Wedding Bells (Jackson Avery x OC)

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|If you like Maggie, then sorry

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|If you like Maggie, then sorry. She is not the best person in this scenario.|

Jackson wasn't expecting his day to go like it did.

It was his wedding day. He was going to marry the woman of his dreams.

Kristen was anything and everything he could ever ask for.

They had been dating for 3 years before he proposed to her and finally the day had come. He was going to become a married man.

He had arrived at the venue 2 hours before the ceremony to get ready.

He had put on his tux and was waiting for the guests to arrive when a knock sounded on his door.

His first thought was that it must have been one of his groomsmen, but oh how wrong he was.

On the other side of the door stood Maggie Pierce. His ex-girlfriend, who had moved away from Seattle after they had broken up.

He didn't expect to ever see her again, least of all on his wedding day.

"Maggie, what are you doing here?" Jackson asked in disbelief.

"What do you mean, what am I doing here? I came to see you. It's your wedding day. Am I not allowed to wish my ex a happy wedding day." Maggie said as she made her way into the room.

Jackson did not want her here. He did not need her to make a mess of the day that was supposed to be his and Kristen's.

"Maggie, we haven't talked in years. Why now?" Jackson wanted to understand what was going on.

"Well I have been thinking and I felt like I needed to see you one last time. I wanted to make sure you were happy." Maggie began walking closer to him. "Contrary to what you may believe I did love you and if I'm being honest I still do."

"Maggie..." Jackson said warningly, but she continued.

"I needed to make sure that all that we had was gone. I needed to make sure before it was too late." Maggie said and with that stepped towards Jackson and kissed him.

The kiss lasted only for a few seconds, but that was enough for someone to open the door and see what was going on. Before either Jackson or Maggie could pull apart the door had closed and neither one of them knew who saw them.

"What the hell Maggie!?" Jackson exclaimed. "Why would you do that?"

"I had to be sure and I needed to make sure that you were as well." Was her only reply.

"I am sure Maggie. I have been for a long time. I love Kristen. The love I have for her could never compare to the love I had for you because there is no-one else like her. This is my one great love and you being here, doing this, could ruin it all." Jackson was fuming.

"This is why it never worked out between us. You are selfish. If you cared for me even an ounce, if you were thinking about me, you wouldn't have come here today." With that being said, Jackson left the room in hopes of finding the peron who has seen him and Maggie.

He couldn't search for long. April walked up to him with a dissapointed look on her face.

"I can explain..." he started.

"Explain what Jackson?" April was trying to stay as calm as possible.

"What you saw..." but he didn't get to finish his sentence.

"I didn't see anything." April said. "Kristen went to give you your vows. You had left them at home. And the next thing I know Kristen is coming back into the room tears streaming down her face. She took the car keys and just drove off." The calm that April had tried to keep was long gone by the end of her rant.

Jackson however was in shock.

No, this can't be true. He needed to find her.

"I... I... damn it. It was Maggie. She was in the room. I don't even know how she found out about the wedding." Jackson said rubbing his forehead. "I need to go and find her."

And so, Jackson also left the wedding venue in hopes of finding his, hopefully, soon-to-be wife. 

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