

"We need the first aid kit from the plane," Yang said.

"I'll go get it," offered Kelly and off she was.

The three people who were left with Mark started doing everything they could to help him in the meantime.

About 5 minutes had passed when they heard a scream coming from where the plane had crashed. All of their heads turned towards the sound and they stopped and listened.

"HELP! HELP!" They heard a female's voice.

Derek didn't even stop to think. He took of running towards the sound. He tried to be quick, but the blood loss had made his head spin and he was stumbling more than running.

When he got to the crash site, he saw Arizona crying, screaming and pointing towards something.

For what Derek saw, he was not ready for.

There on the ground was Kelly. Unconscious.

"Kelly?" Derek tried to get a response from her. She checked her pupils and what he saw broke his arms.

Her pupils were dilated. Probably meant that she had had a stroke and died from the cause of it.

Even though her chest was still rising, he knew that she was gone. There was nothing he could do to bring her back and for the first time in his life his felt utterly helpless.

Writing something happier next time 😊

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